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Show The Au T H o R's L I F E. VoL. I. 44 . . !l M th !6 J, came forth King Charles tbe Se- J6 1 On th~1~thofthe Fu on i de~Confciences inA1atursofRebgton, ~ comfs Declaration of Ip1ulglfce ;:ed e:f the People c~1lcd Q_uakers, who had .(-ChartesU. and there? pan. near Ive pun . e were releafed, and a Stop was put to iffuts, Ded~- been long 1mpnfoned o~ a remun~r , ,.,rion for Lt- the Violence of Pcrfuutton for a Time. d h 8 h of his Age our Author j;;';{,,e~f Con· In the B~ginning. of the Y~ri 6 J:' e:~ r.:a:g~r!r of Sir Wtlli~m 8_p~ingetr, 1672. took to W1fe, G~be[mS~Ji.,., !{;0 ~askill'd in the Time oftheCtvzl Wars ~ formerly of Darling 1D u.ut;x, . vas afterward married to ljatJc PenHi< M' Mk- at the Sieg~ 1[ Bam~; if. B,"i~~~~hn~bamjbire, in whofe Family. her faid n~~g. nmgton, o ~~TS'· ha on. A Young Woman, whom a Virtuom Dijpo./itzon, pau~hter wcas r~ug ~r.up, e render'd well accompli!hed. He had Hfue by JOYD d to a omery .drJonag , . l'v' her fevera/, C~i.ldMn, ?": ofp~~h.Fn~su~~~ 1a 1~!~venient Habitation at Rick- H~ 4=eUs " Sfioon aht~r .J~rtf!:J{b;:;, he refided there wit~ his Family, often vifiting R•ckmerf· mer wor.t tn f ls. d t · g Home agam worth. the Meet~gse~t~~~n:h ~~is Ye~~:1~e took a jour~ey to vifit hi_s Friends. in Hil Trtvell In the ev d S e . of which his own Memorandums furmfh us wah 1nro Keot ~UJ4 .Kt'Q,btuffex: an f 11haf fingular Induflry which the Free·Miniflers of the Sulfa. Go s P ~~a~~:rdre tin the Difcharge of their Office; for. in the Spac~ of Tw 0 D s, He, with Hit Comp4nion under the hke Concern, were refe~{' at "!nd a~rcached to as many Affemblies of l:'eople at diftant Places, ~i.::r. Roch'efler, Canterbury, Dover, Dea~, Palkfto.ne, _1;(hf~rd, d andcbthte~ Places in Kent ; at LeroH, Ht;rjham, Sunnmg! &c. 1~ Su.lfex, an at a~ e. wooJ and R 'IJDU in Surrey. Great was tbeu Servt~e tn. thefe Cou~ttes. Their Tefti~Oxies e£re£t:ual to the. ftre~gthening of t_helt Fnends, filencmg_of G · if. and to a General Edification, were receiVed by the People With 1:zn a'%J.e'f/pennefs of Heart; and _rhemfelves in the ~erform.ance of their D~t fill'd with Spiritual Omfolatton • . Our Author gtves thts Account of theii'ta!l Meeting in that Journey, betng at Rygau,. The Lord fe~fd ~p our Labours anl Travels according to tb~ J?efire of my Soul and SJzr~'l uub his Heavenly Re/Tejhme.nts, and Sr&eet Lwmg Power and Word oj L1Je flnto the Reacbi11 of all, and confolating our or.on Hearts abundantly. And co.n- 1 d h' *arrativewith thefe Words: And tbm bath the Lord hun tortb ~IS ~ne!U ~~r Travels for His TRUTH, and with HU Blej}ings of Peace are we returned which is a Reward beyond aU lVorldly Treafure.. . _, He t~~~ritu 10 In the' Ninth Month this Yeat being at Horne ~ga_m, h~ wnt. to one Dr. Hasbert Dr. Hajberr, a Phyfician at Embden in Germany, cauttomng ~nm agam~ reft-tJ PbJfid., ,d ing at Eafe in the outward Co'!r:s of Profej]ion, and ~xhor.ung to a Smcere Embdco. Obedienu to the Light and Sp,1t af CHRIST, whtch gtves the ~rue an_d *Ap.No.llJ. Saving Knowledge. ¥ The Letter itfelf, wonhy the Perufal, we Infen m the Appendix. b · Diffi h 01t,e,~i ll't· At 1;his Time fundry Oppofen, forne of whom emg t ~nun t. emerso mgth' {elVes. had enough to do in Time of Perfecution, _by a Cautzo11s Pnva:y. (l!la ers. which they call'd Cbriflian Prudence, to fecure thetr C?Wn Heads f!o~ tqe Storm the ftuaJr.ers weather'd, ~gan, .under the Sunflmte of tbe KmQ s In· Julgence to peep out, and by gamfaymg the T R V,T ~' to m~ke ns De· fence nc:cefi"ary: So that our Author, who never tur~ d h1s Back In the_ Day of Battle had Plenty of Controverfial Exercife for h1s Pen, the Remamder <>f this Y~ar, and the two next enfuing, i~ which we fhall prefent our l?..ff/der tiith a fhort Lift of the feveral Adverfana he encounter' d. . . 'A N~melejs Firft, J:L Name/eft .Author, ~ho w_rit .a Book ~a1l'd, !he Spmt of ~T~e .4ur6or. !l._uakers tried, and was anfwet d by htm m a Treaufe, entuul~d, Tbe Spmt of Truth vindicated. . iteeve a4. Secondly, John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton, a ~atr of Pret~nier.t to ;M.uggletta.' wonderful Revelationr, which Reeve, who COtnR3r'd 111mfelf to &fes, af· ferted he had received immediately fro~ Heaven, ana was comm:tnd_ed to communicate to Muggleton, whom he hkened to Aaron : Thefe Men m3de no fmall Stir, and with their Fond Imaginati_ons dfew feme People after them : Compa/]Wn to their deluded Followers, mduc d our A11tbor to d1~~~ VoL. I. Tbe Au T Ho R•s L IFE. thofe Impoflors, in a Book entituled, The New Wirneffe; pTov'd Old Here· 116]2. ticttr. He fent one of thofe Books to Muggleton, wah the following ~ Letter . L. Muggleton ! Rickmerfworrh, I~th of the Ioth Month, 1672. T HE StnJe of thy Ungodly and Blafphemous Ptatlices, (thoMgb other- Hi< '"'" ~ wife an Adverfary of little Moment) and their Injluence upon fome Muggleton. poor, rniferable, dark and ignorant Souls, begot in me a Dejire to detdl thee, that being laid open to ~be Vlew of fucb tU foolijhly think thy Dreams and Impoftures worth a vieunng, and r»hJcb is worfe, a beliroing too; God may be juflifod in their Judgment, and my felf dear of their Blood in the Day of the Lord. For this Purpoje have I publifh'd the Difcourfe I Jend thee, if it jhould not otherwife prevail •ith thef!l to rejeO thl Fables. .And Lodowick, I co11ld wijh for thy Soul's Sake, that tbou migbl'fl through trt~t and deep Repentance, tome to find Forgivene('i for aU thy provoking Pre~ fumptions, which bave kindled the dreadful Dil)lleafure of rbe Eternal GOD ngainfl thee: For I jhoJJ!d more rejoyce at tby Converfion than Deftruaion. Bur mbether thy Day be not aver, I leave with God. However 0 the An-guifh, Woe, and Eternal Mifery, t.bat wiU be the Recompenu ~~ fuch a1 go on tbw obfiinately, after the blind and fottifh Imaginations of their own filthy dreaming Hearts: Certainly their End will be Endlefs Pain, from the never dying Worm in the Confcience, wben all their foolijh tmd unprofitable Con• ceitsjhall vanijh tU rhe Smoke. For ~4o•i~l MMgtletfJn. an Accurcr of the Brethren, Falfe Prophet, and Impoftor. · w.r. Thirdly, John !'lorJe .of Watfor1, who_fe J?efam~tions of the !<_uokerr, John Morre; and WzU,am Penn m pamcular7 obliged htm m their and his own Defence to write a Book ca1l'd,. Plain Dealing with a Traducing Anabaptift. ' Fourthly, 1!-enry Hedworth, who had writ ::t Paper call'd Controverj'y Henry Hed.: ended; to wb1ch W. Penn return"d an Anfwer, entituled, .d Winding Sheet worth. • for Controver.fy ended. Fifthly, Jobn Fa/do, an. In4ependent 'Preacher near Barnet: He perceiVing fame of his Hearers drawing off ro the ~uderr, and being fenfible that every Sheep he loft, carri~d away Wool on his Back, was grievoufly incen· fed : ~t ~ength he g.ave h1s Fury Vent,, in a. Book entituled, !t.uderifm No ChriflJm:uy. To this our 4u!h~r replted,, ~n a ~reatife called, !luakerifm a ]1.Tew .N1~kname for Old Chn{ltamty. F~14o m a lade Time after, publith'd a Vinduatton of h1s former Book, and WzU1am Penn as nimbly ply'd him w-ith a Rejoynder to his, entituled, The Invalidity pf John Faldo's Vindication. To this Fa/do made no Reply, but the next Year -fent our .dutbor a Chala lenge, to which he returned the following Anfwer, J. Faldo? John Faldo; I Received a Letter from thee, wirb a Kind of Namelefs Challenge inclo· Hit ""fJIJtr.t~ Jed : Juft before 1t came9 I !Jdd feen one at a Bookfeller's, bur thought it John Fa~do_~ not worth m1 Nottce, becaufe any Body might have pickt up j11ch a Paper /or Cb.tlk"& • Gai~, ~ut oj the ~on tents of thy !"irft _Book twice anfwer'd :_ But.Ji.nce tb~u own a Jt, I fhallgzve my Anfwer In Punt. For t1 Letter, It u CzVJ!, 1 wijh all thy Procedure bad grated no more: I love, an fhalJ at any Time conveni-ent, embrace ~God affi~ing) n Sober Difcuffion of Principles of Religion; for truly I azm at nothmg mar_e, tbaR Truth's Triumph, thoJJgh in my own Abafement. But jirjl, mo/1, if not aU, tbefe Things menrioneJ in thy Paper, are now in Controverfy 6etween T. H and us: .And I [reely:ifoll el'it, that thou jhou/dfl e~tgnge us or the fame Time, 111 Confederltesin the ame Wpr.f. Next, m to Perfonal RefieEhons, I know not what tbPM roo11ld be 4t, naF haw far thou exttndefl thofe Words. If only to meer Perfonal riminations, no~ |