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Show 4~2 1668. \./""V"-J Chap.XXJ. M CROSS, No CROWN. Voi.:f. Serious ;n Hell and in Heaven : .And }ball a Man that barb one Foor in his Grave, ]e(l and I.IUBIJ? 0 that our Srauf.nun would weigh the Conviflion, .Adtilce and Conchl}ion of this Grttlt .Man; and the greJte!t M:1n,_ perhaps, th:tt has bore that Cha~aaer in our 1\"ation: 1-~or true it is, That none can be Serio11s too foon, becaufe none can be Good too foon. Away then with all Foolijh Talking ond ]efli•g, and let People mind more profit· able Things I §.XI. ]obn !l)afon, Knt. who had been Privy CounfeUor to four Princes, and ipenr much rime in the Prefuments and P!eofure of the 'Votld. retired wirh rhefe Parheric~L and Regretful .Sayings: A[rer fo many Ttar; Experience, l>mOttfnrfll "tbt greotef/ Wi{dom ; tlrrmpetanrr_ the beft Phyjick; a ~.o.ob ttonftience: ts the hefl E}tttU. .And wue 1 ro bve aloin 1 a:o11/J change the Court for a Cloylter, my Privy-Counfe11~r's Bufiles fo; ~~~Hermie's Retirement, and the w1Jo!e Life I lived in the Palace, for One Hour's Enjoyment of God in tbe Cbnppel. All Things elfe forfake me, befides mr God, my Duty, 3nd my Prayers. §. X I. Sit waltet ~ntulrigb is an Eminent Jnfiance, being as CXtr.!OI· dinary a Man, as our N3cion hath produced: In his Pcrfon, well Defcendcd; of Healtb, Strength, and a Hl.afculme Beauty.· In Underfianding Quick; in Judgment, Sound ; Learned and Wife, Valiant and Skilful~ An Hi!lorian, a Philojophcr, a Gener,li, a Sratu-Ma,, Afrer a long Life fu11 o{Experience, he drops·thefe Excellent SJyin~ a litde before his Death' to his Son, to his Wife, and to the World, viz. Exutd not i• rbe H11mt1u; of Rags and Bra\•ery; /or tbtfe wiUfoon wear OMI of Fajhion: JJnd no Af11n is eflumed for Gay Garments, bur hy Fools and Wonun. On the other jiJe f!ek '!01 Riches bofely, nor attain. t1Jem by evil Meflm : Deflroy 110 Ma~ fo~ h~s Wealth, nor take any_ T_btng from the Poor; for rbe Cry thereof uuU pterce the Heavens: And 11 u mofi dereft_able before God and mofl Jif /Jono~rable brfore worr~y 111en, to wreft any Yf?ing from the "·Nudy and Lrbounng Soul: G?rl w1U never prifper tbtt, if thoJt offenJejltberein 1 Bur ufe thy /!.OOr Ne1ghbours and Tenants «eU. [A moft worthy Sayin~! But he addsJ. Have Compa.ffion on the Poor and Affii€1:ed, a'!d God v:u/J Blef1 I bee for II : Make _nor the lf_ungry Soul Sorrowful; for if be Curft rl•tt m tbe Batcrneft of hu Soul, hu Prayer fhall be beard of him that mltde hiffl, J..~ow,_for the Wort~ (dear ~hild) I know it VJO well, ro perfwaJe rbtt to dtve mto the ProOtCtt of 11; rather jl~nd upon thy own Guard otainfl all t~oje that tempt the~ to tt, or m1y pra81ct upon thee ; whethu in thy Con· fctence, thy Rep~tauon, or thy Effate: Refolve, that no Man is Wife or Saf~. but he that s Honcft. Serve God l Le~ him be the .Author of n!J thy .Afltont: Commend aU ~by ~ndefltlollrs to ~tm, that mufi either v:ither or profper them : Pleajt ~rm tvllb Prayer) left if be frovm, he confound 11Q thy Fortune a~J Labour,_ lrke tbe Dropt Of Ra;n upon the Sandt Ground. Let my Exper~enc'd Adv~ce, and Fatblrly Infiruflion fink deep mro thy Hearl: So God tl11efl thee 111 alit by Wap, and fiO thy Heart witb bit Grace. Sir WALTER RAWLEIGH's LETTER to bis WIFE 11jter biJ Condemnatim. ' : yOU !hall receive, my dear Wife, my !all Words in thcfe my l'll , Ltnes. My Lor.:e I fend you, That you may ke~p when I am Dead:; , and my Coun[ef, that you may remember ic when I am no more. I , would not,. Wit~ my Will, prefent you. Sorrows, Dear Bifs; let them &o , ~o the Gr:n e_ With Me, and be buned m the Duft : And, feeing that 1t , 1s_nor th~ Wtll of God1 that I (hall ~ee you any more, bear my Dcftru· , flron panemly; ~nd wnh an Heart like your feU: Fir{J, I fend you all , the Thanks, whtch my Hearr can conceive, or my Words exprefs, for , your many Tra~els and Cares for me; which, tho' they have not takel'l Effeft:, as you W1fhed, yet my Debr to you is not the Iefs • but pay it I ~ never lhall in this World. se,ondlj, I befeech you for' th·e LO\'e you , · ~bear Voi. t. No CROrSS, ·No CROWd. 413 : bm me Living, that yo-~ do n·qt 'hide your (elf many Da\'s--s &,;; by your 1Ms. Tr~tvelt fuk to help my mij'er4b/e Fortuna, and Jbe Right of yoilr poo,. ~ 'Child; Tour Mourning ei!Hnot avail me, r.ubo am b111 Duft. Thirdly,• YoU Chap.Ji:XV • thlll undcrlland, rhat my Lands were conv'eyed (bon .I fidei ro my Child . ' the Writings were dtawn at MidfJtmlller was a Twc!lve Montb, Is~ d.iveri· ' Cln wiUlefs; and l truft, my Blood will quench their Malice, 1Who deli'- ~ red my Slaughret, that they wUI· not feek to Ki/J Du a'pd Touri w'i'tb 4 ex.trc:Jm Povercy . . . TC\ what Fri:nd to direCt you, Il$:noW not ; for all;", • mme, have left me ut the true nme of Tryal. Moll forry am l, thar be· • ing Jurprized bf Desth, I can leave you no better Elt:~~h God hafli! ' prevented all my Determinations, that Great God, wtiich-- Worketh AU"' ' in All. If you can liver free from Want, care for!}O more; for tt\e re"ft· ' is bat a V nnitl. f..Qve- God, and ~in betimes 1 in Him !hall -you flncl', ' true, everlaftmg and endlefs Comfort : When jrou have travelJ'd, an~ • wearied your felf with all forts of worldly Cogitation•, )too !hall fir • down by Sorrow in the end. Teach your Son alfo to bet~ and f• ' $0b, whilfi he is Young, that rhe Fear of God may grow up in him ,1 :then will God be an,lfusband to Y~u, aod a F~t{jJ_tr to Him· an Hufba'!i and a Ruher that can never be taken from XolJ'. 'ilDealo 'Wife;··~I berecch 4 you for my Soul's fake, P(/y ali P(}(Jr Men, When I am Deot~, 1 nO doubt; ' b~t you will be much fought Onto; for the World thinks.• l W~s vet}"' ' Rich: Have a care of the fair Pretences of 'Men; for no greater Mifery ' can befal you in this Life, than to become a Prey unto the tlorld, an~ ' after to be defpifed. As for Me, I ·am no more Yours, nor You Mine • ' Death hath cut us afunder; and God harh divided me from the World l ' and You from Me. Jtemember your poor Cb~ld, for his Fafbtr's fake' • who loved you in his Happiell Efhre. I fued for my Life, but (God' ' knows) it was for Tou and Tq-llf'r, that I de6rcd it: For know it ~ my • Dear Wife,_ your Child is the Child of a True M3_n, who in his oWn re- • fpeft defpifetb Death, and his mlihapen and ugly Forms' . . l capnor'. • write much ; God knows, how hardly I Ileal rhis Time, wl!en all ar.t ' ,oeep: And it is alfo titr!e for, me roSepdrnte my Tbougbti froin rlie Worti.' : Beg my dead ~ody, which living ,was deny•d you; and either lay it in'f Sherburne, or 1n &tter·Church, &y my Father and Ntotlfer. I can f:ly • no more; QJime and li!>eat!l call~ away. The Ever!afiing Gd, Pow"' • erful. 1nfinite, and Itrfcrutable, God Almighty, 'rho is GoodneR it felf. ' the U:tue J.fgbt and J.tfe, keep Tou and Touu, a'nd have Mercy upodt • .bfe, and forgtve my Perfecutors, and falte Accufers ; and fend us to meet'' in his Glorious Kingdom. illy Dear Wife, FarewCL; B!eft m) Boy Praj 'for me; .11nd let my True God hold you both in bir Arnlt. ' To~trttbat Wal, hut nor now my OrMt,' WALTER RAWLEICH.'' Behold. Wi_fdom, Refolution, Nature. and Grace! How Strong in A:rguJ ment, W tfe m Counfel, Fum, AfFeBlonate a·nd Devout. 0 that youf Heroes and P.oliticians would ~ake him. rh~ir Example in his De:nh, ag wel~ as magmfie the Great A€hons of hts Ltfc. 1 doubt not, tiad he been - to hve over his Days again, with his Experience, he had made lefs Noife; and yet done more Good to the World and himfelf. 'Tis a fad Thing to confider, that Men hardly como to know themfelves, Ot the World, rnr they are ready to leave it, _§. XIII. ljmtp WOitOII, Kr. thoughr it Tbe Grwefl Hnppineft inrM Life, to be at Lelj11re ttJ b'A_ and to do Good; as in his Latter End he-was' Wom to fay, when he,.refiet.ted on paft Times, tho' a Man eftecmed So be( and Learned, HolD mpch 1ime ha1.1e I to repent of; and bow !irrle io do it in, ~· '4· Sir ¢11ttUopbet ljacton, a little befor~ his· Death, acivi(ed his·Re-' lauons ~o be S~ri?PS in the Search after .rhe Will of God in the Holy fV"rd: i'or (fa~d be) It IS defervodly accoumed a Pieli·of ex« !lent Knowledgo;,• to' · underltanlt |