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Show 396 No c R o s s, No c R 0 W N. • Vo.i.J." 1668. and his good Genius moved him. Ne\ther was he an Hirding,' .or Cpvn911J\ ~ for he did it Gratis: Surely then he had not Fat Btn.e.fus, Tabes, (jilthes, Cbap.XJX. &c. And let the Self-Denbl and Diligence of .A.nti}lhe~es be confideted, · who &fa Philofopber and A1ajler became~ Scbofn_r, and that a. Da1ly one: Surely it was then Matter of Reproach, as tJS now; !hewmg thereby, both Want of Knowledge, (tho' caU:d a PIJi/pfopbcr) and h!s great Defirc to obtain it of qne rh:lt could teach htm. None ofthefe ll.'i d ro go.to Pfqp, Stob. BtlO• Treats &:c. They fOund more ferious Employments for theu Minds, and ~ere Ex;mples of Temperance to t~e World.-1 will repeat fume of his grave Sentences, as reported by LautuH a1~d others; namely! Tb11t rhofe are only jflobllt, who are Yirruo~s. That Vu~u.e was felf-fuflictent to Flappinefs. Tbal it confifteth tn Athans, not req~mng many Words, ~or muob. Learning and is felf-fufficient to Wifdom: For that all other Th1ngs have reference 'thereunto. That Men fho.uld not govern by Force, nor by Laws, • unlefs goodt bur by ]Nfiiu. . To a Friend, comp~ainin~ .he' had loft his · Notes Thou fhould!\ have wnt them upoQ thy Mtnd (faub be) and not in a ij~ok. Thqle who would never die, muft.live Jufily .and Pioufly . . Being ask'd, What Leaming was belli That (/aub be) whtch UJ~Iearneth E· Ibid. 117. v:l. To one that prais'd a Life full of Pleafures and Dehcac1es; Let the Sons of my Enen,ues, f~it1J 1Je, liv~ Delica_tely: Counting it the greateft 1Mifery. We ought, faith bt, to a 1m .at, fuch Pleafures as. follow honeft 1...:1- bour; and not thofe which go b~fore tr. When at any T1m.e he faw a Wo .. rnil.n richly dreffed, he would, m a. lVay pf Reproach, btd he~ H~lband, bring out his Horft and .Arms: Meanmg, If he w_ere prepared to Juihfie the InJuries fuch W-antonnefs ufeth to prod1,.1ce, he m1ght the better a low th.ofe Diog. La ere. Agel,lib.9. dangerous Freedoms: Orherwjfe, Joilh h~, pluck off her Rich a~d G:JU4Y c.~· Attire. He is faid to excl3irn buterly agamft P.lelfuJes; oftenfnymg, I had • r~ther be ma4, than addil.\ed w .l!leafute, and fpend my Days in deckiitg and feeding my Carcafs. Thofe, faJtlJt, who have once.lcamed the W~y t9 r~mperanc;e aQd Virtue, let therp. ':lot offer to enra.ngle thernfelves agat~ wi~h frui~lefs S~ories, and vain Le<4tmng; n.ot he add1Eted to .corporalDehca.; iesi which dull the Miqd, ;~nd will diver~ and hinder them from th~ P~~ t..aert. ,ir. -fP.it of thpfe TJlore ~oble and Heavenly Vutues. 'Qpon the Death of hu mem. _l)floved Mafte~, Socrat~s, he ~nfii[Uted a Sect, called Cynich; out of whom ::.~fl.rne the great ~e,G\: .of th~ Stci{ks: Both whic~ had. t.hefe com~on ~rin~- 1W,efi, which ti:J~y 4a1ly, WJtQ g~at and unw~aned Dlllg'e.nce, .dtd matnt:un ~od inllrul.\ People iQ th~ Knowledge of, v1z. No Man IS Wtfe or Happy, Lmt. Pluff d.e rep. Stoi. Steb .. Cic. fteau"t. Deo Lib. 2. 'but the good :Jt;r{i v.irtupus M;tl'!· That not much Learning, nor Study of _mapy Things W<\!t.fjCCetTary. r r~{lt a wjfe ~an is never J?runk nor .Ma.d: il:Pel h~ Jli;VCr fiOJl"t~. Tba• a wtfe M~n ~~ vo\d of Pa!lion.· Thdl he JS Stn· ~Jf, Reliq.iot\5_, Gf;lVe: Thai he on~y is Divine.· That filch only are Priefis :an~ P•oph.et,, th,:a h;ye Gqd i~ t~em!elve~. .A.pd that his Law is imprint· L<ll. d< Jcl rn in tl!eir Mipt\§, ~nd the Minds G{ All Men : That fuch an one Only can Deicap.lOo ,l;ay, is fnno~~nf, Meek, Temperate, lngeDJI9US, Noble; a good Mag.t- ·Jlzate, Fath.er~ $qQ,. Ntafter, ~fV'IIBt, and w.orVly of Draife. On the cdn#" Y• !~at wick{!IJylot] qn ~e OQtte of t)l;fe: Th"' tb< /IITJit.be!ongsta Mrn .J{fl~ Womrn~ .' ) ~ 1\:. t.· '•. · . · .{l J;hp!f Diet 'w~s flenper, tlj~r Food Qn)y wh~.t would fatisfie Natur.. Their Garments exceeding mean. Their Habitations foli~ry_am:i Homely . ;l:qey .alljr!Jletl,.~~f~ who' l '1\ "lith fewefi l'hings;~alldll'llt:rli contented, F.•l.u tPI.Ph; Cic. ,Tul. •J ·~!~ten! vit.Mem. Stob, ll]Oft 0early agwq~ch~j( G ·iNRl'hing. They voluntarily def. pifed Riches, !.llruf and N $1u:ws, •~d v~ill.FJI.\ionS, that ~d r~· true ••f(o~~ Wonjj , tl~m. · Tbey lnado'l!li l'hi~ 1R \11; Good :l}l!i!.li~tl, anp fiAtlJI ~·~y'd «ba idle ~<olin ofi Foztune and C~aqce. 1 ·1 i "' :... r! 1. Genainly the.fl'tw•re th~y. wfio-h.uing QQ (<X.WJIIJ1/) L~wl b«a111e a.bi> ~·u<~./Jemjely~s.;, aJid did n.Qr•.~•f~ l).le l\n<>~ll$lge tb§~J,ad of the invif.,. ]Jfe <;~d~ .bl!J, flltbeir Gap~ci!Yos. inll1u£\fll M~n ln tb~ ,J>now!edgc of. tlut Ri~~;I.>Jest•f, ~WR"II ~olid ••4 •t\l;avtnly Priru:iple1 whi<h leads to, tt40 'n!l1everlailing}:I'!J>pinefs ~l! ,tJtofq t4~t ~lliC~ it. T .,,.. '' • , · . , , r ' ." §. LX-\'11. Voz... I." . ~ CJ{ 0 S$, ~ C '8.;0.;!¥ N. 311 §. LXVII. ~GCJ,Ifll refqfed lllex4nder's l'refeot; yet treated his Am~ rl>6.8: ball'adors after Ius teQ;~perate iiJd fpa,re Ma&ae~. fay.ing, You fee 1 have no ~ need of your MaUer's Bounty, that al1)19 well pleafed with this. He [S}()y/d Chap.XIX. ,f;ty, ;rhlt one ough~ not to carry ones Eyes or ones Hands . into anothtr Laert. Val. "Mans Haufe, thatu, be a butie-B9dy. That oae o.ught to be moft cir~ max•4•1·2· cumfpcft o~ one's _actions before Children, left by Example one's Fa·utrs t6. Cic. pro .ibould out-hve one's Self. Ht Jaid, Pride was the greatelt cibftruUion to ;a!~ \Tal. max.. true .Knowledge. I·Hs Challity and Integrity were remarkable and reveren· • • ced tn A{~cns: Phr1ne, the fa.~ous ~tbenian Collrtizan, could nnt place a Tempqmpn upc;>r;t hun, Q.Dr Plnhp, King of Maudop, a Bribe, tho' the teft fent m the Em~affy were corrupted. And being once brought for a \VitnefS tQe Judges rofe up, and cry'd out, Tt.ndcr no Oath to Xenocrates for he wiU fP.tak tbt Trutb, A Re~p~a ~hey did not allow to one another'. Hold ins: hts Peace~~ fame detraau1_g Dtfcourfe, they afk'd hlm, Why be fpoke noc? f!tcauft, fatth he, I havt }Omtt.imts repenud of Sptding, lntt never of bo/J-. IIIg 1!1) }?~rttt, §. _L}\VIIL lBfOri wo.uld fay, TbJ/1 Great Men walk in flippety Places: Tbat H ts a g_rear ~i(chtef nor to bea.r .Aftii~ion. Tbrtt Ungodlinefs i1 an .t.nemy to Affuran~e. ,£it faid to a Covetous M.J.n, Th11t he did not poifefs ~JS Wealth, but hts }Vealth potretred him 1 ab!laining from ufing it, aslif lt were. another Mau .$. lnfint, ThaJ Men ought to purfue a Courfe of Vir· tue, wt~hout Reg.JA;d ro the Praife or 'Reproach of Men. . . §. LXIX. l!XIllOIIB.I', feei.ng the great Care that Men had of their Bd· dtes, more th;~n of their Mmds'; Tbe.y deck tht Holl[t, faith he,• b11r flitllt tbt ft1ajltr. He wou!d fay, That many are irlq.uifinve after the Make of ·the World, but are ~tnle conce:n~ _about thetr Own, which were a Sci· ence mq~h more wo~thy ?f thc1f Pams. To a City thatrJNobld efta61ifit tbe G/adwtors, Qr Pnze-F,gbrtr.s, h~ Caid, That they ought firft ro over· thr.ow t~e Altar of Mercy : In~tmaung the Cruelty of fuCh Praaices. One afking htm, Why he t_urned Ph1lofopher? Becaufe, faith bt, I am M01n. J-.k wQuld fay, of the P~tefis of Gruct, If they coUld better inftraa the PeO· p~e, they could. not glYe them too much; but if riot, the Pedple could nGt gtyc 1hem too httle, He lamented tile Unprofitabl~nels of good Laws by betng_ m bad Men's Hands. , 1 ' §, LXX. JIDfGilfi"IJ, was angry with. Ctiticks, that were nice of Word; and nq~ of tbeu own At\:ion.s; With Muficians, that tune their lnfirumenr$; but c?uld nor govern thetr Paffions; Whh Aftrologers, that have their Eyes 111 t}l,e S}ty, 3,nd look not w tbeir own Goings; \Vith Orators, tHat .fiudy to fpeak weU, bur not to do Well; WithCovl!tousMen~ that take ~npp ger, but neve.r ufe their Efiates; With thofe Philofophers, that deF. ptfe Grea,t~~fs, and y~r court great Men : And. with thofe that Sacrifice fo'r ~ea\t\1, and. yer fuJfear rhemfelv.es with eating their S3arifices.-' One Time, dtfcourfin~ of th.e Natu~e, Pleafure IVIJ. RewardA! Virtue, and the Peopl~ not regarding what he fa.td, he feU a Singing; at which every one· preft ta hear • Whereup.on ,he cry.ed .out, in t ~bhorrence of theiC Snlpi(fity, 0 God, borv"'~<li 'pwre IS rJ;e WorM m liive wnb Folly, tbm with Wifdom' Seeing a ~an fptinkling himll:l£ with W:itet, ilfter havin~ done fome m' Thing • Unhappy Man I /mtb h<, Doll t\l,ou nbt know, that the Elrors of Life ar& not ~o be wa(h'd~w~y With \Yater-? rll'bone, whb-t faid, Lif6 itiii'J ;n tbint; He anfw~red, Life " nat an 1/1. 1'/J,.g but an 1)1 Life ir an ill Thing He ' I ~a~ ver~ Ternperare,fot rhis+Bedf3mtrh0i Table1 he fOund every Wllere.' One",. eemg htm wafh Herbs, faid, If thow hadft fuUowoa,·Dion}fi'""· King of Slf'"i· thou woul~ft .n~~ have needed to h:~ve wa(b'd Herbs: He'anfwered,. f. I pu IMd fl wafo 4 HdT6s, tb•!"~udedjl n.r 1• btHBfj'Jiloril'il l>ionyfiao. !Je Vjhted a, Candle a.tJNo·~· faym~,'' 1 /ob'k fqr ;21 ,Man~ impl,-Jfl~, rhat the' fc odd w.a~ darkn~d by ~Ice, andlMan effeminated To a LuXurious Per· ,.~"· that had wafte<l ht• Meat>~vf.Jpjllng upon Olivt6; If, faith he, 1ho'f dJII!fGd lo d1?< fo, lh•u wouiJ~lniJt h.ue needtd t6[•P fo, To a you nil' Man, d.r.eaing htmfelf rteady; I[c tbir, faith he, lbt for 1be ·S'!ke ()! Mnt,. tb9~1rt Unhappy, if /11r Womelf, tho# 11rt Unjujl. i Anorhcr time, feei~_g a!' • offem'"' |