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Show 35Z No C R 0 S S, No C R 0 W N. . VJJL I. · · b , JV b ched his Embaffie to th~ World m a Coat of t668. ~d m ~IS ft1_ot er s ~ 'l~~amely Garment. ~or can it be cpnceived that ~ Camels H~tr, .~ roug an much better Afparelled, who according co the Chap. XIV .'fc/lli Cbrift rmfelb wls t and in Life 0 great Plainnefs; infomuch thn Luke I.~~. fle{h, w:ts f. pow e feD~rifion to f:~.y 11 not tlJis Jcfqs the Son of Jofeph l)~~·.3· 1,2, lt ~~se':[,~~?tnA~d t~'i.sojc]11s tells' his F~llowers,. ~hat as f~rjflft ~ai»Jent, tar. q. ~~· a C P 11 . 1 nd DeliCacies rhey were for Krng 1 Courts. lmplytng, that l.hrk 6. 3• Gorgeo't ~PI{ e 3 5 were not r'o feek afrer rhofe Things; but iee;ms there~ Luke 7· 2S• he and liS ~ o~er g eat Difference that was betwixt the Lovers of the by t? ex pre 5 C~fi~m~ of the World, and thofe whom he h~d c'hofen out Faf!11011~add he did not only come in that me:m and defpt.cable Manner of H. 11 h · htfiain the Pride of aU Flefh, but therem became Ex~ himf~1[' t~~ls folio;ers, what a felf~denying Life th~y rt:luLt lead, _if they empld ~e his true Difciples. Nay, he funher leaves It With them 10 a Pa .. wol to the End tb:lt it might make the deeper Impre~o!l, a~d that t~ey ra ~ ~'t fee how inconfiftent a Pompom Worldly-pleajin~ Life IS wah the ~ng· mtg he came to eftablifh and call Men to the Polfefi10n of: And that ts the domarkable Story of Divtt; who is reprefent~d, firft, As. a Rub Ma~; next, re~ Vo/JJptuolls AJtnt, in his rich Apparel, h1s many Dtfhes, and h1s Pack as D d laftly as :~.n Uncbarttable Man, or one who was more con· ~!rnedg1~~n to pleale the LuU of the Eye, the Luft of the Flefh, and the Pride of Life, and fare fumptuoufly every Day, than_ ~o take Compaffion of oor La.=artJs at his Gate: No, bis Dogs fJJere m~re puiful ~~~d !cmd tb111 h:. ~ut what was the Doom of this Jolly Man, thts great Dzves ~ We read It was Everi11 fling Tormeflt; but that of Lazarus Eter,ra11PY wuh Ahr4ham, J[11ac and Jacob, in the Kingdom of God. In {hort ; L1zar11S was a g~ Man, the other a great Man: The one Poor and .Tempera~e, the other.Kich and Luxurious: There are too many of them al1ve; and twere w.elJ, if b1t DMm might "waken them ro Repentance. • . §. X. Nor were the Twelve Apoflles the 1mm~d1ate Me!rengers of the Lord Jefm Cbrift, other then poor Men, one a Fijberman, another a Tem• Y.bt. 4• 18· i1f • and he that was ofthe greatelt (rhough perhaps not the bel\ lmploy· M~t. 'it ~~n{) 'was a Cuflom·Garberer. So that 'tis very unlikely, that any of them ~ ;. 1 • 1 ' were Followers of the Fojhio11s of the Worl~ : Nay, _t~ey were f~ far from it that as became the Followers of Cbnit, they hvd poor, affl,Oed,Jdf· lo~2~.~9, d;nyin/Lives ~ bidding the Churches to walk a1_ tbey ba~ them/or Examplts. to,u,t21t3. And to fhut up this Particular, they gave thiS pathencal Account of the: 14+ Holy Women in former Times, as. an Example of ~odly Temp:ran.ce, ~amely, l'hi. 3• 17• That firft they did exprefly abftam from. Gold, Srlver, Brmded Hmj Fi.n: 1 Pec. 2. 21. .Apparel, or jucb like; and next, that tbeJr Mornment Wal a me~k all. 9111tt ]am.t.t~,-'20 Sprrit ,111d the bidden .Man of the Heart, u:hich are of great .rrut wrtb .the .1 Pc:t· 3•4• ~· Lord ~ Affirming That Jucb as live in Plea{Mre, are Dead wbriflrbey_ L1ve; i.~~m8. i4.6' for th~t the Care~ and,Pleafures of this Li(e .choak a~d deftroy t~e. Seed.fe.of the Kingdom, and quite hinder all Progrefs m the H1dden and J?tvme Lt Wherefore we find that the Holy Meh and Women of former Tun.es, we~ not accuftomcd to thefe Pleafure.r and Vain Recr:atipns; but. havmg_rh~ll' Herb n 2 14 Minds fer on Things above, fought another Ktngdom, whtch j:onfilts 1n 1~, ~6.' ' ' Rigbteoufnefs, Peace, a11d Joy in the Holy Spirit; who havin~ obtained a good Heb.4- 9• Report, ond enurd imo their Eternal Refl: Thcretorc thetr Works follow, lt.ev. l4· '3• . and praife them in the Gat(;S. VoL. I. No CROSS, M CR.OWN. CHAP. XV. §. r. The .'f•dgmenu o[Goddenonnud'upcJttiJC Jews .for tbdr Luxury; nil !~: ?::Z:~~b~b~;.:;, ~~~~~~~~tt t.is3':.f/Jn~:e::n~~v~:i::~:~:~~~';t~f~r,~e ~::,rr::: §. 4• .An Bxbmarion to Enr.Jand to mtajurt bu Jtlf by tbJf Jt.u./e, §. ~· Wb.u Chriftim Jt«rN 41itmure. ~· 6. IPII# nud othtr Sports ro pzfi aw~ thtlr --rime, ut unjir f/' Heaven and !:;~):J;,fO,.~~ ~~~~~~ ~~t.fr~~; ~:~~1. T§~~.~~~t~~·g!{'~;~i~ttd ~s ~~~:r~ "'"Lt~ bMJ EYJI nnnmmtd, M BrtJ.th 11[ Mvrl•~t tnd LDVe, Lojs of Httlih and Eft 1m, &c-. ~Y;, ~U:,e;;4 ~~Mif!L~'!;!~?~:v~t: ~r=:~~ ~/· ;;,r;. ;~u~~(e ,yJ~b7e ~~:: thens. §. to. The True Difciples of j B SUS ut nlortifitll. in rbefo·Thm&s; The Plea~ fure IWd Reward of .a lOOd Emplojmtnt oj Time. · §. r. BuT fuch Excefs i~ Apparel and Pkafurc, was not only forbid in 353 J66R. ~ Scr_ipture, bm it was the Ground of tHat llmcmable Meff'age by the Prophet ljaiak_ _to tlle People of lfrael: .itloreover the Lord faitb, Be- Jla. 3• 16o tO &aufe the Daugbt'ers of Zion are baughty, and Wlllk witb flreubed fonh 26. ~'ecks_ and rv~nton E)'es, Wtliking and ltJ.incing as they go, and mdking ll Ti11k- The very ling With tbczr Feet; tberefore the Lord wiU finite tvirb a Scab the Crown of Praflice and tlJe Head of the Daughters of Zion, and the Lord «'ill difcovrr their SecreJ ~arb,fndt.a· Parts; in that D_ay tbe Lord will takea_way tbe Bravery o[J!Jei; Tin!~lin,g Or- ~~~~i~g~s '1/amcflls, mzd tlmr CaJJ/s (or Networks th the Hebrew) tmd tbeJr round Tyrcs Ji~~lc co the lilie the .Moon; the Chains and tlJc Bracelets, and t!'e ./}angled Ornaments; WryathofGod the Bonnets, a11d the Or:naments of the Legs, and t!Je Head· Bands, and rbe :v~~hE~a~:~ T~bleu, and the Ea~Rmg.r, the Rmgs an4 J\'Ofe Jewels; the _ch~ngen~le Su1U and Eur~t1 of ..tlf!parel, and t~~ M~tttles, and rbc Wrmplcs, and t!~e Crij}mg Pms; the and ls ready Gitif]cs, and tfre }me Lmnm, (1fld the Hoods a11d tbe Vazls: ..d.nd ·it fhnU come to be ex:~~to; to pt~Js, thltt mflead of Sweet Smells, there fbt~ll be a Stink; and injlead of a ~ed :;;/heJt G1rdle, n Rm~; . a11d in/lead of well-Jet Ha_~r, Baidne{s; and in]leml of a ln~bi::~ Stomtrcber, a Gzrdmg of Sack-c/otTJ, and Burnmg infleadof Beauty: Thy JHcu fha!J fall by the Sword, tmd thy 11lij.bty in tbe War; And her Gtites ./h4ll Ia· 1fl£1tt (llld mourn, and foe being· Jejol11te, fon/1 fit upon the Ground. Behold 0 vam and foolifh Inhabitants of England and Europe, your Folly and you; Doom! Yet read the Prophet Ezckiefs Vifion of rniferable Tyrc, what Pu-nifhment her Pride and Pleafurc brought upon ber ; and amonsft many other Cir.cumft~nces thefe are forr1e; 'Fbefe zyere tl?J Merchants m "" Soru of Szeklelff• Thmgs; m blue Chthes and broidered Work, an¢' in Cbefls of Rich Apparel, Emeralds, PJJrple, Fine Lin11en,, Coral and .Agat, Spices witb till Precio11s Stones and Gold, Horfls, O)flrrots, &:c. For which hear Part of her Doom Thy l~icbu and t!:Jy Fain, ~by .Merch.all~ize mrd all tl>y Comp,my, fJJbicb is i~ tbe m1dj1 of t~ee, jhall (nllm'to tfJe mrd/l of. the Sea i11 the Day of thy Ruin; "'!d rhc lnb~blf(/flts oft1JC lfles jhall be ajiOifijhed ar rbce, a11d their Mercb011t.r bifl at rbe~; thou jha!t he a Terror, and 'fhalt be no more. Thus hath God declared his · Difpleafure a~ainfi rheLuxury of this wanton World. Yet fart~er the Prophet Zepbtmldb goes, for thus he fpeaks : .A"d it /halJ come to Zeph. t. 8. pafJ ~~the. Day Of the Lord's Sdcrifice, tb:1t I will punijh the Princes, 11nd tbe Kr(lg s Cbddrtfl, and a~ fttch as are Clombed with jlra11}.e Apparel. Of how 1 ev1l Confequ~nce was tt m th?fe Times, .for theGrearcit Men to give them• • felves. the Ltberty of followmg the Vtun Cujlom1 of other Nations; or of c.hangmg the ufual End of Clothes) or Apparel, to gtadfie foolilh CU<' nofity? §. II. This did the Lord Jefus Chri!\ cxprefiy oharge his Difciples not to be careful about; infinuaring that fuch as were could not be His Difci .. ples: For, 13.rs he, Take no Tholight ](l)'ing what './httU ue Ear? Or rvbar fo11fl Mat. 6 we DJ'ink? Or wberewitbai'jhllll Wt be C/oatb.ed? (For after all tbe{e Thing$ 321 33·' 111 do the Gentiles Jerk) for }Our Her~vrnly F11ther knoweth, tbat ;·ou &rue 1\'eed Qf nlltbcfe Things; hilt ji·ek )'C jirfl 'th• Kingdont nf God, and His Rigbtc~ . * Z Z OJiflll'.~, |