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Show t66 No. IX. ~ .An A 'P P.; lf..N /1>' I X t~ .Vok·l· • I fs the Comment wqre tn9te ~lear and ' in the naked Text of H?ly.Wpt, un dfo r TJngNej/iona/J/e, the prei'ent I'IO• ' unftueftionable : C/e~r tt ts not i a~ it were an infalli~le Ma•k of ~un_d • teftant Nation call 1t P.F''fl'?ihays of all DoE\rine, A ;Piece of rew f;f~~fu • Dofuine to cry up the a 1 11 fr6m .Atbeif11!. Ne¥1 t/1.1 ay ' ' on"d Divinity, that 15 not t~p ~emov~co.« Mnic4bk Subflancu. ~v;cr ' There be Three individMal? {II{§U'ient,' It i:'fo far . f;orri Proving. wP~t is ' l!eard that alferted fa pla1~1y be ore. (brow it fat I ~an fee no Drffer' laid doWn that it feemds ¥fL!h ~e J~i~gver and Subft.ance: 'Tis true, thLe ' ence between Wit. an &19'~4"~ ' • bl but the J'itk"f"H, O{ S{f~ & ~boola fay, tbe i,.~ce, or Betng ~~ comm~~~~t ~onfenfe of fuch 'cleaving c flance is incommum:able! lnr-h e :r: Sub fiance is as communi~ able ~s \flY ' of Atoms appears m thiS, . at h f how can my Bemg be com~ ' Bt;n and this as incommun_wzb/e as t. at, 'd or Never fcprn TrsnfpRfl~mf.. ' munf;tedand my Su'!(tnte}mb_?mmRm~d~~;~ and a DoOrine indi/ftenfi/Jle ' ation while thou can f~ t ~tb. a~~ient and modern I)o8ors have. ~~n. • to Solvation. The Con u tOn . . f his 1!1yf/ery fuflicJemly ' brought ioto hy their Hunt~n. Inqiifit!o"io~ete~o! they do bu't fobl th~m .. ' proves, how much better It~ tdo et 1: a. g. ;bout Things they are ;n \Jft ' felves in medling, and more m etermmm . - ' forced to 13.y, They Jo not under/land. 'fi do that it is a Term be.. ~ For Sarisfaaion, thou knoweft, or ought d ~o sdipture: 1 have this to ' ' longing.to the Civil Law, and ~as never rea t~at I chieft.y oppofcd ~he ' fay, that the Friend took me. nght, na_mely f:J And thou fl:).oweft sreat ' Impoflibility of God's otherwtfe p~rdontn~ fi ~· t o as go for no ima\1 ~ Acquaintance with fome late Wnters and T.c v:· o t (a:t leaft ~he two ' Divines, viz. Dr. Owen, R. Fcrgufon, an . me;: ~11 SatisfaO.ion, ba~ ~ fitft) that make this the only Reafon wh~ ~ op/1 d J. Orocn a'fu~es ' caufe no Divine ever aiferted the Impoffib1lttr •. 'C {m mnm Sali(lt~C.ills, • thee, if thou wilt helieve him, ~hat f:J"n~~:ztz~etits, '.Ama~a!dus, 2/a, Par~tm, Pi[cator, Luhar~~~~. Lu''M~in s MarefiusJ fJJ~niur, ilfn.tJ}3Jts, ' aus, Rivetus, Wa/.eu.r, lhy[tus, rr 'ver H pothefis thjlt Js by ,me ' Turretimu, Baxter, &cif ~en~ dpoJ.t O~n iJ hi[Epiftle to His D,iJOrjne 'o~pugn'dand by thy fe em.e d s'r'faOion of Cbrif/. He t~atw'?Uld ' oj the Trmrty a'!d {erfonahty nnfc :oJ~ender his Charge agai11fr me JP~, ' not have me mdla en on pu~po .e my Apology for the Sandy Foundatz~ ' whether it be fo or no, may ee m 1 h a ed In fho!t I fay : b~~a::~, ~~f: !ndrbt~;'~;~;:'~~i~:hofJuftt~tfi~~t~~~~~f~~~ £:~ ' a Sacrifice for Sin, that hde wlas fe~oJ~hiD~ht~o~fnef~ for the Remiffion of ' of the whole World, to ec are o s d d had Faith in ijis. S~m. ' Sins that are paft,f f:fcd to all~h~~~~PH~tdeci~red His Good-Wi)l there-: TbereintheLov~~edGoc~XKe~~aring away the Sins that are pa.ft, .JS the ' ~~a~~~a~edid~f old. not exclu~i~ Inwa~d ~or~ f~!tt~o~~:f~!ebero~~ ' none can_ be benefitted, though lbt.tsbnoht tDe ath o~r' Cl,uift and His Sacri~ ' that remits and blots out, of w tc t e e . rJir · n In ' fi ·0 of Himfelf was a moft certain Declorat1on and Con matzo. · 5.fu~~~ that dedared 08 Remiffion, to all who believe and obey~ f<?r tbR_. 1 ',s ' that ~re paft, which ibs ihe fihrft dPart o;h C~{~ft)\~ 0~~:h~~~\:~e 3Ac~~fr~ ' to pardon a Traytor eJore e a vance Rc enrance ' tance imputes a Righteoufnefs, (in as much as Men, fin trdu)e J thus fa~ ' are reputed as clean of Guilt, as if they had never. moe af s· inhe· c juftified; But the Compleatingof.t~is by thC: ~ork~gHut ,o d. firoying ' rent muft be by the Power and Sptnt of Chnft m t c ean, e 1 a·n ' the ~ld Man and his Deeds, and bringing in the Ne~ ~nd Eve~ t~ndJ ' Righteoufnefs; fo that which I wric againfifi, ~ ftbch D~~rfce a~d ~Part of ' CIJrifi's Death and Obedience, not to the r , ut ~ lS eco m leat ' _1u{1ification; not the pacifying Confci~ncer.as to ft~.r~~~ b{; ~f fler6 and ' Salvation without Cleanfing and Purgmg :rrom a 1 t me ~ . ·r. CoD! Spirit, by the internal Operation o~ His Holy Power and P"! ;erning V.oD. I. ' cezq.ing thefe.two Points I refer. rhee to two Books Written not long fince ~ by me, ca~l~d ft;~akerifm a netc l\?tkname for ol~ Chri/litmity, and l<eafo~ ' o_iainjl Rrulm&, lfl ~h1ch thefe .Pomts ar~ fully dlfculfed : As :tlfo the DJ· ' vinily of Clmjl.., Wnt- b}! G. Wlmebelfd. Our unhappmefs harh been thli ' ooli Enemies have lhJrged their oblique tonfequences from our Prin~i~ ' pl~s ba~k upon us for our very Princip~es; As tho~. i.f we fay rhar The ' Script11res are not 11/Jie lo rrjifi a Temptatzon, they Wlllmfcr, Th.:u we df=· ' ny the Script11res to. be any Mean.r wbcaby to tefifl Temptation. And if we '- f:tY, Tbat Good Work.r are iu:ceffiJry, they reach, that we hold GtiodWarkf ' MuitoTJoll:t. Lay this a fide, and read us with a Jetious unprejudiced Mind, ' and I doubt not thQu may'ft yet he hctrer fatisfied· of us: But if thou '- <\rt not, and thinkeftfir to rel1 the World fo, reooember, Thou wilrdraw ' the Contro\'erfy upon thy own Head, which will Qe alfuredly underrak~n ' an~ c;;:lofely f.ollowed by fi1ch of us as hope to acquit rhem!eh•es, by God'~ c. Holy Afiifta.nce, .with Succefs tO th~ Caufe they defend. So wilhing thy ' better lnform.tt\.01\ of the TRUTH of God, and greater Mpder:aion, ' yea Love, tow.nd them that profefs it, C\'en the poor d~/pifid Quakers, ' the Spi,itual Chriftbns of this Age, (for your outfide ones make bur u~ ' te6ned &_1bylon., the Mother of all AborninltionS, which noW deluge Chn· 'fle•d=Ji> called) I remain Thy Friehd, W. P . To 'J. H. and his Companions, jull>icri in Middle.[ex. Ridmerfworth, the 31ft o( the Iit Month, i6j No. IX. ~ .... (called March) r674. ;§ E~au}"t you are ]ujlices as we~ tU ~-reighbo11rs, and· ~;ep11te8 Gentlemen~ .ALmer t!J not only Civility, but Duty engllgu mt.. t-o govern my felf rpitb all due eemin 'Jufli~ r/P,(O. in this Epiflle: Which, (U it pro~tedJ out ofi Lo'f:!e to your Berfons, P::~~!~ miJ' t~at .hearty Dejire I ba~·e, your A.lbons maJ nor fa~foon., of that Co11r· Middlefe:r. (ify., ~rCJgbbo11rbood, Co~tftzen.ce and F~ndamenlal Law that buamu every Life p: 47· Man, m11c'6 more a Gentleman, am! be an EnglHhman, and a 7uflite roo, but mofl of all 9 T.~ue C~uiftian, to fquare- bi,ft!f hy, rather tht~n an1 fini}ler End. So ~ bifeecb JOY, ,iiVf it your Perufallmd Jcriom Conjideratitm : .Llnd tbtn, if JOY pleafe, afford me yoKr '!i!ll.fn·er. I offir'd, m yoM 1Rd) remember,fevera!Thing.r,to tilhJI( JDur Proteeding with (l:f at Ruflipe, whicb tf:.en it Jid not p/eafe you to hear enough tc tmbracn Pet:b'fps a Q.eiteration may c011duce more tD your SdtiJ/alliDn; at leajl., it wili acauit my Ctmjciente; ;which, whatever you ftiid,, or tbfflh, is of great Va/11e vmb pu. And tbofe that have )mown me better than you do, are hot ignorani bow 111Ych I have been thought to fland in my own li,tbt., mter!y td preftrvt that unhlemi]ht. . 1told you then, that ./ina yoll liffirmed the Report of tTJis Meet;ng to have reacb'd you a Month fi~ct (which I think, wm at leafl tl Week before any fncb Tb;n~ W'fl inunded). If had beeR bandfome and neighboutly, indeed b11t }\fa.. tl(ral and Jll}l, to gwe ll.t Notice of your Intentions: For ;n a County [o 911it.t as this ( QJ. where is tbtre ~ow ttny Dif']lliet?) Who co!lld have expeded .ft~cb a S~nd or Rock to flrike upon? Men ufe to provide. Ltnd .A1arks and ji(.ch like Tokens for C(IYtion, v:bere Danger n, t9 prevent ir. We never hem•d you to b.efevere; on tiN contrary, moderate; Men of mOre Candor than ta expp:j3 Sever11y, or exten4 the Letter of rbe Ltw upM your 1\:eighbours. 'For wbaJ elje, ! befeecb you, can I caa your fending (Dr a!! that jhollid meet there to appear before jOI(, wi{bout any the /eajl preceJing Imimation of your Dij}!eafure ? . .d. gain, {be Conjlabk coldd give. no Evidence of a Meeting, who left the People., {dlhe in the Ho11ft, fome in tbe. Tard, {ome intbe Orchard, and fevera_J W~~Uinl itJ thiJ. Jiigh.way: No mDFe Pr(acbin4 oc Praying tben, f.V.hete no People wert. Wbqr yoN. c~me, rhofe tbal the Co»f!able fttwt tfJtrl tlifptifed r 1111J b~ b(M near t/fl H~¥r; w, rbo.x~br t~e ·tbi11g JrN only ai:,;~ |