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Show 7oS Tbe Continued Cry of the Opprelfed, VoL. I. r6J)· on Straw, having taken his Bed befo.re, not leaving him a~1y Thing to co~ ver him withal. fo that he was fam to lodge abroad, nll he could get ~ fome old Things 'to cover him at Home. And there hath lately been taken from feveral Per.fo~s, for meeting in and about Cambridge, Goods and Cattel to the Value of Stxry Three Pounds and upwards. , . f E! ' 1 At Littleport, Ely, and other Places tn the ~fle o J', 1ever~ Perfo.ns e fin'd and had their Goods taken for tbeu peaceable Meetmgs, vrz. a c,:~h, Stuff, HoujhofJ.Gooilr and Cattel; from one V:l oman .the very Bed fhe lay on; in all, ro the Value of one Hundred N1nety Ftve Pounds and U).!d~!~J Partridge a~d his Favorite Thomll:' Richmo11, the old Inforrt;~er, ufed great Violence to fever.al; Edw. Partrtdge ftruck S_amue/ Carer twtce, and being at Prayer, pulled him down by the Nofe, beaung ~en a~d Wo· men till he broke his Staff: He alfo fi_ruck one Perfon, ftandmg qutetly at theMeeting-houfe Door, and felled hlm, ~hat ~he Sta~1ders-by fa!d,_Thc~t a u one knockr on the Head; yet he_ revived m a ltt~le Time, but Wtthln Six · Months after dyed, and to his dymg Day cornplamed of that ~low. . Note, 'William March Juftice, fined one ~an (no !<_uaker) Five _Poun~s, for refufing to help to carry away the a€oref:ud Sufferers Goods, whtch Fl~e Pounds, the poor Man paid ; but wanung but Two Pence thereof, the fatd Juftice forced him to borrow it, to make up th~ Sum; and lbortly after the a poor Man dying, on ~is Death·Bed he_ much reJoyced, That he bad no Hand in rakiTtg away his Netgbbour Adams bn Good1. Witneffes, WiUiam Bfl1jier, SamudCater. Oxfordfoire. FOR a Meeting at A/v:koet near Burford CfY~!rer Powt'/Prieft of t~e Town, bein~ Informer, who befor.e the Meenng had fpoke to the Julh· ces, ar their Penl to be at the Meenng) feveral Perfons, were fined and had Goods taken away to the Value of Forty Four Pounds and upwards. Somtr'[etfoire. THirty two Perfons were fined for being at a Burial, for which they bad taken from them in Cows, Corn and other Goods, to the Va_lue ot Eighty Two Pounds and upwards, by :Wa~rant from Fra. PawkrJulhce, ..,. who he when none elfe would buy the d1ihemed Cattle, fent Men to buy them for himfclf. · fi db One Morgery 0J1fWnl, who wa• not at the Buual, and yet was ne 'I F Pdwler went to him to know the Names of them that had fworn. 3· g~inft he; and defired Juftice of him ; he faid, Irwar a lt1ijlt~ke; by wh1~h it did afte~wards appear, he was willing to excufe the.lnfo~mers? hoWbelr, he then read in~ Book in the hearing of feveral Perions, lD which D•y~er and Wit1Jty-Were recorded Informers againft the faid An:-embly at the Bunal_, and f.1id withal, Tbarjbe jbou/d profecNit them for ~er;ury a~ the nrxt Seffi· ons 1111d that the Record at the Sej]ions fhou!d be EVIdence agamf! tbem, or _to tha~ Effe£1:; but he was not fo good as his Word; for at th~ Seffi~ns VVn· · neffes were prt:fent to teftifie, that !he was not a~ the f;ud Bunal; but Fra. Pawlet (in Favour to thefe Informers) left Wttbey's Name out of rhe a Record and put in another's Name, who was not prefent, and alfo left o~t her Na~e; fo there could be no Proceedings againft the Info_rme_rs for their Perjury, albeit he had iffued out his Warrant to l~vy the Fme 1mpofe~ on her. The faid Juftice Paw/er for the fame Bunal fined fevera~ Peuons Twenty Four Pounds for an u_nkn?wn Pre.1cher, yet fent a Cernficar_e to the M:~.yor of Bridgwater, tadifiret~?- Tweory Pounds on the Good~ ?f Jo1Jn lltzderrca for preaching at the Bunal that Day.; fo he would ha\e Forty * Four Vo·L. I. Tbe Continued Cry of tbe Opprelfed. Four Pounds in all [Note, this is Twenty Four Pounds more than th R' gour of the Law allows of, admirrmg it had been a Convenncle.J fo: th~ ' 67>· Preacher known, and one unknown, when 10 Truth there was no e fi k ~ but J ohn il.nderrcn, who Chnfiianly exhorted the People to confindor ~~le~; ~ tarter End. And when JHary Tyler, the Wtdow of the deceafed ( h ~ was fi ned ~our Pounds for bein~ at her Hus~and'~ Burial, and had G:Od~ -no raken .for tt) fpoke mildly to htm, to fhew hlm hiS Injuftice he told h l1 dtd nor becflmc Women to go to rbe1r Hujband1 Burra!s. ' er, And feve~at Perfons for beiog at Meetings at G!ajlenhury and Gre or ~ Slake In this County, have lately had Cattle, Corn and Goods taken !fo~ them, to the Value of One Hundred Forty Five Pounds and upwards b Warran! from rwo Perfons, called, Jufhce Waldron and Jufhce Crofs· ' y Ar this D.1y there remain Prifoners m thts County for the Tellimony of Jefus, Twenty one Perfons. _And there have dyed in Prifon, Sufferers for good Confcience-fakc in thiS County, fince the Year t66o. Eighteen Perfons. ' WitneJI'es, Jobn G1ff, Hcmy Ciorbic, George Taylor. Berkfoire. THomtU f?urrit, fined Three Pound Fifteen Shillings, had a Mare taken from him worth about Seven Pounds, by Warrant fromJufiice Craven; and, though an A£peJl was rendere:d (accordmg to the AB:) it w.ts refufed. and though the_pfficers volunt:trily offered the Juftice the Fine, yet - .h~ would not take It, but bad the Mare valued at Four Pounds and kept-her. The 7th D;~y of the 8th Month, 1675, WiUiam Armour~r and Gcorte Gofroel, Mayor of Reading, came ro the Meeting, and becaufe the Women came: not forth fo foon as they would ha\'e them, W . .Armourer pluckt out of his Pocket a fharp Inftrument, and prickr fcveral of them in a Shame· f~l Manner, till it fetcht Blood ; and afterwards tendered the Otttb of .A.ue. gt~ncc to feven of them, on purpofe to enfnare them ; and becaufe for Con. fc1ence-fake th_ey could not fruar at all, they were fent to Gool, where they now rematn. And the Mayor thruft foJlle lVomen in il very abufive Manner particu-larly an ~ntient Woman, withour Regard to Age or Sex. ' Of wh1ch Cruelry, and much more, many in Readi11g are WitneJI'cs. Cbefoire • J U~ice Daniel of Daresbury bath fined one Meeting near him feveral Times over, and hath taken from T. Bri.(gr and others the Value of One Hundred an_d Sixteen Pounds, fjfteen Shillings Jnd Ten Pence, in Kine and Horfes (wh•ch the Juftlce keeps to his own Ufe and Work as his own) alfo ~?rn, Brafs, Pewter, Bedding, and fu~h like Goods. ' ~!'tlltam Hal{ of Congleton, ~.hoemJker, was fined Twenty Pounds, hy WiU. Kn~t.bt, Mayor, and two Ju.fhccs, for having a Meeting at his Haufe· for Wh1ch ?is .Mare was diftreined, when his Wife was riding on her. 'And ~om_e T1me after,_ they feizcd on his Shoes in his Shop. And another Time, 1n h1s Abfence, wJth Mat hooks broke open the Doors of hjs Dwe1ling-Houfe, and took away Two Carr· Loads of Goods, whereupon William tendered an ctJ Appeal, but the faid l\bgiflrates denied it: Sometime afrer, the Mare, of her oyvn accord, came Home, in his Abfence, his Wife let her in; now, n9twa~ftanding that upon their Crying the M.1re, he went with two of his Neighbours, and acquainred the Chief M:1giftrarc, that be had the Mar:, and lbe was in the Field, withotlt any Lock to hinder rhem from her, a~d tf. they had more Right to .her than he, they might fetch her; otber-wtfe, tf they pleafed, he would joyn Hfue with them, to try whofe the Mare was; which they refufed) and committed him to the Goal, and Ar- .raigned |