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Show IS4 No. XVI. ~ .An .A p p E N 'D I X to VoL. I . r ioull addiCled than themfelves, and that al~ays confeffed to bedm~ehre~~r Viftue; and their Tender Love ro their t~ts Change augm~~~e ove/rh~s Way of Proceeding_ _; and fon:te moderate Kmd~ed; many g T' . But Perfecudon by Ftrs; that IS, as at any Refp1te we bad for a m~e; ith the Civil Magijlrau; and becauf~ moft, Time rhe Clergy has pre·ra~~n~Conformiry hide and flink, ufiog theu Poli· if not all, other Way~ 0. . and that we cannot defert our Srandard or ticks for Self-Pre\enauon' be acceffory to the Prevalency of Darknefs) TeUimony, (finc8e !,w~re bro oUr Lot above all other Nlin-Conformifis: As therefore hath u~en{f: een our Natio~ cab WhnnNs~me of the Everlafting God, who hath ~cen as a . . But ble1~ed e ~- e d a Pillar of Cloud by Day, and a Rock m a weary PtU,, of Fu·c by 1\~gbr, aby the Way-fide. and has fullaincd us by the InLand, and~ )uref ~-mgown Love Life P~ace and Joy; and in the Ark of vi~ble Cordia sfi 0 rtl ~s referv'd ~s m;king good to us wh:lt He promifed HrJI~rn~~~erh~ o~d lonsjhou!d b~ hungry, and the you11~ Lionsjhould lack 0 , ,' d J tl;e Youth jhould faint; but they that warted upon the Lo~tl, ~~j~~:fied ~= their God jhouid re11ew their Strengtb: lind no goo4 Tbmg J b ·1hbe!d frotiJ them: They jhould walk a11d not be wea;y; they wolil t WI d 1 f int Yea he often compaifed us about wtth many ~~oduldr:t'i~UsaPr~~if:~, a·nd gre;t was our l_tefoltnion for the Lord; ~bar, with PH1tbakR.uk we could fay; Though the Ftg-T~u fhall n~r blojfom; net!her 11 Fi · h · the Vinet the Labo;,r of the Ohve jhall fml, and the Fzeld: ~:/l i~7/ noe .il;:at; the FiotkjhaU be cut ~ff from the Fold, ~nd the':e }hall be no "Jcrd in the St~~/Js; yet we will rejoyu m the Lord, we Wt# Joy tn the God of cur Salvation: 1be Lord God U o11r Strength, ahd H~ wtll make our Fttt liM Hind's Feet, and He will make rH to w~lk upon tbe fltgh Places; ~nd that h h He done many a Time to our Afl:ontfhment: For He hath gtven us pat from on High 10 bind Kings in Chains, and Nobles in Fetttr: of Iron, ,:~~~d u on the Necks oJ our E'!'em;e.r, and to poCfefs the G•tcs of them that once ~a ted us: 0 I could wnte a Volume of the .Judgments and Mer~ des and Faithfulnefs of the Lord; who hat~ kept us, mcreafed us! confirm~ ed us, proteD:ed us and comforted us to thts ver_y Da_y : Fo! wh~ch Thou· fands are the Souls and Spirit~, that Day and N1_ght m White Lmnen, ~he Rmment of the Firfl Rejurre010n, Bow and Reverence, Honour, and Prat~e, Glorify and Exalt Him, that firs upon the Throne, and the Lamb who IS w~:B~Y ~o:c~v~f that Wonderment, SufFering and Reproach is over_; the Rigour of our Enemies abated j and the Blefi'ed LIGHT and TRTITR m tho Confcience becomes valuable m the Efieem of many, and the lincere F?l· lowers of it gre:1.tly refpeaed; ::md that by Perfons of very great ~uabty. And tho' the Laws Oaths, and other Cuftoms of our Country refiram Men of Authority from' entirely falling in ';"ith us, or conferri.ng any feculae E~ ployments upon us~ yet have they wnh great Impprtunlty fought co us m their own Perfonal, and Family Concerns, and repofed al~ Tmfi and Confi· dence in us. And bleifed be the Lord, who hath kept us 10 the Way of Integrity, and that has fo mavclloufly turn'd the Hearts of the Great Ones of the Eanh, infomuch, that we can fay; Whe_n thofc that would be thought as the Heavens ha\•e fought our DefiruChon, the Earth, meer Worldly Great Men ha\'e ofren he.lp'd the Woman, and faved us from the Raging l:!,Rvy of the Scribes and Pharijee.r: Ble.J}"ed be the Name Pj the Lord our God, who n a God like unto Him? , And furthermore this know: Now that God hath made this Parrage in the Land of our Nativity; and cafi his firm Anchor of Hope in the Souls of many Thoufands in this Inand. He will fuddenly break in upon the Nati~ ons about us; and all th::fe Difheffes, that now are in the Bowels of Earopt, are to prepare the Way of the Lord. God will thin tht People: He will pinch, pine, and wither Countries; :1nd imo Confufion fhall Europe run more and more: And when their Diftrefs is compleat, then !hall they cry early and mnel\ly after the Lord. And welcome, 0 beauteous fhall F~~~ VoL. I. Tbe A tf THoR's LIFE. Feet of them be, that bring Glad Tidings to the Weary, and theDil\relfedi No. XVt· and when Europe is brought fo low as to fee, There is no Helper in the Earth, ~ then {hall Heaven be in Requeft; and to Heaven (hall her Inhabitants look. and from thence fhall he come .into their hungry Souls, whom they hav~ look'd for. And this is the Word of the Lord, that lives in my Soul to you: The Lord whom y,u look for, jha/1 Juddenly come to His Temple, even your Hearts. 0 prepare, prepare; make ready; watch unto his Appearing in you, to make you a Fit Habitation for His Holinef.r to dwell in. Let him have your whole Hearts; let the Manger.r be for the Beajls, and not for the Babe o£ Glory, whofe very Birth brings Glory to God on High, Ptace on Earth, and Good WiU towards .illen. . Yet Sorrow goes before, and will gird all Nations; for in that Day, when tbey jhall jee whom they have pierced, all Kindred.r, Tribes, 11ntl Families foall mourn, a1 one would Sorrow Jor 011e's Firfiborn, and be in Bitternifs ru for one's Only Cbi!d. And with fuch (hall it be well; for to them will it be not only a Day of Vifitation, but Redemption. But Wo unto the Idol Shepherds, in that Day, who have fed themfelves and nOt• the Flock; who have run, 3nd God never fent them ; and cried, Thus faid the Lord, and God never fpake to them ; and th:u have prey'd upon the Flock, and prepared War againft thofe that in ConJcience could not put into rheir Hireling-Mouths: That have been the great EmiCfaries of the Falfe Prophet; and to all that commit Sin with Greedinefs, and will have none of the Lord nor of rhe Knowledge of His Ways: But, with the Priefis and Rulers of this World, that have drunk deep Draughts of the Blood of the Saint.r, and Martyrs of Jefr~t, from the F. yes of fuch fhall Repent:Lnce be hid in thar Day, and their Tongues will be fcorched with the Heat thereof; and they will utrer B!<ljjJhemie.r againfi the Mofllligh, and their End will be Eternal Perdition. And behold l flt~nd at the Door and knock, faith the Lord God, I :1m ready to be revealed. It !hall not be faid, The Fatber'.r have eaten Jour Grapes, and the Chiidrm's Teeth areftt on Ed£e: But thus faith the LordJ Every Souljhall bear HH own Burden, :md for the Iniquity that he hath done, fhall he Die; unlefs· he die tQ Sin by unfeigned Repentance: For my Jwi/t Witnrfi, who is Faithful and True, is arifing, and by him' wiiJ} plead with all Flefh, , Wherefore, Wo to all the Inhabitants of the Eartli thtt have cafi my Law behind their Back,. and grieved my Holy. Spirit: That have talun Counfci and not of me, and that have [or gotten me Days without Number. That have lived wantonly upon the Earth, and confumed their Days in Plea/ llre.r: That have multiplied Sacrifices unto me; but have not hearkened l)nto my Word: That ferve me with their Lips, while their Hearts are f.tr. from me. That offer unto me Incenfe, and yer opprefs the Holy One of lfrad with their Init;uitie.r; my Soulloaths your Aifemblies, and your Sacrifice. r are an Jibommation unto me. p Repent, Repe~t, T11r11 unte m~, why win you die, that 1 mt~y give you Life: Obey the Lrght of My Son tn your Heart.r, and ye /hall yet Live before Me. And all you that feparate your felves from the Multitude, in whom my Spirit has been fiirring, bqt have quencht it with your own Stirrings and have ma:de a Fire of the Sticks that yon have g:Lthered ; and that co~pafs your felves <~;bout in the Sparks of the Fire that you have kindled, (which tsnot the F1te that comes from Heaven) Behold, This ]hall you have army Hand ; you jhall aU lie down in Sorrow. Wherefore Hear 11nd Live: My Sacrifice is in mine own Spirir; .whofe Motions do thou wait for in the Silence of all Flefh; and give up thy felf in Obedience unto the fame, and I will touch thy Heart with a Coal from my own Holy illtar; and a L;ving Sttcrijice fhalt rhou offer unto me on my Sabbarb-D11y, in which thou {halt reft from thy own Workr, and therein {ball ¥ B b my |