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Show ~ No CROS$, No CROWN. VoL:I. ~7 4- • . _, fc fr Wrath to come! Why will 66! Ltt it be fo 0 you Chnlbans. a,N ~cape \,.e h l)o ~tofsl .f.to ~totun. ~ youdye?L~t tbeTimenatlfuffice: Reme~ rdt ~~rs bu[ \•eri few. 'fhtledt. XVII[. Redeem then the Ti111e, Jo'jb~ Dayfit'J Evt:~ asob~r Fear Warcb, Pray 11nd 6 fore Gird ffP the l.oytu VJ yopr . m £• E ~urag~ment and Conf~ fph. ~. 1 • Endure tO the f11d; callin~ to 'b1f.d,. 01e ~~JrweN-Doing wait for lmmort~ Rom.,, 7· 9• l~tion; that a Ic£uch, n I ro~and age;,.~lll Life, iR the Kingdom of the jft. tJ ,btCy,T ;jh nWOr,i ~'?;JalHp tb.: kin•.,)d ;~'"rpe Patoer and the G/iJT} far ever. AmelL J The Second P A R T : CQiltaining An AccouNT <If the Living and Dying Sayings OF ~EN E inent for their. Greatnefi, Learning, or Virt111 : Aod rhat r:i. Divers~erio~s of Time, and ~atiom: o~. the World •. A1l concurung ~ h" 0 e Tel\imooy That a Life of Smfl Virtue, VI~. To Do WeU, • ~:!r J1, ;, rbe W;y ro Lajling HappineJr. ColleElcd in Favo~r of the TauTH delivered in the FIRST 1' ART. By WILLIAM PENN. ThePREFACE. E\10(11 ,tlO etebm, fho¥id have ended bert; ,h#t that tbl Po\fer; ~xampt~ and Authorities havt P•l upon the Mmfs of Peopk, about the mo)l Reaf~nab!e and Preffing .drsu11ltnt!, tr.~!zn~ met~ preftnt m, ltc dets with Jome of rbofe manllnjla11,ctr that m1g/Jt he g1ven, tn Favo11~ Of 'b a Vi Lift rtCOIIIfllfnded m ~r Difcou,rfe. . I choj'~ to caft t./;em tnto Three'1:~U:of Te/limoniu ( f!O_t after tb~ Threefold SubJe8: of the Book, hMt) Jiuitabl~ to the Timu, ~»~almes, an1 c,rcumfln.cu of the Petfons.tba~ cav.~ 1h j; b . b'Oft divert ExceOtMttltmd Stll/IOJU IMve tr6njm111t" tbttr ,'m or~tb 'R~plllatioD to our owR. Times. The Flrft T--rftimony comes ftolll t~" ~~J Heathens the Swmd [ro111 Profefs'd Chri!lians, and rbe Laft ;;,,. ~ ~·~·da A~, alfd Dying Men; being their La~ and Serious Refiei\io~s, '·" ''b·1b ' Oftent~tion pr Worldly Interefts could znduee them. Where 11 U1l ~ tc{t.nop the Conftde.rate Reader to oliferve bow much the Pride, Av:uic~l· %J''L~x~;y of the \Vorld, fl~od reprehended i!l ~be Jud~ments of Per[onh<O) c; 0 dit amongft .Meo ;and what wmtbat Life 1111d Cond118, thatm I e1r M~ft' Recired Meditations ".hen thdr Sight wtU Clearefl, and ]11dgm1nt ~off free and Jifahuf!d~ they t'(;q11gbt -wou/4 ,tivt Pea~ Here, ad l1y FoultdtlflOnt , •f Eternal Blelfedne&, C H A p, Vdt. I. No CROSS, No c R.OW N. cHAP. XrX; The T E s T I M o N I E s of Jeveral Gr~at, Lear11ed and Yirtr~ons Perfonages among the Gentiles, argetlagai11jl the E.x,e!Jes of tire Age, in Favour of the Self-Denial; Temperance and 'Piety herdn recommended; 1. Among the Greeks, vi::. §. 1. OfCvrus. §. 2. Artaxerxes. §. l· Ago- ~:i~u~~· S: ~i'!thJi·ft~l~.'ex§~d~: lrin~es:S.'o~i: P~ri~~~;:en;.ph:~.e~iJ: §. I]• Clitoltl.1chus. S· 14, Eptminondas. S· IS• Demofthenes. §. 16, Agalicles. S· 17, A&etilaus, S. 18, Agis. §. t9. Alcamenes. §. 20. Alexandrida$. §. tl • .Anaxilas, §. 22. Arifton. §. 2]. Archidamus. ~· 24. Cleomenes. e·. 2~. Dertyllidas. ~P:~P~~i~a§.u~. 1. \~?k};::'!~·at(e • .!~· ~Jv::::;, ol' ,:e9i1/~~~~1a~· ;;~~~~4~: t;i~~ klrf~rng~~ rb;i: l~1;:~~itu~II.i.";;~'t-f:r~~ma§~·3;:ty ~JJ»~;n~l· §~atS: ~~ t!: §. 39• Adrian. §. 40· Marcus Aure:fius Antoninus. S· 41. Pertinar. §. 42. iFercennius. §. 43· Alexander Severus. §. 44• Aorelianus. §• 4~· Dioclefian. §. 46. ]Oiian. 'S; 47• Tl\eodofius. (l!I.) 1be Liws iDtd DtJDrints •f'fome of thl HC"athen Phi!uCophers ,.. ftJfJI1g tbe Greeks n4. Roltl.1nS, vit• §. 48. Thales. §. ~9· I>ythagoru. §. so. Solon. §. sa. Chilon. §. ~2. Periander. ~. B· Bias. S· S4· C!eobulus. §. H· Pitucu.s. §. ~6. Hippias. §. S7· 1bt Gymnofuphiffil!. §. sS. 1be Ramburacij. §. ~9· Tbt Gynzcofmi, )• 6o. Anacharfis. §. 6r. Ana:ragom. §. 62, Heraclitus. S· 63. Democritus. §. 64• Socrates. S. 6-;. Plato. §. 66. Antifthenes §. 67. xenocrates. §. 68. Bion. S· 69. Demonax. S• 70. Diogenes. t' 71, Crates. §. 72. Ariftotlt:. S· 13· Mandanis, §~ 74• Zeno. §• 7S• Q.uintilian. , 76. Seneca. §. 77• Epiftetus. (lV.)oj YirrNotuHeathen- Women, vit· §. 78. Pene ope. §. 19· Theoxena. !f· 8o. Pandora and Pcor;genia. §. 81. Hipparchia. §. 8:z, Lucrecia. §. 8]. Cornelia. §. 84. Pontia. §. 8s. Arria; ll6. Pompeja. Plautim. §. 87. PlocMu. §. 88. Vompeja Paulina, §. 89. A. Jt:proif ffJYOIIIJIMQilSWamtllfJftbtTimts. p. crrru (than whom a greater lrlo•arcb we hardly find ln S"rJ) is more famous for his Virtue, than his Power; and jndeed it was thJt which gave him Porxcr. God calls him his Shepbe,:d: Now le~us fee the Principia of his Condua and life. So Temperate was he in his Youth, th:lt when Aflynge.r urged him rp drtnk Winr, he anfwered, J om a{nlid lejltbere jho11/d he Poifon in it ; bavittg flen thee rut and fen i.fo ll.fttrbaving drunk thtreof. And fo careful was he, to keep thehrfinns itom Corruption of Manner.r, that he would not fuffer.them to le3ve rhcir Rude and Moamanous Country, for one more pleafanr and Fruitful, left tbrougb Plenty and Eaft, Luxury at !afl .might de/lafe tbtir Spirits. And iO ''ery chafl was he, that having taken a Lady of f2._11ality, a moft Be"Jutiful Woman, his Prifoner, he retufed to fee ber, faying, 1 bot•t: 1f(J lJJ'i,d to he 4 CaJ!~itre to my Captive. It feems, he claimed no fuch Propricry ; but fhun'd theOccJfion of E\•il. The Comp_tNih:r of his Houihold~ a!.king him o~eDay, What be woN!d p!eafe to have for his Dinr1erf .8,.~14 fJid he, for lmund to tttcamp nish the Waur: A fbort and eafie Bill of Fare: .but lh)s thews the Power he had over his Appetite as well as his Soldiers; and that he was fit to command others, that could comm:md bimfel}. According r.o another Saying of his, No .i11an (faith he) is wort by lo rotHmn!fti, «bois not beturthan tbo.fewho are to obey: And when he came to d:;:e, he ga-v'e ~his Reafon of his Belief of Lnmortaliry, I canr1ot, faid he .. perJwa.de mffi!f to think, that the Soul of Man, after havingf"Jlain'd it ftlj~ in a mortal .bod}, .foollltl,perijb, whtn delivered 0111 of it,for Wanzcof it: A Sa_ji~ of perhaps as gr~at Weight, as mJy be a.d\•anced ;~gainft iJ.Jbeifm, from more enlightnea 'I1mes. §. H . .2:tta.rttttd Alnemon, being upon an extuordina_ry Occafton tedu~ ed to ear Barley Bread, and dryed Figgs, and dri11k Water;Jfbqt Pfegfure ((alth he) boae 1/0jlti/J now, t!JI'ouAh my Deliucies-t~nd &ccjs! §.Ill. .~gatbocfeG, becoming Kin~ of Si<ilj, from being the Son of~ F•t. ur :37; 1668. ~ Chap. XIX, |