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Show 4•4 NoJf:'~ 0 f3,_ ~ .-f;Jo p Q, {) lf•ii .' Y (!L,1. 1668. undeJ\land.Jqe. Law ~f 1hRJ,and, aqdlhei¥Rom~ l'f<~~ Man's .Country,, v-v-...,; h()w,muc~ ~por,.e tO:Jcnq~~~e Stat~tt(S'(; lf.ravett ar;f..rbe /....aws _of Eurmq; Cbap.XXIJ thpfe Imm"tfble ~n~l li~. ernal Laws.O£' ~fi1cc an~ Rr~;~t~pufneJs ! 1 To knoY' • the t .WJI\·r ~ll'i, Jtll'>furoof\ the, l;lreat , );i~narch l and .l,lp!Verfal ltmg ol t~e. WqM 1.1 h~¥~'.11'51l•:i!Flco[~a P<r]ell•on·\ b111 rby Cemqo.ndnzenu, 0 God, art.l;cee<!lrng irt•oqd,-. ;, · ~ ,u l _<. t .. potev.!'f m)!.e~J~n~le~ge a Man 1"111' be., endued ,~. rur!·l'. could h~ ~y a 11.<1<1 fmP~"l!"~ Mjn;J; and an ,lfea,rMI/ijl'l'ge as J.li• S:ljl~ upon,r\le Seaq e, !l<'!lllli'P.~ • ilfj ~h~r;K~~w!ejlge , g£; u and lf'l>fUre, of Woras aqd 'l;nin&s : ipul~,Iitj~tt~iq!!, \'laltery in a~ ngyaget,J•l'~ found the .Oeptlt• qf1~hi J\.«.Md.§c;~QCes ,· !'P~ld he- difcourfeihe 1'\t<;tpll .bl ~1! Sr.~ res, tbe. l!lttigues pf atl"!;o"'tS; !he Reafon oba!jClVIl LawS1fnd Con'ftnunons,and. giye-.ao' J\<qAqJitJ9• ~~ IW.i !l9.r1e.s 1 •nd,).'<j'tOI .<now {qe;A.. , urhor of hi< Be. inf, Oj!f/Jb;Jfr~p;er t i11fJif,e1 bit Sovtl·piJ_n, and bit{iMdge; lm fMreJI Rel¥ lt.ijJ'!(rWJJI(l ·. ~, ~F/.~ffr_,fnd, or ~~rj!_.l}neqy; t e Suppo~J P/ hu ,Lifr, t1fJ.tl''i'1JCfMfP(J-c:fff;r ldf«VJr~ ~u fu~ur,eJ ~nznefr,_ 11n 1bu Port.Jon,for .e-vtr; he-~CJihn~'kt'Jqpiefj1er.4i!JCFndrre m m '5R¥"• wrth a gre.~t deal of \Vifllom ~' ·~Qf!"l tij' Hej). ' "' • ' : '. . . ' - . il\Y.JlfJI,RI\fll ,~n1 J;.ord Hrgh l l;;hancello<p(1E~Iand, , fome 'J,'ime O!q,bi~1 ~t,ath· cynfej!i;4,11)ot to bt t{j('l'f"' ~.u~o ~1ve Sm{lly and Se" f['IY .l,II'J.iL!Pf19f»"'O"'P...i f..ff~Otber 'War,(~ bt folfe,' yrt. rb< fu·mejl Life. in· tqu Ff'orfti,.i!·:Pmy, r'((M< a~d lfo('<JI;;j! lf 111".' " "!''• rbm 5< nof< f~ <ffff'h. fd-@. 1# '!ifir~bl& e ,ol:-q_oJe, C;zrn'/1, a~d Prpp~ne .1[-rfonr. _ f • §. ;Pfj. 'fh~ Great ,J,!uke of ~omj~8~'p, Co ea&"e to ,:,the I,J!Il:e of. Ofl<opfF Olrol.\ler,to \he -:F(encb:l<:ing, !,<imr~be iirteentli) f.O rhe War ~Y' themtag~t;rt#.ag~m,ft t~e !>41Qillty 9€ ,Catdmal ~M'f.• .berng ,tak.en~ndi Qpqy1Uedjat ·tyanr, a little h~ote \11~-Jl;headJJJjj, loplirng upon tilffi e(f, t1ien .••lY·•Rri'h)y ;\uire{; .dh ! (P,ys he) Jllir1/womrr nat a ~n;pani o i}io Crucififd.ll.f.m. ! fVb0~·1 w11b (bef< fanrll~t abo~t "'' f He wa.r l'Oj?r, ti<. f!}fd'~gdj,1i4JKI, rAI!8fi r rpe~r to the Crpfr ro pye fqr my Sinr .- AQd imme. Jl,rat.e!JiJlso\hiPR'd Pi . If ~fall ~is F'<nery, '!"d put a more Gravcand 1\fode!t ·l'i¥tment on hup : A Ser<o'l,s Refietiton at a1l'ime when he be~ knew w-qap,~~llfr;.l\. . ,, . 1 . . . §. X5ilf. ·'*"~P. Prll"' pj Wo/ef,,'fldeft ~n to .N;i'l'l ~l'(ill~llrhe Firfi, QJ' ,w~om p;~ersJ(~Y. many r;xceUen,t TJijp!!s, , J.l"hat AS11Jf1t he gill'S of. himfe\f ~t rl)ln :,A Perfqn !'(hom he lov'~, an ili>;r. had ,been th<>Companion of ~~" Viv~r6oqs, b,eihg with h~m in hja §iolw!j;;~ ~IJ<jng him1 flow qe il!Ji>~'l"8S, amo'l!lff many orherS.ober}'xpq:f\iors, anT!f~feO thus. 4b Tom l, I !tivllin; Wifo }or ~hat Time J 1/oft wub th(e:~ afd IJtqe:;,s. In Vaifl. Itecreations.'- S::>-Vaip. ~e,re R~cy~eations, and fQ Pr~igus was 1time to a Prince, and no ordinary one neither, upon a Dying-'Bed. But why wjfhctl he, with Qthtrs, fqr "tf/OI'.t ':fiipe? bu~· 'tll.._t it~ might be beuer employed? Thus hath the Ju1t Principle and ·Holy Spirit of God in Men, throughout all Ge.m:rJii~I~Avi~~~hthem,Of'their Vanity and Folly upon their Dying· Beds, who before were too much taken up, to mind either a Dying-Bed, or a ~~lt Et;e[nitY.; b~t l"~sn~tbt\t Days were almoft Npmbred, when Morr~. hty h~.~en'il on thett~, 't'Jlen the ~".V,~I~tion of tlte Righteous Jucfgment \"as ~t !II< ,Doo1, ~fW, ., thar all t\leirworldly Recreations and Enjoyments mull be parred with;ail<) ~~~" EyeJQf e.vey !hut, and Flelli turned to W.rms. illear, 'that rook De~ght thcre,m: 'I;heq, 0 then ir was the l(a!y fllimcf< Iiad.Room to plead Wlth iGoqfcience: rhen nothin~ but an Holy, Suia and ~~vere !LJ(e 1Nas Va}u~b\e ; then .IIU tbe Jfor/J for a litrle T11n<, who before had given ~11 their Time ror a Liule O,J a Vain \.Vor[d. But if fo (bon~. ~eprefenrauon of the IHCQnfj~ency of ~e Vaniti~s- of ,the World, wirh the Gh.r<ftian J.;ifc, sould m~~e fo deep an Imptcffion ·; "Oh ! to what a l'lobl• &ratute, :J..nd large Proportion, had they been grow,n in all Pious 3nd H'ca~~ vetlly Knowledge; and how much gr,eater had rhe~·r 1,\~wards been, if they COI)tentedly had for~ne thofe perifhi_ng En~!'}Uinme,ms Gf 1Jy: \.V orld betir'Jl~ S, a~1d given the Exercife Qf their Mi.nds to tqe "Tufriun and Guidanceof t)lat Univ:Jf<l Grace ar.d Holy Spirit of God, which had fo_lo~_g {hin:d. ln VoL. I. No CROSS, No CROWN. 425 j~ Dar~nefs, uncompreheaded of it, ,and was at lalt but jufi percei\•ed- to g1ve a Srght of what they bad been .domg all their Days. I668. §. XV IlL ~~~flip III, King of Spain, ferioully reHeaing upon the Life Clup.XXI he had led 10 rile World, cryed out upon his Death·Bed Ab 1 lJg lJ, ·~ wert~' bad 1 ./}tnt ~heft TwtHty .Three Tees tb11t I b•ve h;ld ,y l<i11gjom7~~ . a Rerrrmtent. Crymg out to ht~ Confeftor, My G111cern is for 771y s 1 not my Body: I lay all that God btU given me my bomznion Power / 11 • Lfe, at the Feer of JejmCbrifl my Saviour.' Would King; Wouid'Li:e, '? well as Dye fo. - s §. XIX. Coont <lionbamo~. Ambalfador in England, for that very Kin and.h~ld ~he ?bleft. !vf.an of his Tjme, who took great FreedOqJ as to uf~ Rehg10n. m bts Polincks, fening hi.s Ends by thofe Ways that would heft acco~ph(h t~em. When towards {)is LcHtcr End, be grew very thoughtfi 1 o~ hts paft Life, . and ~fcer all his Negotiations and Succeff'es in Bufinefs fatd w m~e of hts Fr.tends, I /ear nothing in tbe World more than Sin, ofre~ profe!Ji~g, He had rllthtr e1_1J11r~ HeiJ t.h4n .Sih; fo clear and !hong were his Convttlwn~, and-f~ ~xcczdmg S10ful dtd Stn appear ro him upon a Serio Confider.:ltlon of hts Ways. ' us §. XX. CarJinalll.~blfeu, alter having been Firft Minifter of State of Europe, aa well,as pf France~ con~~ed to old Pe{er d11 ..Moulin, the FaQ:;;ous frottfluvr_ of that Country, That being forced upon Rlanf Irregularities by I t~at whtc.h they call Reafon of State, he could DO[ tel how to fatishe • hts Confctence ~or fe.veral Th1ngs ; and therefore had man{, 'temptations , co doubt and chsbelteve a ~od, ~m>t~er \V:ruld, .and, the . mrnprrality of , the Soul, ;and th~reby to relieve ~IS Mmd from any Dll"quict, but in vain: , .So ftrong1 h~ fazJ, was the NotiOn of God -pn .his Soul, {q clf!ar the I ~ ~ , preffion o.f httn upon the Frame of r.he. World, _fb Unanimous rhe Conf&:t i of MankiDd, , fo P~yverful the C<mvu~boDs of ~pwn CQnfqience, that he , COU:ld not but Ta.fle.t'b6, Power of the World. to rome, and lblfve as one that muft Dye, and fo dye as one,that muft l.rve (or ever. And being asked one.Day, ~Vby ~e wa~ Jo fatl, antwered, Monfie.11r, .Monjieur, t};e S()Jt/ is-' a SenotiJ Thn~; 1~ 1!fll-fl be eaber Sad berefor a/yloment, or be ~aJ/or ever. · ,§. XXI. ordmal ~sa~fnt, t!fP.Uted the Cunningeft S'tatefman of his T1me.;.and who _ga~e,grea[ Proofs of.ir in the Succeff'es oft be F.ren.tb Cro"'¥1 under his Miniitry: His Aim was the Gra11deMr of Jhe World to which:_ p~ m~de all.other Confid~ratl.ons flibmit: Bur, poor 'Man! RC ~af f anot~er Mrnd a lmlc before hiS Death' For being awakened by the fmart~Lallies of C:onfc1ence, whtch reprefentcd.his Soul's Condition very difir.i 'af wi~h AftO.. mOupent .and T~~ns . ;he cry'd qut 0 my poor Sdul, What rcilJ buome .D/ tbtf! .Wbuber ~;It tbou.Ao? And fp. ake one D33 ~hus to the Oti~C:n ~ot~r of Frpnce, Mada~, irour Favours hPVe undone me.1 Were I tollue a,gaiil,. [ f»ou/d be a Capu,hm, rather than a Courtier. ., . §. XXII. Count Q;lJd!le~n, Gh~f"'el\or of Sweedland p ~erfon of the f!Jll Qpa,lity, Station and Ability; 1q hJS own Country 'aqd •\"hofe Sha,re and Succcfs not·o!jly _in .the CfliefMiniftry of tllfafis in, ;hat Kinj;<lom, but In the greateft NegottJtlona of Euf(Jpe, d,uring his ~ime, made..hlm no lafs Confid<ruble abroad. Atter all hls Knowledge ana Honour; ,beiqg vifited.ln hJS Re.treat from nublicit Bu.fi~efs, ,b.Y Commillioner W/Jitlocf, ,!!mbalfador fr?m En1,kmd, to Queen Qhrifh.1fat' In the Condu~on of their OtU:O,ud'e; he fa1d to the Ambaifa.d O!, ) b~vt! fern 1IUI,tb, and en.jo)'~ much t~f this. Wo,.JJ, but I ntver lm:w bow to, Ltve ttll nolV~ (t'P,ank myGoodOod thai TiaigiVen11f,l Tl111e 1 ID kno• Hzm, a'!d ~o know my Self. .AD the Comfort I have, and "aU the Colflfort 1 t~~,, and wh!cb 1~ NtOrt than th~ pbple Worfd.,Jt!n"'give is Feelj~the Good S~Jtlf of God m my, H!an, ami re4ding in thJS#,Qod Hook, (holding up the Brble) that came fjqtll)t1 .JVrd }urrl!troddrtjfed imj,/[Jbus,tq rbc 1\mbaft,a-dor ~ Tl?_u pre fiOW-Jif f/M .Pruse-PLiJ1ur Age ll(Jd. ,gour, and in great Favo11r · nntl BNjiljejs \.. b.wt tP.u fAlt/1 tf.~ Jeave1~1f, '(J11d you w(¥ Ot:e .n.,X ll(fer under· ·~.nd apd Re/ifo W~fl{ I fay tli],OII ,\ and r/Jep YP.M,wiM Mi. th~r tb(rt is more fi if4o!P>i';f:.,.urf!. Codlf¥fi.fzpll4 Plf1af.M.Jl in Retiring anj t'llr{fi»g .lour Jieort ~ rom 1/f~ . W-Dr/d, tDllhr (qoaJ.~pirit 9J God, and lit R,atij"g {lie. '"BiP.ft, than iff Iii ·•· .a |