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Show , Heb. J. ~ - .1.K. iRp8, '!be &nay Fb!ildw,tioY! Shaken; V6i . 1. was ro be iln~<rfiood iT in ah abftraaive Senfe fro'." J¥s Subl'hnce: They conCluded it a point thore fit for Admiratio~ than D1~putau~n. · But_ a lit· tle to review hHSyltogifrp; the Man net of It !hews htm "lmle a Scholar, as it'sMatter'dbeS'a Chriftian; bUt f fliall over4o?k the.firft, and ~o ~uch of the recbtld a~ iltli';ht deferyt my ObjcE\ion t0 hts AI•;or, and gtve m Otolt rrty Reafo~, why 1 flatly deny his Minor Propo~uon. ~o.one Subtlaqce can have three di(ijnCl: Subfifienccs, :10d pfefer~e tts oWn Umty :. For :r;;~a~t· in& them the moft favourable Definition, every Subfifience will h<hr~ ns 0\Zh Suhft:mce; fa that three dillin£1: Su~filtences, or Manners of Berng, ~ill require tbreC diftinfi Subftances or Bemgs; confequently three Gods. For it rhe irlfiniteGbd-head fitbfifts in three feparateM~nners or. Forms; then ii h6t any one t>f them ~ perfe£\ and compl~at Subfiftence Without the othet two; fo ,P:trts, and fotnerhmg finate I~ Jri .God: Or lf Infintte, then rhtee diftlnft'jnfinite Subfifiences ; and what s thts but to afi'e!t thre~ ~ods, fince none is infihire but God? And on the contrary, there betng an mJepa~ rability betwixt the. ~ubfia~.ce and it~ Subfiftenc.e,. the Unity of Subftan'e will not admit a Tttotty of mcommumcable or dtfimfi Subfiftences. T. D. Jleing ask'd of whOm wasChrift the exprefs l~age, from his all edging that Scripture in the Hebrtros; a~fwer~d, of Gods ~ubfiftence, or Man· ner of Reing: From Whence two Thmgs m !bore follow as my Reply; It rriakes God a Father only by Subfiftence, and Chrift a Son without a Sobfiance. Beflde~ it's falfly rend ted in the Hebrer»s, fince the Greek does not fi.y Xapd1Ato:rywJ-n, but XtttU.1~p-rir 'I: .. Ktl~fi.lr, the ~haraft:er of Subfianc~. And if he will perufe a farther DifcoVery of hts Error, and ex plana non of the Maner, let ham read Col. 1. 1). Who is the Image of the Invijible GoJ. And becaufe G. W. willing to bring this ftrange DoEhjne to the Cap:~city of the Peoptt, compar'd tht\r three Perfons to three Apoftle~, if!Yingi he did not U!Jderftand how P.ru/1 Peur, and John could be three Perfons, and one Apoftle, (a rnoft apt Comparifon to deteE\: their DoS:rine) on~lt1oddocks whofe Zeal oudhipt his Knowledge, b~ftting hard, as one that had fame neceffiry Matter for the Dccifion of our Contro~rfie, infieai thereof (perhaps to fave his Brethren, or fhow hlmfelf) filences our far· ther contrOverting of the Principle, by a Syllogifiical, but imperrinent Re· fiettion upon G. W's. Perfon. 1t runs thus, He that [cornfuDy and repro8eb· juDy compar..ts our DoOri~e of the Bleffed Trinit' of f.'otbtr, Son, and Spirit, one in Effaue, but three m Perfon.r, to three fome Me,, a1 Paul, Peter, 4nli John., is a B/4fpbemet:. But you G. W. have fo done. Ergol A ftrange Way of Argumentation, to beg what can·r be granted him, and take for granted what ftill remains a Queftion, viz. That there are three diftinfl and feparate Perfons in one Effence: Let them firfi prove their Tri· nity, and then charge their Blafphemy : But I mult not forget this Perfon's felf·confutation, who to be. plainer, called them three He'.r, and if he can find an He without a Subftance, or prove that a Subfiftence is any other than the Form of an He, he would do well to juftifie himfelf from the Imputa· t'ion of Ignorance. And till their Hypothefis be of better Authority, G. W. neither did, nor does by that Comparifon defign Men's InVention fo much Honour. For 'tis to be rcmark'd, that G. W. is no otberwife a Blafphemer, than by drawing direEt Confequences from their own Principles, and rech:uging them upon themfelv~: So that he did not fpeak his own Apprehenfions by his Comparifon, but the Senfe of their Affertion; therefore Blafphemer and Blafphemy are their own. The Trinity of DiftinC1: and Separate Perfous, in the Unity of Elfence, refuted from Scripture. AN D M JaiJ, Lord God, tbere is no God liM unto THEE, To ttJbom tbtn RiD ye lil<tn AlE? Or fhaU 1 ht t q•al, f nirb tbc HoiJ ()]\'£'? -I * .,. fhe Stindy Fotindatio~i Shaftd:. ·~~ am, rhe UrJ, ahd there is NONE eife, r!Mre ,u fio doi. hrfides ME. ThM l 06S. Jauh rhe Lord rhy Redeemer, tbe Holy OJIE of lfrael. 1 wiU aifo p>'aije ~ THEE, 0 1m! God; .untro THEE. will I fin~, 0 Holy 0 NE of Ifn-el. }d.lav~th Jfa. 4(;). a~. jha/1 be 01-.t.! and bx 1\~me O!'E. Whtch with a Cloud of other Tefti mo~ e. 4'1· i, 6• riies th:n mtght be urgd, evidently demonftrate, that in the Days of the r. 48.t7. ~dt Covenant, and Prophets, but ONE ~as the Holy God, and God but ~"~: :~: ;~· that Holy O~E.- Ag:un, .A1rd /tf!H ford ~nto lfim, Why c1t!kj1 rbou me Mat. 19• 17• tood? Theret.r n~ne good but 01\E, and that n God. .And this U Lift frer· joho 1 7• 3. 11al, r~at tbey m1ght lm~w !HEE (Father) tbe ONLY Trae God. Seeing it Rom. 3· 30.. ·is 01\E God t hat JhaU JNfttfie. There he God.r m.my,- bt'it nil to 111 tbef( i.r 1 <!or. 8. 6• but ONE God, the Father, of whom ore all Things. ONE God and Farber who ir ~~: 4' 6• tJbove ai/Tbing.r. For there i! ONE God. To tbe ONLY Wife God be Glory Jud~~;~·1;. now ond ever. From ::ttl wh1ch I fhaH lay down this one Affercion that the Teltimonies of Scripture, both under the Law and fincc the ciofpel Difirenfation, declare ONE to be God, and God t.; be ONE on which I fha] raife this Argument: ' If God, as the Scriptures teftifie, hath never been declar'd or believ'd bot as the Holy ONE, then will it follow, thor God is not an Holy THREE' nor doth fubfift in THREE diftinfl and feparate Holy ONES: but the bO.: fore·ctted Scnptures undemably prove that ONE is God, and God only is that Holy ONE; th~r~fore he can't be divided into, o~ fubfift in an Holy THREE, or THREE dtUtnfl and fcparate Holy ONES- Neither can this recetve _the lea~ ~re1udtce from that frequent but impertinent' Diftinaion, rhat he IS ONE to Subftanc.e, bu~ THREE in Perfons or Sub.fiftenccs ; fince God "':'as not decl~red or bel1eved mcornplearly, or without his Subfiftence: Nor dtd he requ1ri HoQlage from his Creatures, as· an. incompleat or ab-- 1\rafled Being, but as God fhe Holy ONJ<: For fo he !hould be manifefted and Worfhipped without that V:hich was abf~h.ttely Necefi'ary to Him-· felf:----So that etther the Telhrnonies of the aforementioned Scriptures are to be believ'd concern\,ng God, that he is intirely anci compleatly, not abftraflly and diftinElly, the Holy ONE or elfe their Au· thorny to be ~enied by thefc. Tr_inita~ians: And on the' contrary, if thev pre:end. to credt: :hofe ~oly Te!hmomes, they rnufl: neceffarily conclude thetr Ktnd of Tnntty a Ftflton. Rtfutetl from Right Reafon, . i. If there '6e three diftinfl and feparate Perfons, then three dillinfl and feparate Subftances, ?ecaufeevery Pe~fon is infeparable fr~rn irs own Sub· ft:J~Cc ; and as there IS no Perfo~ tha! s not a Subftance in common Acceptation amo~g Men, fo doth~ Scnptures plentifully agree herein: And fincC t~e.Father IS God, the Son IS God, and the Spirit is God (which their 0- pamon nec~ffi.tates then: to confefs) then unlefs the Father, Son, and Spirit, are three dtftmfl ~?thmgs, they muft be three diftinCl: Subftances and cou.- fequeotly three dtllma Gods. ' 2. r~·s fartb_er l!rov'~, if it be confider'd, that either the Divine Perfons are ~ntt~ or ,mfimre; if the firft, then fomething finite is infeparable to the mfin~te_Subft:tnc.e, whereby fome~hing finite is in God ; if the }aft, then ~~rei) ~~1bna Infinues, Three Ommpotents, Three Eternals, and fo Three l· If each l'erfon be God, and that God fubfifts in three Perfons then in e~ch Perfon are ~hree. Perfons or Gods, and from three, they will e;creafe to moe, and fo ad mji.nuum. 4· But if they fhall deny the three Perfons or Subfiftences to be infinite (for fo the~e would unavoidably ~three G~ds) it will fol1ow that theY muft be fimtl!,and fo _theAhfurdtty 11 not ab3ted from what j( w.:rs; for th:tr of_ one S.ubfi:1nce havmg three Subfiftences, is not greater, than th:tt an infimre Bem~ fh?uld ~ave th;ee fi~ite Modes of fubfiffing. ~ut ~hough that Mo~e which IS fi.ntte c~n t a~h~er to a Subftartce that's mfimte ; yet to try 1f we can make thetr Pnnc1ple to con{ifi, let us conceive that three Perfons, |