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Show The A u T H o R's L 1 F E. VoL. I. 94 . h" Service. Yea AJI that is within r677• The Lord comforted my Sou\ 10 t~ 15 0£ His Bleffed' Prefence thar was me magnified His Holy Name.' ecau e rd and confide in Him for ever ! 0 ~ with us! 0 let my _Soul ~ruUH~n th~ L~s faithful and True, and Bleffed for let me dwell and abtde wtth Im t at I evermore ! . h us a field's Length, where we The Two Paflors and the D_oOor came:':ook Occafion to afk me, If the took Waggon, and the Chftf ~ the/Uirerate and Simple Sort of People? · Truth rote nor firft among 3 "Oar' d that 'we owed it not to the Learn· 1 told him Yes, that was our Comfort, an the Learning of rbH World he ufed ing of this World_: Then, ~a~d 0beG':d z::b broug1Jt forrb; f or Scbolar_s now to d~fend that V:b!Cb r.be:pmt ~~mix School-Learning nnrongjl your S~mpler commg among >fu, aull j att b bfcure tbe Brig1Jtnefs Of tbe Tefltmony. and Pu~er Language, an ' ere~(t~ have a Care of our own Spiri_rs, ~ords I told htm, It was good foru~ a faid had Weight in it; telling htm, It was and Works, co~feffing whatk e d. g to the Divine Senfe, and not Human our Care toW nte and Spea accor In In'S,~n~~o~. very faber and Serious Manner we parted, being about the 12th Hour at N.oon. b T t to Lippenhufen where there is a little Lippenh.uren. This N1ght a out en we go E ijh M'l ' Meeting of friend~, bein~ a~u~ldretfJeetin~~s~ong Friends, many of the The next M?rmng we a .fi . d ell·affed:ed . one whereof was a World came m, were very enoud alead~ his own Caufe and crowns his ollwlang iT{leriah~me oonfy th we .nPh lach~t·s OwTnh p;::r• p There is like to be~ fine Gathering Groningen. in Athfatetr PDl~tcoen.e r wo. took W. aggon for thEe Cilitjyho MfGilreosn. ingen, where we arri· ved at Eight at Nt.ght, bemg about ~5 n~on Friends of that City, whi· Delfz.yt. 16. 1• l• The next Mornt20we. had ~ ~~~~~~ Stude~ts who behaved themfelves ~hber J.ef~rT~ebL~~d's p~~=/~as ov:r all, and Hi; Tefiimony. ftandsE. Wh hen 10 er y . d h t and as I was concludmg an x orta· Meetin~ ~as ende • t. ey fi~:ko~f ~tudents to have bad fame Conference ~i;h t~s :rB~~sha~~~: f~ ~he Time of our lea.1ng ~~~~iit'm~e B~~k~~e~~; p~i:~~:~ t~~t~~b~1~~~~yv~x0:t~ft~h!~fcl~C:1atisfied, and civilly parted from us. f< D if l d came thither about Six at After Dinner we M.ok ~oa\ 0~ S:ve? 'w~"took Boat for Embden, which Night. The next ormng aB o~rd oftbat Vell'el it came upon me to write is about thr~e .Ljg~es&g9.~d 0concerning the prefent Separatifls, and their ~ ~:i~t~?~e ~~~~i:n:"which h~d fever.a! Times been opened unto me, ar.d J!.d remain~d fome Days upon my Spmt. The Letter followeth. To F R 1 ENDS every where, concerning. the prefent Separatijlt, and their Spirit of Separation. Friends and Brethren, . Bra Mighty Hand, and by an Outllretched Arm, bath tbe Lord God Eveb laflin athered m to be a People, and m H~ own Power ~nd Life ba~h e re{erved~~~ 11 People unto thi1 Day: .And Praif~s be to H;s. Eterna/1\ame, ~0 fVeapon that bath yet been formed againft m, euber ftom Without, or ftom within barb profpered. . b ]I.T0w this 1 Jay.unto you, and that _in His Counfeltbat barb vijiu8. m, at .oever 0 out of rhe Un~IJ with therr Brethren, ~re fir~ gone 0111 .of U~tiiJ with gtbe p,01er and Lije of God in tbemfelves, tn wbub tbe Untlj ofbt/le JJ.ret ren VoL. I. The AUTHoR's LIFE; 9 ~ Bretl,ren jfandetb, llJ1d the len/l lllemher of the Body in the Unity, }lanJetb 1677. on the Top of them, and ha.t6 a judgmenr ag~mjlthl'm; ttll/o ahich ]JJdg· ~ ment, of both Great and Small amongft the LtvingFamily that in the Lnrry - are preferved, they m11.fl bow, before they can COJi'fe tnto tbe Vn~·l again: Te-11 this rhty wiU readily. do, if tbry Me come into ( rniry witb the Lie and Powe1~ of God inthemfelvc.r; ~h!cb U .the Holy Roott~al ~ettrttbthe rec, t!Je Fruit and the Leaves J all ruezvtng Life and VirtJteftom a, and tbereby ore nollriftJ· ed 11nto God's Praife. .And let all have a Care how tbty weaken that, or bring that under the Ex~ a/ration and high lmaginalion of tbofe tbat ir 'J.S revealed agai1Tjf. For lfeel that. uoruly S~irit is tormented under the Stroke and Judgment tJj the lbwer, o11d in i.ts SubJ.illj is feding Occofion againjlrhe lnjlrumenu, by whom tbt Power. gf¥Ve it Jortb. Let t1ll have a Care bow they touch roitb this Spirit in tbofe r~orkings, for by. being one with this Spirit in j11dging tbofe tbtlt bove been [mtbful, according ro the Gift of Wifdom they have t·eceived from God, thty will feed it tUid jorrify iJ, and in tbe t.ltd come to be one wirb it ogninfl 1he Powef itftlf; and at loft rJin 0111 and betome open Enemies and Dcj}ifer.r, for whom isrejervrd the Blacknefs and Darknefsfor ever, un!efs they repent. Wherefore all that labour for the Refioration of thofe tbat are out of tht Unity with the Brethren, let tbem be /11cb tU arc of a Sound .Alind themfeives: Elj'e, What miD they gather to? Or, What will they/ather from? And let them labour in the Simplicity, Imegrity, Love, an Ze~l of the P{)fi)Cfl that firfl gathered m to God. For that which is rigb1!y gotten wiD en~ dure, hut that wbicb is. obtained by the Contrivance, lnteJe/1 and PerJuajions of Men, gettetb no farther than Man, and is of the Flefh; and what is of the Fiefh, is F!ejhly, andjha/J never inberir zbc Kingdom of God. Therefore let none look out oJ the Seed /or Help, for aU Power is 'in it, and tbere the True Ligbt and Judgment ftands for ever; and that Seed only hath God ordaind to bruife the Serpent's Hetzd. They that r»ou!d fave it, and tboft that mould bruife it hy any other Thing, are Breakers of God's Great Ordinanee, and .fly to Egypt {or Strength. For 'tis David, the Strip~ ling, that ]hall be too bard for Goliah th~ Giant ; and that not by Saul'$ AJ. ·mour, but with God's Living Little Stone, Cut out of the Mountain with· out Hands; without Man's Invention and Contrivance. Oh, this harh wrought all our mighty Works in us, and for us, to this Day! Wherefore let m be flill, and trufl and co,zjide therein for ever. Let none look back, faint or con• fulr; /or if they do, they will darken their pure fje, and lofe their Way, (lnd into the Eternal Reft of the Floc!cs of the Companions will never collie. Brethren, the Judgment given [orrh agttinfl tbir Spirit (and aU tbofe tbat have refifled our Love an/ Forbearance tblft art joined t(1 it) mufl iland, m1d all that are out of our Unity wirb the ]JJdgment, are judged by it: Therefore aJ aU would fland before the Lord~ and Hi.r PeolJ/e, let nM this Spirit be r~tl'foned mithal; enter no.t into Ptopo[als and .Articles with it, hut feed it toitb Judgment, that is God's Decree: So may the Souls that are deceived, come by rh~ Right Door_ into the Heavenly Unity. My Brethren, looh forwards, and lift up yonr Eyes, for: the Fields t1re even White unto HarveH, up and down the Nations. Remember the Gre~t ]\Tame of the Lord, and behold the Great Work that He is doing before all People; wbofe, SavinG Health is vijiring tbe World, and wbofe Eternal Wortl 11nd Teflament mufl from among 111 go forth to gather the Nations. Let That that will he Unju.jl, he UniuflfliU; let the De:1d Bury the Dead: Let~~ 11/J who have received the Gilt from God, wait in deep Hu111ibty, to be.rdifed up and impowered hy Him more am/ more, to eye and proftct~te His Umverfa/ Service in the World, to whofe Jfppearan(e tht Kings and Kingdoms of tbt Gentilesjhall bring their Glory: Wbicb Nob!t Work,• had thofe that are gone into the SeparatiOn, but laid deeply to Heart, the)' would never htroe fat at Home murmuring, fretting and quarre11ing agamfl the Co111ely and God{J Order, and Prafiice of their Brethren: But Love,Pe:~ce and Joy hadfi.Ded the1r Iltaru, and not rhe. Trouhler and A'coufer of the Brethren; who bath opened ~ m |