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Show ss2 169l· ~ l'an r. Refkllions and Maxim.r: VoL. I. t 'Tis the Glory- of a Man to vat. 1 to Truth 1 as it is the Mark of a gooF Nature to be eajily entrMiedfuould by Reafon; elfe he is a grea_tet t6o Be:~lls Aa by Senfe,. A~d the Proverb is verified, The Cotruptton Beall thon ever God mode· ll d moft cffenfive. . of t6th1e bAc ftte aTfhoinnagb•l ets O thp7tm yo.'n0 t m ~ft ever be in Danger, where Re.a.f on IS not J d e d d to Education and the Trad1tton of out u 1~2' Thd there is a Regar ue well as clai~ the Preference. F her Truth will ever dcferve _as b we have been brought up in the •:6l lf like TheopbiltH aryd Tt~: c?::r Advantage: But neit~et .the~ not K no lwoflee dbgye t ryoifn gth teh eh Tefrtu Tthb m; ,so,r r;o we Jearn their, as well as 1t's tntrtnfi,!t ;:r1i6b4. Truth uevcr 1o l l Ground by Enquiry, becoufe the is mojl of aU Rr.· fmable. h Authority, thot is Seif.ev_ident. 1J6656 Nlfo mr yc aonw tnh atR enae~eodn a nbeo to ne rt he Side of a Principle, wuh what can I difpute or withftand tt .ld onfiderone another reafon:t~ly, they would 167 And if Men ~ou. cnc~ c or more Amit4b!y mamram them .. either reconcile thea Dlffe~n t~ Standard, that has moft to Jay for lt felf i 168 Let That therefore · J d e for himfelf. Tho' ofthatlet every.lllan be. Cog to All, And 'tis for Want of ex,. J69 Reafon, like the ~uh: ~~d M:afure, ~hat we 3[~ not an of the fame mining all by the fa~e Llgh End tho' all de nor ufe n.fo. Mind : For all have It to tFat ·s 'good but not Formaluy. I r. :i,o IJ)f fotmalitp. orm ' • there is too much of that ear: In the U!e of the heft of F~rms;his Dillinaion thould go along With p o17 2le 'iTn itth aebifro Dluetveolyu.onne c;e.~ ~uy, t ~any are apter to reft upon what they ot too . e pthan how they do the~r Duty.. . he Frame of the Mind lhat g•ves do; ; If it were confidered, that It "tJ lay more Strefs on our Inwa~d Preour ~erformances Acceptance, ~e wou paration than our OutwardtfAa:.liillle of !BoO. Nothing more fhews thft 17' IJ)f tbe mean. jflOfall on ·Into than the unfuitable Nouon we mu "" d" . Man IS en , h. ~~~e~fnG~d00by the Ways •Ne take t?J\~~~ w~mperformed fomany Celeb 17) As ifit availed any th}"~ to ~lon wbo never meant more by them, tmhoanni etos atrnyd oeuxrt eOrbneadlt.eFnocrem, sa do d h t h ~~ugh' them, to ihew us fomethlng mo" ExceDtnt ~nd Dur~blew~~~; U~d:'J:;g, is good for nothing. Church re• :i~ 8f'~ta;~~:fit is it to {ay our t~J;.~:S;:!~~~~y~F~~jl the P;iell, ceive the Sacromtnu, and may nd g~:oLyt, Swtar, Cu;ft, be D.rsm~, Cow· a~;, gt~,t~~: }~.;~: f,o;::;~!tut, Yvh;" a~~H~o~' !~u g~e ~::;k hi'!'r1,r t t?s Can one exc~eLor ba !an~ JtJt=d o/ Or well ufcd, where there IS o well ferv'd where hiS aw IS Io • much mor~ Shew than Subfian~ce ? Man to think to excufe himfel~ 1R the1 7B9r e'aTcihs oa. fm ao Mft odra3nl gDeurotuys, ~rYr. ~rF!~~!/ Performance of Pojirivt Worjlnp; an~i~r'o~~e~l.~!lu&,~~o~";~~~iig;h'~YJ:~~.c!~~JY,bd;:!~~!th~~ ~~~~b~~ termined thts Cafe, when he . h WJD of his Father. . .. his Bre~'t•~"~:~t'ot;~~~t' .Jullice is a gre~T~~r~~~:a~fd;~~;,'[.; IBr w ,., to all Men of thetr Propeny. . 1 becSufe ~~/"~~j;~•throws ail into C..f~fi]).t'l·"''ov~ Man is fure to have no t8e2cuA~ Honeft Man is a fafi PlfJgt m a mg. it if it be to br bad. 18; Many VoL. I. t8J Many are fo, meerly of Necr./fity: Others not fo only for the fatn~ t6!Jl Reafon : But fuch an hone!! Man is notto be rhank'd, and fuch a dilhoneft ~ Man IS to be pujd. p rt II J ~4 But he thar is difhoneft for Gain, is next to a Robber, and to be a pumlhcd for Example. . 1 185 And mdeed there are few Dealers, but what are Faulty whicb. makes Trade Difficult, and a great Ttmpration to Men of Yirtttt ' 186 'Tis not what they rhould, but what they can get: Fa~lts or De-cays muft be concealed: Big Words given, whe~e they are not dcferved, Panrodf i1t.h e Ignorance or Necellity of the Buyer •mpofed upon for unjutt 187 Thefe are the Men that ke~p their Words for their own Ends, and are only Jufi for Fear of the Magifime. . · 188 A Po/irick rarher than a Moral Honefty; a tolf{lraintd, not a chao~ ffoenr nJoutl bliicneg. : According ro the Proverb, Parienu ptr roru, and tba111t: ~ou 189 Bur of all Injuftice, that is thegreateft, that pafi"es under the Name ef Law. A Cut·Purfe in Weftmin.fler·HaU exceeds; for that advances In· juftice to Oppreffion, where Law is aUedged for that which it fhould punith. me1n9t 0to IthJ)efm ]fAelI vOeIsI,,f p. The Jealous areTroublefome to othen, but a Tor• lnJa19g1in a]tei:o!nloaurefy a its pae rKpienrdu :olfl] Caniv.i l War in the Soul, where P,Jgmtllt and 192 This Civil DiJfenfion in the Mind, like that of the Boc!y Politick, commits great Diforders, and lays an waite. yie1ld9 3t oN ito'st hFiunrgy . fbnds fafe in it's Wtty : Ntttllrt, lnterfjl, Rt!igion, muft 194 lt Violates ContraOz, DHfohres Sociny, B1eaks Wttlloc.+, Betrays dFerfiimgndinr ga nrdh eNme igah blo'tulirfrc.b iefJ... "'o Body is Good, and every one is either doing or 195 Jt has a Venom that more or lefs rankles where--ever it bites: And Faso likt sr.e porrs Fancies for Facts, fo it difturba it's own Houfe as often as ocher 196 It's Rife is Guilt or JU~Nature, and by Refiell:ion iPrhinks it's own 'oFtahuelrtss toto b eb eY eolltohwer. Men's; as he that's over--run with the Jaundice takes 197 A Jealous Man only fees his o., SpeOrum, when he looks upon o. ther Men, and gives his Charafler in theirs. fup1e9r8fl uodu)sf. btaU. I love Service, but not State; One is ufeful, the other tag1e9 9o nTlyh eIm Tagroinuabrlye. of this, as well as Charge, is r<al 1 but the Ad van• Te2mopot aBtieofnid erso, Diti fohredlpesr. to fet us up tt6ovt o11r ft!vu, and augments our 201 The leaft Thing out of {oint, or omitted, makes us une~fy J and we are ready to think our felves iJ ferved, about that which is of no real Ser· gvriceea teart Santa t:e .O r fo much better than other Men, as we have the Means of 2o2 But this is a11 for Want of Wifdom, which carries the trueft and moft forceable State along with ir. 2c3 He that makes not himfelf Cheap by indifcreet ConverJation, puts Value enough upon himfelf every where. 204 The other is rather Pageantry than State. oos IJ)f B 180011 liletDant. A True, and a Good Servant, are rho famo T~~l But no Servant is True to his Maller, that defrauds him. 207 Now there are many Ways of defrauding a Mafter, as, of 1ilftt; Cttn, Pains, Rifpttl and Rtplltation, as well as ftl#lftJ. 2o8 He |