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Show An A p p E N 'D' i X to Voi. I. f h G d Remember that the Jilanna defcended ~eartH Will "0Ja~l; at~~~ y: d~uy0 ~~a be gathered and e:aen \ anddthaNt the rom eaven , h d y ft day cannot ferve to DJy for Foo • ow Mann·a that waNs gat elre e fter. i~ irt the Spiritual And therefore the ~s ic is in the atura ' even ° 15 f · d. ·1 B d for he i1 Ld~r1d Je~~~ ~fss p~~gf~t ~i~dD~~c~~~~ b~fo~~3{he~ :t~~!~ref~!e 1:~od~odyJlofiok at Y Wt ' h h h e known. but look forwar , on e us, backwards, atdhadore 'f .a~t eyho a~ Mighty ~o finilli what he has begun; the Author o t e true att ' w d delivered his People our of Egypt; ~~1:~f:~t~:~:g~~~:~dff~{?~~:::;i~~~~t~sJ~:~t~:r;~~~~ti~~~ !!afiely_, toChrift tfien they work for themfelves upon thctr old Expenen~~ e:~d1Jtw 10·'rbemfelves Cijlerm t!Nzt can hold '!o Water. dHer~ ~e~.h rdvaifs, and here Death talks of the Fame of W1fdom _; an Wlt t IS k ow led e they feed themfelves, and not on the Tree of Ltfe .. "Take ge Heed my Friendr, for great is the Myftery of Unnghteouf~e~., but the light of'Jefus Chrift difcovers the f3m~; :md therefore r7mam !n this and tram it expeS: y.our daily Bread, d:uly Knowledge, datlifi \Ytf~ don; and daily Strength ; take no Thought for the Morrow, for Su c1ent unt~ the D:.ty is the Evil thereof. , . . . f h". And rhus li\·es the Seed of Faith, t,he Tr_ue Spmtu:~l Gene~auon o t ~ Deliding .Abral.•mn, th:lt daily eat of the hidden Manna, wh1ch ~efcen~ every !by from Above, and that is hidden from the World, :md ItS' W 1f.. do~ a unto them from: God, who make, and a~ore Im'tges, as well of Things in Hea\'en, as upon Earth, wherefore exami.ne, and try your felves by the Lieht of the Lord Jefus Chrii\, who alone gn'CS th: true u~~erfta~ding, what your Knowledge is, for the Knowledge. that IS ~vedafhng Lt.fe, is a fively Senfe, Enjoyment, and f'oifeffion of Thmgs, whtCh we iee u~wardly, and into this Man of himfelf can by no Means co~~ bf al1 h1s Suivings: But this is only obtained _by Judgments, deep Humiltatton, ~atience daily Watching, and by beanng the Crofs of .the LordJefus Chnft, and t'hat not only againft Satan, but alfo agamft oar own Selfilli-: ne~-nd 1 Teftifie, that he who attains his Knowledge anoth~r W:1y, is aThief and 1a Robber . for Chrift is the Door, and through H1m ~11 muft enter; oay, through 'him Only we can con:e to qoi; namely, by_faith~ully receiving him into the He~rt, an~ ern~racm~ Htm; firft, as a Ltght dlfcovcring corrupt Nature, with all ns ev1l Fruits; then as a Judge, c~nde~nin ·~ the fame to the Death of the Crofs; that fuch may ~orne _to dte. With Htm to the Spirit of the World, and to the bad and vam Frutts ?f tt; as alfo to the Spiritual Powers in high Plac~s, :wd finally to know Htm as the Refurreaion and Life, and as one, wh? ratfeth the Soul, by the fame Power whereby God the Father has raifed H1m from the ~ead. . . And here is the Pure and Li''ing Knowledge obtamed, thts IS to know, and to put on Cbrifl, and through Him to. come to God, an~ to enter through the ftrait Gate; the firait Gate, that IS too narrow for F?ejh and Blood, and all th:lt is not born of the Eternal Spirit is Flefh, and fhall wither away as Grafs before the Gloriom Sun of RighteouJneft, which is now arifen, for his Work alone can undergo the Judgment, and endure the Trial; namely that which is born of him, which is not by the VVill of Man in his own Time, nor by his Running .and Willing; but by the Will of God, and by the Holy Overfhadowing of his Pare Spirit. And this know1 that God doth nor overjhadow rl)e Jid~t!terollt, but the Chaft Virgin Mind. Who has Ears, let him hear, this alone it is, which can conceive, and produce that Know· ledge which is Evedafting Life; and . all other Knou:ledge at the higheft, is not higher than the Golden Head of that fmage, which by that fmall Stone cur out of tbe JJ1ul4nllfin, without Hands, fbaU be broken into Pi~~e:~ Vox.. t. rbar is without all the Arts, Sciences, Labour, lnduftry, Wifdom, Will, or Mind of Men. , Nay, ir mu!l be !voken. pecauf~ it has no F~qt, pn which it can ftan<!, ~or Fo~ndatioq lh1' ~an en<\ure. tile ~roof' aQd "t~erefore enq. uire into the fo.ndati"t you bu1ld upo~, wbtc& I beg for Gods Sake. Is 1t upon the Chief Cor9e1 Stone? Upon the Stone which is Elef\ and Precious> ls it P,P· on Chrift tbe Tru~ Rock ? Again!t whom, nor againft any ?n~ who truly ~epcnds upon it, fh~ll the Gates of Hell prev~il? See then if the Gate• of Hell in fcveral Things, do not prevail O'Yer you, as well as over the grca;Bod/ of falfe Chriftians? Have you not about;ou the Mark of the Nature o the World ? Do you not bow before any o itr Cuflomr? M;t;ke a Search with the Candle of the Lord Jefus, that he has lighted within yay~ whereby you !hall fee all the Fruits you produce; namely, the Nature 21 them, and to what they tend; to wit, if they aie of the Nature, and tend to the Luft of this World, or of the Nature of Go4, and to his Will, for all true Ci.uifiians ought to conform themfelves unto His WjJ.l, ih all Things, that whatfoever they do, may tend to the Praife, and Glory of the Lord, their ble!fed King and Lau>-givu. And therefore live ye low and humble, to that which has. vifited you, be like Worm Jacob, let the Lord awake you, hut dwell you in the Tents: Don't build Babelr, for they muft be broken; remember that humble aud little D11vid obcained the Kingdom, whofe Truft was only in the Name of the Lord, and his Delight was in meditating in the Pure Law of His God. This is the Vi fit of my Life and I..ove to you, 0 ye fcatter'd and hidden Ones, lift up your Heads, and behold your Sbephe_rd, and your Savlou..r \ JUra ye to him, follow him, and live with him; Let him lead you tQ ,tbe Place where he feeds, and where he makes his Flock to reft at Noen, fo..r by his Eternal Light and Spirit ha• he gathered (f(om off th,e barren MQqntains, and from the Idolatrous Shepherds) a flock, which he hath l<:d to the Fold of Reft, through many and great Tribulations; and he whoremains firm and immoveable is the true Reft, viz. Jefus Chrift, a.nd ther~ is no other. Therefo.re it is faid that the true Church coming up from the Wildernefs, leans upon the Breaft of JESUS C li RIST, her Beloved, 'her Lord, and her Hofband, who is her Strength and Stay;. aoc! all thofc who lean upon another, will fall in the Wilderne(i, and never come to {he Reft of the Lord. Therefore lean ye upon no other, but adbere Ul).tO H;m ~ wait, watch, and walk in his lk!y Ligb,, which he has fent to Lead you out of DuknefS, and therewith you will be enabled to know him, frail\ whom it comes; and whom you feek, for the Nations, who are to be favcd, muft walk in the Light of the Lo.rd: And the Time comes, aHd now is, that we fball have no need of the Sun, nor Moon, nor Stars, but the Lamb of God, that was Oain, and now lives fball be the Light and Life of all true Chriftians here and hereafter. .. rr There Things were laid upon me by the Lotd Jefus Chrift, who is the Faithful and True Witnefs, to write to you, and to bear Witnefs of His Kingdom and Appearance, •that ye might feek, (o that ye alfo may find, and that ye fbould be ready to enter in with him to the f:veJ;lafting Supper; and to theRe(! which he ha>preparedfor thofe, wbo lovehlm, and follow him in the Way of Regeneration, not laYing th.e~t Lives unto Death, fbt his Glorious Name 3nd ...T. eftimany's Sake, to Vl!hom my Soul dqes hutnbl$ .render Honour aod Pnufe, and in Communion with hi~ w.hole recteemed Family upon Earth, I afcribe all Honour, Power, and Domini.on now hence:, forth and for evermore, .ilmrn. l!g N9.XIX. ~ ·' 1 |