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Show A LETTER to the Young Con-umutl· VoL. I. Old, through Deferu, TVilderne.ffer, tm1 Solirar) '!!au~, G~at·S,kinr, al!d Sbeep·Skins, cqd111re all Tormen~s, a,d B1tter . .Mockmgt IR thu &rrbly Pll .. grimagt, for tbe Inheritance wbub n Everlajlmg. So .illy Dear Friends, let us dq, as we have them for our Exaftlple; hoW~ver let us be careful to Chew all doe Ref peEl: to our Relations, not to be exah;d i1or any Ways unruly_, left there be Juft Caufe tJken againSt us, and the Bieffed Truth Chould fuffer; but in the Sti11, Retired, Holy, and Patient Li.JC, this Pure Eternal Principle of Ligbt and Tt·utlJ, (as ferioLfly and diligently w:1ited on) certainly bungs into, let us all dwel1 and abide, fo lh:11l we feel the Powerful Operation of God•s Holy Spirit, to the more compleat redeeming of our Exercifed Sc-u/s from. tmdtr tbe Dominion of Sin, and ro tbe giving all of YJ ll (Jearer Undaflandmg, and Sotmder Judgment tf tbufi: Things that ore. to he (Jarred }rom, ( a1 tbe Pltajures, Cares and C11.f roms of the 1Vor(d, that Jl..and in the Fallen ]\Tature, and only nourijh ibe fame; but CrN<ifo the Self-Denying l.urd ofG!ury) and uf tbe Thingt u[God, and. His Spiritu41 Kingdom, which arc to be adbered to, that m HH PMrc WU. Jllm which is from Above, we may be all kept nP..d priferveJ, over all the Sna:es and Tempt1rtions of tbe Jldverfary, both on the Rigbt Hand and on tl>< Ltfr. · And as one that is a Traveller in llis Way, I even befeech, caution, and admoni(h you all in the Holy Awe of God, 1hat you never forbear Meeting ~·nd Afl'c~bling of your felve~, with tbe Ho(y Rmnumt, tJmong/1 whom u:e firfl recetved our Ble.ffed Convmcemcnr. 0 I "for ever let us Honour the Lord's Trut~. and thof~ who_do Sincerely profe~ t~e fame I &t more tf· ptcially, Jucb m u·ere rn Chrijl before rH, for tbn H WeO-pleojing unt,; t/Je LoAd~d let us beware of Lightnefs, Jelling, or .. Carelefs Mind, which Grieves the Holy Spirit, that ]lands -ready 10 Seal II! unto the Day Q[ o11r PerfeO Redemption; but l~t us be ~a\·~, W_eighty and Temperate, keeping low in Body, as well as Mtnd, that 1n all Tbrngs we may be Examples, and a fweet Savour Tor the God who hath loved and called us. And Jlly Dear FriNIJr, ler us keep in the Simplicity of the Croft ofJ</111, t;ven in Plainnefs of Speech, and out of the World's flattering and deceitful Ref peas, for we areas well to be a Crifs in 011r Garhs, Gates, Dealin_~s altd ~abttations, at Religion and JVorjhip,to this Vain Adulterated and .i1.fo}t_tttiz'd Generation; fo in the Pure Meafure of Truth that hath been mamfefted to evefiy Panicul1r, and·has Convinced us oft he Unrighteoufnefs of the World, :md the Vanity and Emptinefs of all its Frofeffions of God, Chrift, andReligion; 0 let us.fiand and abide! that we muy feel it to be our Refuge, and Strong Tower, when the Enemy fhall approach, either by inward Exen: ife, or outward llonds and Sufferings, which in all Likelihood will fud· d.eqly o\'ertake us, for the Trial· of our moft Precious Faith ; fo Jhall we fenfibly expcric~ce that .Heavenly Blo~d of Cl.eanfing to fheam therefrom, which only can f. IV& Remij]ion, cle.anfe jrom on Srn, and final(y purge tbe Con~ J~ience }ram dead Works, _ro ferve ~he Livi'!g,. Everlaflhtg, Hr;ly God, ..AI· migbsy, Lord of liDjls, Krng of Nt~ttonr, and Krng of Saints. JJ.nd ubat/6- ever Things art Ttuc, wbarfoever Things are Honeft, wbatfo'evtr Things are Juft, whatfoever TbiTtgs are Pure, fJJba!fotver Tbings arc Love_ly, and wbasfoever Thmgs nre of Good Rep?rt ; if there he ""Y Virtue\ ij tbere be anJ Ptaife, 0 let US> mtnd t!Jefe Thzngs! .And the God of Peace, that btu by bt.t Eternal f(_uickning Power raifed JESUS in TboufanJs from rbe Dead, b!efs, e_ccompa»), and priferve tK over all Trials and Tribul11tions, un1o His Eto~naJ lf.abitaJion.r of Refl, and G~ory. C•rbttry, in the County of Cotk, the 19th of the .,ta Mooth, 166~. Your Brother, and Fellow-Travellet in the Xing~ dim and "'Patience of Jefus our Lord, w. p, • VoL. I. .) . -~' -+H :=======================- 167o. ~ THE Great C A S E of Lib~rty of Confcience.': Once. more briefly Debat~d aud Defended, by the Au· thortty of REAsoN, ScRIPTuu, and ANTrQ.UITY: Which rna ferve t,he Place of a General Reply to fuch late Difcourfes, as hale · Oppos d a ToleraJ1on. The Author TV. 'P. Wbarfc!..ver ye fJJollld tb,t Men fhoultfdo to you do ve even fio to tbf . Mat. 7· 12. ' , ~ 111 ' Re11der unro C2far, t1Je 11Jingz tb11t are Otfar's; and to God thl Thing1 t hat nr~ God's. Mark 12. 17· ' To the Supream Authority of England. T OLERATION (for thefe Ton Years paft) has not been more the Cry of fome, thart PER S E CUT} 0 N ha• been the Practice of others, though not o~ GrtJ1111ds equally Rational. ~ · The prefem c.aufe o~ this. Addrefs, is to folieite a Converfion of thit Power to our .Rehef, wh1c~ httherto has been imploy'd to our Depreffion; that aft~r t~ts large Experience o.( our Innocency, and long fince ex ir:d .Appr~ntrctjhtp of Cru1l Sufferings, you will be pleas'd to cancel a11 our B~nds :md gtve _u~ a. Pofl'effion of thofe Freedoms, to which we art entituled .....! Engl,jh Bmhnght. "' This has been often promifed to us, and we as earneftly have expected the Performance ; bnt to this Time we labour under the unfpeakable Preffiue tu~~~yin~f:!0-f::nfli.~s.daily Con6fcation of our Goods, to _the 3 pparent yv e would nor :n.crihute the whole of this Severity 'to M~lice finco not a lutle !hare manullly be afcribed to Mif.:intelligence ' For 'tis the Infelt~ity.of Governours to fee and hear b'y the Eyes and Ears of other Men; wh1ch It equally unhappy for the People. And. we are hold to fay, that Suppofitions and meet Conjectures hvte been rh7 heft Meafures, that molt have taken of Us, and of our Prin:iples; for .wh1lft rhen: have bi!en none more inoffenfive, we have been mark't for Capt tal Offenders. • 'Tis ~ard. that we fhould always lie under this undeferved Imputation; n:r~~~~h IS worfe, be Pedecuted as fuch, without_ the Liberty of a ju.ft .In fhor~~ i.f yon are apprehenfive, that our Principles are inconpltent Wtth ~he CIVIl Government, grant us a free Conference about the Potnu in Queftton, an.d .let us know, whac are thoie La~s, eifential ro Prefervarion, that our Optmons carry an Oppofition to? And if upon a due enquiry we ~re .found fo Heterodox, as reptefemed, it will be then but time enough to mfhCl: rhefe heavy Penalties upon us. And as this Medium feems the fairelt, and molt reafonable; fo can you never do you~ felves greater J uftice, either in the Vind ication of your Pro ... L 11 2 ceedings |