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Show An A P P E N V I X to Vox.. I. And Woto you Nobles of the Earth, thar fpend your Ellates in Pleafures, and your Days in Vanity, that, like thofe of old, J.?rmk Wme m Bowls, and flrettb your Je!ves upon Coz"bes of Ivory: Tb~t !nvenr Mujica/ lnflru .. mentt for your Mirth but rememhu not tbe .AJfbOrons of JoJeph, ntllhtr confider of your fatur End. What Pride, Luft and ExcefS lye ~t your J?oorsl What Spoil and Walle do you make in the World 1 You ltve as 1f you fhou!d never die, caring only wh:H you Chould ear,_ what you fi1ould dnnk, and what you fhould put on ; ho~ you !hould tnm, perfume, and be:IU· rifie your poor Mortal Selves, and at wh1ch Plays and Spans you fhould. diven and fpend away that rroub~efome a~d mela~choly Tbmg, called Ttme, (as you efteem it) inftead of Redummg the Ttm_e, becaufe the Days are Evil, and preparing_for the Erernal Judg~ent. Is. tbu the W1IY to G(ory ~ Diel Jeft1.s give you thu Example.? 0! He ~f .Crucified ,b'l tbefe Thmt&. Tbh is Jar from the True ]\'obJ/Jty and Cbrifium HonoMr that ,:ometb jrom tJbove . . Wo to you Judges of the Earth, who pervert Judgment for a Reward, th31 opprefs the Poor, and defpife the Caufe of the N_e~dy, who regard the Mighty and the Rich in Judgment, and delay J~lhce for the Fear or Fa· vour of Man. That fubjeEl: the Laws ro your Wtlls, and Rtghteous Rules to your Paffions and lntereft. Repent, and IJe Juft, for God the J uft God, the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth, fhall Jud~e you all according to your Works: And dreadful fha\1 that Day of his Reckoning and Tribunal be, to all the Workers of Iniquity ; B11t ej}uially to Vnjufl and Corr11pt Judges. . And Wo to you Lawyers, that refufe no C:~ufe for Money, but will plead even aglinft Law, Truth and Juftice for Advlntage,. teaching your Tongues to Advocate for a Lye, and your Mouths for Gain, to plead the Caufe of Unrighteoufnefs; raifing unreafonable Wealth umo your felves, by the Folly, Ignorance and Contention of the People.1 0 1be E~uivocarion, Dt~ ceit, Faljhood, and Iniquity that i.r in your Profeffion, in wbJCh yoJI fer your Confciences our to Hire at every Srmrmonr, for all Sorts of CauJt.r: Info much, That 'tis the Money, and not the Caufe that prevttilnh. And the worfl CmJjt mofi commonly is mofl Jrjired, becaufe the Client, doubtful of hi& Succtfs, il uJ11a!Jy the mofl Liberal to you. This alfo is for Judgment. And Wo to you Merchants and Traders, that have not the Lord's Fear be· fore your Eyes, whofc God i.r Go/J tJnd Gain, that neither Buy nor Sell whh Regard to hisjuft Principle in your Confciences, that ufe vain and deceitful Words, and that are not come to rhe Juft Meafure, and the Righteous Bal· lance, but ufe Frauds for Advantage: That neither Eye the Lord's Provi· dence by Sea, nor his Care by Land; but Day and Night caft about, how to raife to your felves a great Name and Eftate to exalt your Ne1ts, and rank your Families among the Rich, and the Noble of the Earth! The Lord wiU aljo plead witb you: Repent, and Fear before God. Wo to you Farmers and Countrymen, that reward the Lord Evil fot Good, who giveth you Incrcafe of all Things in their proper Seafons, yet you difcern not his Hand, you regard not his Care; you live toitboMr God in the World: Yet no Life is fuller oft he Lord's Providence, who pre~rveth and profpereth your Flocks. who increafeth your Wine, your Corn, and your Grafs; inft~Jd of remernbring his Goodnefs with Reverence, and in your Harvefts praifing him with Fear, you Sacrifice to your Lulls, Jnd re· joyce only in your Fulnefs; making Merry at your HaHefts, without the Fear of God, or looking to him, that giveth you to Increafe. Repem, and Fear before the God of the whole Earth. But above lll others. Wo to you Scribes, Pbarifees and Hypocrites, JOII Prieft.r and Paj1ors, who have 14ken a Charge tbat God never gave you ; who run, and he never fent you; who f:~y, Thtn faith rhe Lord, and be never fpoke to you, or by you. That fteat the Words of the Prophets and Apoftles, and with them, make Merchandize to the Pef'ple, nor knowing the Pure Word of God in your Hearts, to he as an Hammer, a Fire, a Sword. ro d: flroy Sm, and to purgt, redeem, and ruoncile you to God; but boaft tn other VoL. I. The Aut H 6 n's LIFE. Qther .Mens Lin~,. and fpeak Things made ready to your Hands: That ttach for H1re, and Dtvme for illoney; who leek Honour of Men, and love the uppermofi Plac.es at Feafts. Who fpeak Peace to the Wicked, and Sow Pil· lows under the1r Elbo~s for RewJ[d: Pleafers of Men, )nora than Pleafers o~ God. Wo to. you m the Name of_ ~he Lord, that Qoumerfeit his Com· miffion, and decetve the People, requmng their MoneY for that which is not Bread, and their Labour, for that which doth no~ profit: At your Doors lyeth the Blood of Souls, irl which you have Tdded. 0 you Phyfi· cram oj no Value, whom have you Cured? Where is the Seal of your Miniftry? lf it not an ahomina.kl~ Cbeat, that you take Money to Cure, yet can~ 110! Cure.; .that have no Medtcme to Cure; a•1d, at l1zjl maintain, th.Jt the Dijeafe u mcurab!e? You. are they, that will neither enter into the King .. dom your felves, .nor fuffer others. For whenever we have feen your Deflt•' }ions, and deferred your .Jiffe"!blies, prcfently a Pacqutt of Letterr muft be fent to Damtifcu.s: '!'he MJgtftrate muft be called upon to be Jailer and Hangman for the Pnefi. What Wars, Changes and Perfecutions ever be~ fel th~ w· orld, fince yo.u had a Being, in which you have not been at Head or Tar!? 0 your PraCbces fbaU more and more come to Light: And the pay hafieneth, that your very N(zme and Calling (as now held) ihlll be had In Abhorrence by the Nations. 0 you numerous OfF-fpring of the Great Rdfe Pr.upber, that bath been a Lyar from rbe Beginning; hereby is it known that God hath never fent you, th111 you bt1Ve not Profited the People. they are God's Words ~y the Prophet Jeremy. Weep and howl, for the bay of your ~relt Calamtty haftencth upon you! Your Father and Mother arc come tnto Remembrance before the Lord, the Hour of their Judgment is at ~:n~oor. God will fill you the Cup of his Fury, you fhall drink it at his 0 I I cannot bur cry aloud to you all, of allllanks and Qualities, from the H1gheft to rhe Loweft, that walk not after the Spirit but after the Flelh, daily fulfi11ing the.L,ufts tl.te_reof; That you would Repent, and be Saved. 0 how hath Chrifi. s Rebgwn been Prophaned, and His Holy Name Blafphe"!ed by the Lewdt1fe ofProfell Chriftians I The very Heathens are fca~dahz d, and rhe Natwns round about have you in Scorn and Derifion. ilrife; 0 God, fort by Name's Sake! 0 wbat Tremendou.r Oath.r and Lyes 1 lVhat Revenge an~ Alurder.r! with Drunkennefs and Gluttony! What Prid; and Luxury! What Cbanzbenngs and Wantonnifs ! What Fornicationi Rapes and iJ...dulteri~J! What Mafos and Revels! What Lujljul Ornaments, 'and En~ cbantrng .Atrtres! What Proud Cuflom.r, and Vain Complements! What Sport.r and .Pleafures ! Wbat Playr and Romances ! What Intriguu and Eafl1mes! Agam, What Falfenejs and Treacberf! What Avarite. and Oppre!fioit ! What Flattery. am/l:fypocrijie ! What Mabee and Slander ! What Collttntion and Laro;Suzts r What Wars and l}loodjhcd! TVbat Plunilcr.r, Fire.r and De,[olati .. om. And os not. o~ly committed by ~hriftians in general one againft ano~ thee, But bt Chriftran.r of the Jame Fmth, SeO and Church one againfl ano· ther; prAymg to tbe Jam_e God to Jeflroy one another; and Singing PJabn.r to God, when they have wukedly deflroycd one another. 0 the Rape.r Fires .MfJrders, and Rive;sof B(~od, tbatl)e at the Door.r of pro[efi Chri[Ji;n.r! Jj t1m.be G,o~ly, what s DeVdrfh? If thrs be Chriflian, wbat'.r PaganH'h? Wbttt'r Ann-chnfi1an, 1b11t to make Go~ a Ru·ty to rherr TVickedne[s? O.Profanation! ~ ~lafphemy What need. IS there of any .othet Oemonftration, thac Chrijlendom lS foully Apofiauzed from the Do£hine and Ex3rnple ofChrifl Je[JH, and ~is True Followers, Who faith, lf )'e love me, keep myComm1111d• menrs. By tim fhaU all ?~fen know tbat ye au my Difciples, ifye have love one to another. And John fa1~h, Wbo[otv.erdothnot love his Brother, is nor of God, and whofoever hatctl~ hu f!r?tfie.r, r.s a A1ur~erer; and ye know, that no .Mur• J~rcr bath Eur'!~l Life abrdrng m htm. And Jt is not to befuppofed, that they 1u.n one another tn L?ve: For Murder is not the EffeCl: of Love and Brotherly Kmdnefs. b~t ofMahce, Envy, and Revenge. 0 Chriflendom! How an thou a~d .thy Children degenerated from God, and fallen from the Doarine of Chnll, whofe Holy Name thou profeffeft I Thou an be<ome a Cirv full ol * C c • tJncloaD' i9'l No. XVII; ~ |