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Show Tbe ./l.uT~oll.'~ LJFE,, <;S · · d Sta'OW p~J Swords and Prifons,. and C It by Sujfmng I Can Clubs ~n b H 't ar C.nwnce the Vmlrrjland• ~};..._ J ;ue :Jlmenrs reach the Soul, Convert t e k enrT;ue Convert, or Bodrfy Punifb~ • - an~f .Man; Wben d1d V/olenc( eve; 111/, ~:td the En~ of Cluill's coming, ':r!nr a Smcerc Cbrifium l TbiJ ma 1~ dfflroytbeQJ. f11 p,rfwade them, and. f»htch uto fave Men's Lv(s anbb::b G04's Spirit o] 1ft. ()j/iu, wbCbtcb is to not ro force rhem ~ yea, ,, ~~ , swOr~ by wbuh, tbt Ancunr riflrant Convtnce the \Vorld: That¥: /l y t]Hlt tbttr Wedpons were noll Carnal, overcame. It wan be Apoi\:10· e ~~be~r' fJ(ttl!lded s11ue.lfors proverb, that but Spmtual; but the Pro ';'but Carnal. \ ·. i• 6, lo tbetr Weapons ore not SptrtiJib 'r. Wheat l;atb ~/ways been called; )'ft pl11ck Suppoje tu are Tares, tU t e b rf.ue b Let the Tares and the Wheat grow m not up for CbJijl's Sakr, w: al~n~il the End of tjle World. Ltt God together unnl the Harvell:, tf~. ~;p~ Judgmtnt of C~ifC/ence bdMgetb to bave bn Due tU well as C:t ' beillutortJn to l:ttm. Htm; and Miftakes about ReltgtQld The< of a Noble Saying of one of tby .lln· .And bert gnu us Leave tota~d.". 1 am Kmg of Men, not of Confc1enccs; cefiors, Stephen Kmg o{ ~o l . .ll.nd there have been found, and jltll are King of Bodtes, not {t soup~;nces and States of t~e f~orld, jome t~at Sbqvt! 4mong the Emperors, mg f d 1 . their Confcieouous DtffeQnng u blld tbat Noble. Spmt, o, Gn u rmlg nd Galho not to Perfecute, bllt alfo je8:s. .And not only vm 'J ama 1e j. tbt Hatred and V1oltn(e of tbc1r emme~tly to Prott~h==~~~'IJ.£t1!~'b:zn ~b~y . Confider pow ~reiiJ and Com .. Enem1u. Be npt :J' J b Governmenu fortahly our Fncnds Lzvt un eb o:,,:,.Prudenc( of the Kmgs and State~< of t1J' .And mdeed we conctiVt rt to e b True The Glory of a Prince IS 1R the JVorld: For if th6 Wife M.B:t~i;:s Praflt~e Jartb, J\fo, tbe Glory of a Prmce Multitude o(l-lls ?'eop\b: People to tbe Canons of the Clergy; wbie.b Je-fmeth is Ill the Conformtty of r c t wbub confiflet1J rn Mm c.£ Vinue, Pant, .ilrtt to {lnke at qU CtVI~ Soble y,l ve never Jucb excellent JJbdltlts, be net/t'r fa and Indujlry. bB/ut J~ d cjln ,::us aU wluc!J tender tbem Gqod. an_d Prc}i.l.abl~ Honeft, Pctteea e an 11 11 b ' uft, not Lwe wttbm 1bt1r Natzve Co.(t1J1r)l. Sub;eils to t~e Prmcjie, y~e PeJce':j_tbeir Conj&~ence.r by an Hypocrt~rcal Sub· 11nlefs t!Jey wtU Sacrr ce J F .n. ns Of the Cbulcb. Is not tbu, 0 Prtnce! T~ 1llijJion to the Cmons an SJ"'o} 'fhe Bifhop above the King? To waite :ln(l fet the Church above the [ate f K dom? give away the Stre~~t\V:"if.d ?;~!Y,~ r1~ G~~~rat1on! And 11/e tbl Eoroer t1Ja( 0 tbjt Thou ma} e 1 e d I'; uti> and Rl Prequfnefs; tb/lt tbet(rn God bath gtven Thee, for goj, abo Pete; ttUetb ~n, Acceptetb of .all that thou m_ayefl bde bkekunRto. h:e~ufuefs throughout the•\Vodd. \Vliofc Sur. fear H1m an wor 1g 11 ihineth ueon all, whofe Rain cometh upon a .to render us Enemus to Civil AnJ /ejt at~y fbould be fo m;unous to uj(- aJ I That we Honolm aJJ Men. rn Government; Be bt znown unt~:::t:J ~on~~~; of tbu TVoriJ, but uttb the the Lord, no~ d ifon!u: /b~~~~,~~etb[rom Above . But milch more, Kmgs, tTnd True and So' db tb laced In ..duthontyovtr us. For we bebeve ltlngijlracy tbofe wbbolmLGo .rIa Pd UTre~"ul 'or tb< Terrifymg of Evtl Doerr, and tbe to be oi'J aw;u an :.;·;~ ' J' b d U Praife and EiJ.ncouJa1emen{,j{,:~of~! :!tr~a~e Thee, 0 Prince! To take our The Premt es II'JTh011 Senous' Regard. and by tbat Power and Influence ~~!!rb:j ;~{b /b:Mag~flratts of tbts Ct;y, to recommr~d our fuffe'Jngt~j; I tbetr Senous Omfideratron: That we may no onger te un er d aiii~~J0 Vncbriflran. hut Unnatural SeverilltS9 hut recetve t hat ffi[/dy an :JJ,au?J Rehef wbrch becometh Cbrijllan Magiflrates to gtve to t t1r own Sober and Chriflion People. fi ft Da of the Week being come, the Meetin~ began about the El~~~rh Hou;, ~~d ~~~~~~~r:~~u~.~~le f,~~'rev~r~l1Pl~ce~h~f ~~~ecz~~: ~~:rea:ds t~~~~f fevera~ Perfwafions, Baptiflr, Prcjb)'teriam, ss::k;:~; :VoL. I. The AuTHoR's LILE. Seekers, &c. and God was with his People, and his Wor~ of Life an! PoW.o~ 1677: er of Wifdom and Strength covered them ; yea, the h1dden Things borb v-y-..; of Eja11 and ](/cob the Myftery both ofJniquity and Godlinefs were opened. and declared in the Dcmonitration of tbe Eternal Spirit that Day. And • • Oh ! Ble!fcd ·and MJgnified be the Name of the Lord that hath not only not left Him:lelf, but alfo not His Servants without a Wicnefs I Oh, He is worthy to be Lov·d and Fear'd, and Obey'd, and Reverenced for ever. , The next Day G. K. R. B. B. F. and myfelf, having taken our Leave of 6. 6. 2; dear G. r: and Friends, took Boat for Naerden, where we arrived about the ~aerd~ Second Hour in the Afternoon. • · And after having eaten, we took our Leave of thofe Friends that had ac- &. 6. 4o companied ua thither, and begun our Journey in the Common Pofi-waggon to Ofnabrug, where we came the Foufth Day following in the Evening. Ofaibru~, We p:1ft through a very dark Country to that Place; yet I felt not fo great a Weight and Suffering in my Spirit as. Six Years ago, when I went through the Jame Places. At Ofnabrug we had a little Time with the Man of the Inn; where we lay ; and lett him feveral go.od Books of Friendsl in the LoW and High Dutch Tongues to read and difpofe o£ The next Morning (being the Fifth Day of the Week) we fet forward tb Herwerded.f Herwerden, and came thither at Night.. This is the City where the PrinJ ~· 6. 5· cefs Elizabeth Palatine hath her Court: Whom, and the Countefs in Com ... pany with her, .it was efpecially upon us to vifit, and that upon feveiJ• Accounts. 1. In that they are Perfons fecking :Ifter the Beft Things. . 2. That they are aflua11y Lovers and Favourers of th9fe, that fep1rate themfelves from the World for the Sake ofRighteoufnefs. For the Princefs i~ n?t only a priv~te Supporter. of fuch, but gave Pro' teB:ion to De Lnbadte htmfelf, and hts Company : Yea, when they went 11nder the reproachful Name of ~ualurs about Se\'en Years .lince. This Man was a Frencbman, ·. that being di1fatisfied with rhe Loofnefs and Deadnefs of the . French Proteftants, eveq at Geneva itfetf, left them, and came for .Holland: And fo vehemently declaimed ag.Jinft the Apoftacy of the Priefts and People there, that the ClergY were inraged, and ftirr'd up the Magiftrates agamft him, and the rather becaufe many. foHowed him~ and feveral \:Vomen of Great QJJality. Upon this the Princefs gave them an Invitation, and they came and. '!ere proteE.l:ed by her. But iince, fome. Mi!carrilges falling out in that Place, !he thereupon in good Meafure withdrew her Favour from them, and they removed into another Place. 1 was moved to vifit this Man and his Company Six Years ago, and did fee himt and his Two Great Difciples: But ~hej would not fuffer me to fee the People which I Jabourca for. I in th:It Day faw the Airinefs and.. Unftablenefs of the Man's Spirit; and that a SeO-Ma{fer was his Name. And it w:1s upon me, both by Word of Mouth and Writingt to let them know that the Enemy would prevail againft them to draw them into in"' convenient Things, if they came not to be fray'd in the Light of JESUS CH Rl ST, and to know the Holy Silenc" And that Jt lall they would come to fall out or.e with another and moulder away. Which is in fome 3 _ Meafure come to pafs as I fe:1r'd; for I clearly perceived, that though they had received fome Divine Touches, a Danger there was they would run out with them, and fpend them like Prodigals:\ Not knowing then wh7re to ftay their Minds for Daily Rread. Yea, though they were fomethtng Angelical, and like to the Cccleftial Bodies, yet if they. k~pt not thei_r Sra-f - tiont they would prove. fallen Stars. They moved not m the Mouon o Him that had vifited them, but were filled with grofs Mixtures, and there-by brought forth mixt Births: Th:lt is to fay, Things not Natural, but Monftrons. In fine, they were !hy of us, they knew us not.: Yet I be-lieved well of fome of ~he People,, for a Good Thirig was ftin:ing in them. And in this alfo was the Counufs commendable, in that !he left ~1~ to have joyned with. a People that ' h.ad a Pretence at leaft to more Spw!u- 1 2 ahtJ |