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Show T~th Refcued frl!m lmpofture: Vo1..I. Oaths)asCouncilfor the _King,_and Prt~Juut or..r, arld F.xuuriotrt~ rtpM the Prifonm, (Star. 28. E. t. V,de Cool< 2 lnft. J7S. 169.) . This I fha\1 dke rhe Libe!ly ro remark upon S. S. the Wmer of thu Scmuialou$ Libel that however he wou\d r<;coi'J'lmcnd htmfelf to the King and Country, a; a Man of Rep~ta!ion ln~ Ti_uth, O! ~t leafr to th'~ dc:fc:~ving the Eltimarion of Lttirmng and !11gcnuuy, .thts \York of his bas gt· ven them 30 Opportun-ity to tak'e ot~Cr Meaf~res .ofhts Deftnr, w~o b~s in this one Seaion of his Libel, ndr onlY n'lamfeill:d ineor Falfhood m h" Cb:1rge, but alfo Ignorance in~ h.is ProofS. . . · . . Firjl, His FallhQod_ appears, m. Calumntauqg the Jurors With meer UnJ truths and th'at by h1s own lhewtng. Sec;ndly_ His Ignorance in that he. bas nor in the·IeJficolouiably-Jufti· fied his Aierrions, or thof~ Pra8.ices of hi~ Patrons '(whom he appea.rs-fo!) • againll the Jurors. Yea, ) may fay that hts Folly,, has fo accompam~dhis J.<navery that he needs no other Chara8:er than his own Work 1,t1 Pnnt. And ,;berber he has Re:tfon to alfu!J!C rh, l Tirt;1 he rakes to himfHfin the Front of his Piece, viz. To be a {J·zend.to Juflzd lmd Courts of Juflur. 1 fubmit to thofe of the Long R~be, ll«: ata!ums_ to look to themf~lves, and to th"e judiciC?us Reader, that will we1gh h1s Difcourfe; For my.ow~P~rt, I am not in the leaft jealous, that he is anY fuch Perfon·: But 1f t~IS. Au .. thor would favour us with the Knowledge of his Name, the": Ju_ftu_e and it's Courts might exprers their Gratitude, for histeafonable Vmd1tatJon of them; and the Mayor's, Recoril~r's, &c. Candor and Integ.rity in their ju .. tlicial Prrceedings, at the OIJ·Batly, againft the Jury and Prifoners. Lefs than this I could rtot fay, by keafon of thofe falfe Afperfion~ that this Libeller has caft upon my Friends the Jurors, to . enlarge I !hall fo~hear, inafmuch a; ~he Author has clofed ,hi~ Difcourfe wirb Pretence to leave tbe important JJffair to tbe ]Nilges Detennination, whofe Judgment I defire may, and 1 hope will be lneafure<l by the ftreight M,erwand o_f the Fund,. mental Laws of Eng!tmd, and not by the Crooked J:u~e o~ DifcretJon, for fays the wifeft of Men, an.d nobleft of Princes, ~~ ile~dtlliJUll'!t. Legem, /audant Imrrobos; at qui fbfenJant Legem, mifce!ft Pr~bd cupt zYH, Prov. 2 ~I~d no other End ln this fhott D.ifcourfe, \but to vindicate Truth and Yuflice from Folfoood and Jfiolence; fo x.nr earneft Zeal is, that the ~rft may ev~r ftand over the Heads of their Oppojers, and Oppreffars: pe•gtte l"rifon in LlndiJ'!I, the 12th Month, 1670. T. Rurlyarrl POSTSCRIPT. TO anfwcr the LibtDer's Challenge, ahd defend. the Author of the Tr;al, &c. in Reference to S., S. _S. i.t may not be impertinently obferved that if he will pleafe to enquae of one ]obn Bl11'nes, of HornftJ, wheth~r the late Mayor was not a Commitlioner fot fetling the late Powers Militia :md fa brisk and fharp a Refte8:er upon thofe that went under the Notion' of Ctvalitrr, above the reft of the Committee, as to incur .theRe· buke <l his Brothcr-Commiffioners; w.e hc:ar th:1t he may recetve very ample Sltisfat\ion, ifit ma"y be any to be found ia a Miftake of what he fa confidently ventured to aifer~. , . 1 . _ Nor is it lefs worthy of Nouce, that upon Enquuy made of Dr. Tt 'b11 cock he could not but acknowledge, that S. Sterling WlS fo far from de .. fetti~g the Univerfity, for Want of Conformity to the Scouijb Covtnant, tbar it never was tendered to any of that Colledge. • 'which is not remarkt out of Prejudice to the. Mayor, but Love to the Truth, :and a Defire to rnanifeft his hbellous .A.polot,ift. who rather Jdt~~! VoL. I. Truth .Refcued from lmpolture. Jcfenfive Flatteries fhould fail his Diana, or his unjuft Sl:mders m.ifs u; refohes to break through all the Bounds of Truth, Law. and Rcli ion' Nor that we would render it fo criminal co ferve the Nadon under toth Governments, as (having fcrved both) ro perfuure cirber. But we will end the whole with this folemn Declaration 'lnd Protefr Firft, Tbar we are Free· born Eng lifo .Men, anJ efleem our {elves unclo11b~ed Heirs of our _Cou'!tries Liberties, not to be Jif.in1'erited upmt any Religiorn Difference, zt berng .no Claufe or Prov.ifo in our}irflcivil Canjlitution, or Fore· Fathers laft Willand Teftament. Secondly, That we have been deprived of our dear Liberty and"Property ond that mecr_ly for Worjh_ippint the God that made Us; againjl all Law, Ren: Jon, ~nd Scnptu1,·e (pa!'tiCu!arl_y at the Ol_d~Baily,) . ' Thudly, That notumhflandrng fucb dally ProvocatJcns, we do 41 heartily forgiv(, as me are malicioujly perjecuted; (bearing no iU·wiU to the Perf011s ·of any) The Titk and Tenure of our Holy Gojpel being Glory to God 0~ High, on Earth Peace, and Good-Wtll towards aU Men. And we could defire of God (if it might pleafe him) to open their Eyes, ar.d ~lfrea: their Hear~s with a Right _S~nfe of Things, that they mighi 11nderj1and bow much more 1t would be rhtJT true Imercfl to rebuke Vice than pu~ijh 9pinion, and that in themftlves fir II: So would Opprcffion ctaj~ tbe Sprmg~Ttdes of lntemperttnct faU; and Merq, Trutb, ]uflice ttnd Peace flow over tb~ Banks of .Animofity, Se/f.Inurcjf and Revenge; to the once more refrefhmg of our Weary, Dry and Parched Country, wilb the p!eafant Stt"tams tf thorough Re[of"11Jation. W. Penn. THE CHRISTIAN~QU AKER. AND HIS Divine T efrimony, Stated and Vindicated , from S c R I P 1' v R E; Reajon and .Authority. fly W IL L I A M P E N N. VeritaJ {atigari pottfl, vinci non poufl. Ethet. &: Beat. lib. J. The P R E F A C E. To the Noble Bereans of this AGE. W HEN our Dtnr Lord ]t{III Cbrijl, tbt B!t.f!td ANtbor of the Cbri./ ltan Religion, firfl fent forth his Dijciples, to proclaim tbe Happy Approach of tbe Heavtnly Kingdom,. among fivenll other Tbin1s rbar ,be ga.w --· X X X tbho |