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Show 1668. ~ ibt S•ndJ iound.rion Shzt:en, Life, p. 6, . . Tbe Sandy Foundation Shake~~. VoL. I. and that the ~Nations of them who nr-,e jtrv'J, jhaU walk in Obedience to tbe Light. ii .ch 35 believe in the' Light, and live in the daily Crofr, who But unto u . F: tb r .Mother Sifler Brother, Hou[e, Land, Huf· have foJ~~en J:elt~~~bl;u./di'e]limony; and rbar th(ougbrh~ good Reportnnd htmd or J;t, ;~r 1 1 • ds an Evcri11flmg Jnbcnrnnce: Bkffingt, 6Haodn Roeupro, r1t mamreo JrOtUallr:tnf,e yamndg £~;,~~f}._~'rJe'• from God the Father, and the Lord Jefus Chrift, .Amen. Newgate in London, t6t 716 of rbe 211 Monrh, 1671• 1 am not of rbir World, .but fed a Country Eternal in the Heaveru. William Penn. THE Sandy Foundation Shaken : 0 R; Thofe fo Generally Believed and applauded D 0 C TRINES, 10ne God, Subfiftingin Thr;e Dillin~ and .Separate .Perfons,l The Impoffibility of Gods pardomng Smners, wuhout a Of Plenary Satisfaf.Hon, . • . Refuted. The Juftification of impure Perfons, by an Imputauve Rlghteoufnefs, From the Authority of Scripture Teftimonics, and Right Reafon. By W I L L I AM P E N N, Jun. A Builder on that Foundation which cannot be moved. But to tH there is hut One G 0 D the Father, of whom are aO Things, t Cor. viii. 6. . u· Who_ is a God like :mto Thet, tbat.parJon~th Iniquity~ He r~:amah not .un .ilnger for ever, becaufe !fe de!tghreth m .. ~llercy, M1cah vu. 18. For 1 will not Ju.flifie the W1ckcd, Exod. xxu1. 7· To the Unprejudiced READER. I T tvdl the Fault of fome in .Ancient Timer, that they mode void GD.f~ Law by .i1-1en's Traditions; and certain! I may now n.J!.u'!le tbe1fame Complaint· for wbii}II taRe a Seri01u 'Profpdl of the Sp1ntnal 1\arure, and Tendency ~f tbe Second Wvenant, which God ..Almighty, in the Fulnefs of Time, by his Prophets, Prophf/ied to make and perfell; and a!fo tbe .Ace~~~ plijhment thereof by JESUS CHRIS T,and what ouubrougbt to pnft aiHM5J• the Primitive Believers; merhinlls I do not only fee on tfltcr Aboliftmtent df CeremoniaHVorjhips, but the infcribing that Spiritual Law on the Heart, and Infujion of Holy Fear to the Inward Parts, whereby each Perfon became capa· citated to know Jo much 4 God, IU fuited with />is prefent State, from a~ infallible J)emonflration in bitnfe/f, and not on the }lender Grounds of .i111en~ Lo·?UI VoL. I. The Sandy Foundation Shake~. 24.9 Lo·here lnterp_retatioJts, or Lo·tbere; fo~ the Kingdom of God is within, 1668. where himfe/f mnft he the Teacher of Hz.r People: B.ut on the other Hand . ~ when from the l\oife of every Ptlrty's Pretenjiont to, and GmteJttions f 0; their own Way, n1 mofl infallible, I am indnced to an impartial Examination of t1Jem: A/a$! How have all adulterated from the Pnrity hotb of Scripture Record, and Primztive Example? Receiving for Vnquejlionab!e Dollrines the Fa/Jiblc Apprehen./iotu, and uncertain Determin,ttions of fitch Councils: rtJhofe FoOion, Prejudice, and Ci·uelr; foon parallcfd the foregoing Heatbcnijh Perfuutius; nnd yer that the RejiJ/r.r of Perfotl$ fo incompetently qualified, .foould at this Day in their Authority re111<1in tmqueflioned by the Nations, is .Mauer both of A.j1or1ijhment and Pit_); but an implicit Faith btU ever been theConje9uencc oflgnorante, ldlencjf and Fear, bemg jlrong Impediments to a ]11dicious Enquiry, bow /ar profefl and impo{ed Opinions have tbeir Con-jijlency witb Rr.tifon, and the True keli~ion. But t!Jat robich tnojl of ali de. Juver a Lomenttllion, t""s, that Protefiants, wboJe better Argumentt have con/u,ttd the .Pit:~ of fucb . tU mode Tradition, tlfli Mep'~ Prefcriptions un-tjlleflronahlc tn Ca·cumjlannals,. jhould rb~mf~lver, b_y Prznt and PraUice, Jo openly declare and conte,td /or 1ts Autbonry m Ej[ennols; tU mujl be obviom ro any that (Jbferve their Zealous Anathema,s againfl whomfoever refufe a Comp.Jiance witb tbem in DoUriner, monifcflly Bouom'd upon Ment 11ice In· ven11ons. This it the right State of the Controverjie rhat is maintai11ed by 1/J (contemptihly ca/Jed Quakers) n£ainjlthe World, and the undoubted Reafon of o/fr Severe Treatment at its Hands, the End of God ..11/migluy'r raifing tlr, hcing for no other Purpofc, than to declare, That which our Eyes have feen our Ears heard, and which our Hands ha\'e handled of the Eterna1 Word in Oppojition to the private Opinions, ConjeE!ures~ and Interpretations of bien conurning G 0 D and Religion, that aU People might thereby be rtduccd ro Faith in, and Obedience to tbe Univerfal Grace which brings Salvation~ fJJbich at it only can reflore Sr.u,td ]udt,ment concerning God, and effell Re· demptitm from Iniquity,Jo irs being re/inguijh'd by JH"'• wm the very Gronnd hoth of their Divijion in Judgment, and Corruption in .Manners. . That this bath hu~~; and is ou': Cafe, I }hall produce an Inflantt, which is indeed the Occafion OJ tbis 'T'reotife. Two Pt·rfons latdJ nf Th omas Vincent's Auditory in Spittle· Fields, {u·ho goes Nnder the Notion 4 a Prelbyter) being de./iNus to prOfJe aU Things, and to bold faflrbe Bejl, vijitcd our .Meerittg, rounder }land if u•e uere tU ,.ert!ly diferving Blame, tU reprifc1tted by onr Enemiu; where it tbcn pleafed Divine Goodncrs to viflt tht!m with the Call of His Light, from the lnvenrions, Carnal Ohfervations, WiU.wot'jhip, and Vain Converfarion of rhofe to tuhom they were formerly rel11trd, that. they might he made Cbildrrn Of rbe Day; and though its Appearance mi~ht he jinaU, yet fuf/icienr to dijcoVer them to have been lnhabitdnts of the l\lght, and can never he reje8ed, but ir /baO bring that Condemnatton which will /t~rtbcr tej/iji} it to be Of God . But their re/inquijhing his Congregation, fo incens'd tbis Prelbyterian Preac~er, tU tb~t. b~ Peevijh Zea( ~r~nJported him_ beyond, .not only the Mo-J. er~tto'! of ChriflJamry, hut the Czvrhr;· of Educntton, vtntzng hU FoOy and Pre;udzce much to this Purpoft, That he had as lieve they fhould go to a Bawdy·Houfe..l as to frequent .the !i!._nak.er.r's _.Ar~eting$, beca~fe of their Er· roneous and uamnable Doflnncs. And pomtmg to rhe Wmdoto, [aid, If the!e fhould !bnd -a ~up of Poifon, I would rather drink it, than fuck in theu D:~mnable DoEhines. He [~tnher cxprejl bimfel/ in this Manner to one of rhem : If ever yo a go again, I wi11 give you up, and God will give you up, th:n you may believe a Lie, and he Damn'd. Which Srormr 6f foul o'!d rai!ing Jiccufations_,prov~ng int.ffefllla/ to jhipwracktbat Liu/e. Grain of Fotth, lm Hearers, as jorgettmg they bold ,/Jeir Preaching hy_Ccnmvanu, 111rd the Tltany Appeals made lry their No,-Con(onning Brethren, for an lnd~tlgence, came with thir C.tution to the PJter·Pamilias, {or be tbar war both HliJbond and Fat/J(r to the conrern(d Pttrtic.r) I !Jar be «'Mid exercife his Au- K k tbority, |