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Show 16i 'the Sandy Foundation Shake'll: .VoL. I. I668. rbe VY oUts of that 'Faith, which is held in a Pure ~onfcienceT he ~s "ffi long .. er Righteous or Jufiify'd, but under Condemnauon as a.f ~~n ~~ufJ'o~ ~ difobedient Perfon to thfeJRilig~teo~s Coitm:~::e:itr~u~~~aly ~bferve the tain the True State 0 u lyCltlOO, e h' h h A m ~:~!~~~~:~~~:~~l~~~~~i~~~~.~;~:lo~%~r:~? ~X: ~~]~:J0e ol~~ the Lord, whQ has determmed, ]\ever to ]llpi.J•C t c u e . Refr~t<d from Right Rea[on. 1. Recaufe it's impoffiblc for God to Jufiifie tb:lt ~bleb is.hoth oppof!te and dellruaive to the Purity of His own _Nature, as thiS Dofirme neceffJnl~ obliges Him to do, in accepun~ the W1cked, as not fuch, from the lmpu tation of another's Righteoufi1eis. . . . N . 1 · 1. Since Man was Juf\:ified before God, wh1tft m hts anve nnocency, and never Condemned, till he h1d err'd from that Pure State;_ he never can b J {t" fied whilft in the frequent Commiffion of that fo; whtch the C~nw d~munl~ion'c::~me; therefore to be Juftify'd, his Redempuon muft be as m· tire as his Fall. . ~ l T fi ffi . f 3. Becaufe Sin came not by Imputauon, but. aclua ran gre ton, . o~ God did not condemn his Creatll'fe for what he dtd not, bur what he d1~, therefore mufi the Righteoufnefs be as Perfo~al for Acceptance,b othgwlfe thefe Two Things will neceffarily follow: F1rfl, That he may c l fa/ a Sinner and yet not under the Curfe. &condly, That the Power o t e Fir[llid~m to Death, was more prevalent rh:m the Power of the Second .A.Jam unto Life. 'f a l s· · b ht 4. It's therefore contrary to Sound Re:~fon, th'3t 1 a ~a mmng r?ug Delth :~nd Condemnation any Thing befides aflual Obedtence .unto R1ghte· oufnefs {hould bring Life' and. J uftification ; for Death and Ltfe, Condern· nation ~nd Juftification being vaftly oppofire. no Man can be aftua1ly Dead and imputativdy alive'; therefore this DofJ:dne fo much cont~ndcd for, C'arries this grofs Abfurdity with ir, that a Man may he aflually. Smful, .Yet imputatively Righteous; actually Judged and Condemned, yer tmputanvely J ullified and Glorified. In (horr, he may be aE\ually Damned, and Yet imputatively Saved; otherwife it muft be acknowledged, t~at O~edtence to Juftificarion ought to be as perf~n:~lly e~tenfive, as was Dtfo~edtence to Condemnation: In which real, not tmputa~tve Se~fe, thofe var.wus Ter~s of San8:ifi.cation, Righteoufnefs, Refurreftton, Ltfe, Redempnon, J ufhfi· ·cation, etc. are moft infallibly to be underftood. . . 5· Nor are rhofe Words, Impure, Imputed, Im_p11tetb, lmput.mg, ufed m Scripture by Way of Oppofltion, to that which JS aau.al and ·~herent! :JS the A!I'ertors of ;m Imputative Rigbreoufnefs do by thelt Dolln~e plamly intimate; but fo much the contrary, as rhat they a_re "7"e.r menuoned, but to exprefs Men re:t\ly and pe_rfona\\y to be r_hat whtch ts tmputed t~ rhem, whether as Guilty, as Remated, or as Rtghreous: For In.ftance: What Lev, 17•4, JUan Joever of the Houfe of lfrael, tbar killeth mz Ox, and brmgerb '!not tj t!Je Door of tbe Tabernacle, to offer rmto the Lord, Blood fha/1 b~ un_purc. 5 8 unto that 1~1111 or charg'd upon him as Guilty thereof. And Shtmet far~ ~9:~;,19 ' 1 ' unto tbe King,'Let not my Lord impute Iniquity unro me, for thy Servant doth knov.• tlNif I have finned. • . Rom. S• 13, 6. Bur Sin it not impuud w!Jcre there -h no Law . . From wh~nce It IS ap-parent that there could be no Imputation, or chargtng of Gu.tlt upon :~YJ Pfa1. 32• 2• but fuch JS really were Guilty .. Next, it is ufed._about Remtflion : Ble.l!e i.r rhe .iUan unto whom rhe LiJrd w;putetb nor Imqurty; or, as the foregotng "rords ha,·e ir TVhofe Tranfgre.ffion is forgiven. Where the Non·lmputl· tion doth not ~rgue a Non~Reality of S.in, but tb_e Reality of God's Par: don; for ot~erwife there wou_ld be not~mg to forg~ve, nor y~t a rea~ Par don, but only imputative, wh1ch. acco~dmg to ~~c Scnfe ofthls Dot\~we,1 I 2 Cor.~· 19. call Im:rginary. Ag:tin, GoJ ''US mChrift rcconcdurg t!Je World unto h1mfe;£~ VoL. I. Tht &ndy Foundation Shaken. nor imputing their Trefpa/Je.r unto them: Where alfo N9n-_Imput~tlon,. be• 1668. ingarealDifchargeforatiual Trefpaffes,arguesan Imputatton, by the Rea .. ~ fan of Contraries, to be a real charging of afiual Guilt. LaUly, it's ufed jn ReJarion to Righteoufnefs, War not Abraham Jujlijicd by TVcrkr when be lam. 2.2r 122, qffered m.ac) lind by Works WtU Faith made PerfcO, and tbe Scripture Ul.ar2"l· fu/filleJ, which Jmrb, Ah.raham believed God, a_nd it u1.rs imputed 11nto bim for Righreoufncft. By whtch we muft not concetve, as do the Dark lmputarz· uns of this Age, rhat Abraham's Offering Perfonally was not a Jufl:ifying R48bteoufncts, but that God was pleafed to account it iO; fince God never accounts a Thing that which it is not; nor w::ts there any lmput::trion of another's Righteoufnefs to Abraham, but on the contrary, his Perfonal Ohe-clience was the Ground of that Juit Impuration; and therefore that any fhould be Juitified from the Impuurion of another's Righteoufnefs, not in-herent, or ail:ually poffelfed by them, iS both Ridiculous and DJngerous.- Ridiculous, fince it is to f:.ty a Man is Rich to the V:tlue of a Thoufand Pounds, whilfi: he is not really or perfonally worth a Gro:Jt, from the lmw puration of another who has it all in his Polfeilion. Dangerous, becaufe lt begets a confident Perfwafion in many People of their being Juftified, whilft: in C:~ptivity to thofe Lufts, whofe Reward is Condemnation; whence came that ufual S1ying amongfi many Profelfors of Religion, That God looks not on them 1u they are in tbemfe/ve.r, but as they are in Chrifl; not conflderinp: that none can be in Chrift, who are not New Cre:ttures, which rhofe cant be reputed, who have not difrob'd themfelves of their old Garments, but are fiill inmantled with the Corruptions of the Old Man. Confoquences lrreligioiiJ tmd Irrational. I. It makes God guilry of what the Scriptures fay is an Abomination, to wit, that he Ju1tifieth the Wicked. 2. It makes him look upon Pcrfons as they are not, or with Rcfpett, which is unworthy of his molt equal Nature. 3· He is hereby at Peace with the Wicked, (if jullified whilft Sinners) who faid, Thertis no Peace to tbe Wrcked. + It does not only imply Communion with them here, in an imperfect State, but iO to all Eternity, For wbom He Juflifod, them he a!fo Glorified. Rom. 8. jo, Therefore whom He Juftified, whilft Sinners, them he alfo Glorified, whilft Sinners. . 5· It only fecures from the Wages, not the Dominion of Sin, whereby fomething that is Sinful comes to be Jufi:ified, and that which defileth, to enter God's Kingdom. 6. It renders a M::ta Juft.ified and Condemned, Dead and Alive, Redeemed and not Redeemed at the fJme Time, the one by an lmput:ttive Righteoufnefs, the other a Perfonal Unrighreoufnefs. 7· It fbtters Men, whilfi fubjeE't to the World's Lufts, with a Sratc of Jufi:ifi.cation, and thereby invalidates the very End of Chtifi's Appeararice, which was to deftroy the Works of the Devil, and t::tke away the Sins of. the World; a quite contrary Purpofe than what the· Sarisfa8ionijl.r, and Impurarian.r of our Times have im:tgi11ed, viz. to fati sfie for their Sins, and by his Imputed Righteoufne1S, to reprefent them Holy in him, whilft Un~ holy in themfelves: Therefore fince it w:~s to take away Sin, and dellroy the Devil's Works, which were not in himfelf, for that Holy One ji1w no Corruption, confequently in M:~nkind; what can therefore be concluded more evidently true, than that fuch in whom Sin is taken away, and th13 Devil's Works undeftroyed, are Srt:~ngers (nptwithiboding their Conceirs) to the very End and Purpofe of Chrift's Mani!efbtion. Conclujio», h, W<ry of Caution. THUS R<aJer, ha~e !led thee through thofe three fo generally applauded Dofhines, whofe Confutation l hope, though chou haft run, thou haft read \ and now I call the Righteous God of Heaven to bear me Rec~~~t |