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Show • . . No CROS.S7 No CR,O]¥N. 38::1 . v· ·n cru~1empt They ufed allThmgs 1668• ' they kept Vertu~ in C!edu, ag~ri ~ftuitY bf Wan;, De_j}ijing Rzcbu and VoL. I. t...r'V""'-.J i necefi'ary for Ltfe, wtthout .l!eJad 1 ' tbar Jbe 4tfl~ Ornament of the Cbap.XIX ' Sumptuo11s Apparel an~ ~'v'fltnd VirfuiJ.' And jince (faith Xenopbon) 11 c Body, u Health, and (i; I e 1 (r. ~ders tiJ 8ommendable, qnd that tt n only ' IS Virtue nnd Temperanu, that '£ t p bbck!J. and bavr mrzde If the Form. the Laceda:monians rb ~ r Reverence 1 ", . oj )Ri bt meriu Preference to i dation of rbtir State; Tbeir ~ovtrh~enditb he ~h'ub is .[lnmgey n, rbat ' any orber In rfi! World. -- ut 1 a Nor Is this Account and udgment , JlU Admrre u, bur None Inuta/f J/, F:tntaftical. . h . famouS 1 Founder and Lawgiver, inftql'd §. XXXII. ,J;prurgu~,. t et~er with tb,em made them Laws to Rule thefe Principles, and by h~s ~?d . Ly_&llrgr;s W~lling to retire his Citizens them. Let us bear what .. e 1 'Llfl and fhew thenl how much Good from a LuxuriouS~ fi01 adVftt;or~igh/:neliorate the State of M1n~ind,1 ap· ConduEI:, 1nd Ho_ne n u r ' Model f Government, perfwadtng tnem plied ~imfelf to tntrodhuc~ a ~:;; defundfd of Noble an.d ·Virt~olls .Anaflor!• to believe, That tlJpUf.;/d ~y . C · rfe ofVirtJtf tbty rcoulJ, !tke tbe Dotm if thq rare nor txer&t.Je m a 011 r th 111 ru; at the Game. In fi1,e, they tl~e K1tchen, ra.rh;r lefh at6 tJe,f.;{:g'the~ that he did, to uy hlsPower witb. :.greed to Obey ll1'!J·. e 1 d i to E ual Portions, fa that the whole them, was, To dtvtde.J~e Lhn L; of iretbren; This' grieved the Rich; Lzconid. Country feem ut t e ft 1 e'o ced --l-Ie render'd Wealth l!Ut the Poor, which wered t~e f~ th! l[}}e 0£ GoJa and Silver: He made ufelefs by Comm11mty \ 3fc 0d heavy to make a Thief. He retrench'd Money of Iron, t~o . a e anfli . no more Ornament thlil could be their Laws of Bmldtng,d fuS en~g And their Furniture w:~s.like their Hou· made with an Hatche1 an a aw · . No MERCHANT, no COOK, fes. This Courfe df~A~ER'Ek T~~dDJVINE, no ASTJWLOGER, "!" no LAWYER, no . .'jrce was banifh'd thet.r Soctety, ha\•mg to be found in Lac{~temonh_!· h ~71/~:arice by introducing. a Community, and cut up the Root g.1 tr, w Ii \' fi 15 To pre;ent the Luxurj of Tables, as well ftl3king Gold and 1 ve! u e eublick Places of Ea ring, where a11 fhould Pub· ai~ of .Appa::_et, dhe o~dafin~~a~ refufed to come thither, w~re r~p~ted Volupltkly be 1erve ; t 0 ~ CorreEl:ed He would ha\•e Vtrgrns Labour, tuous, and ReprJ;;ed, 1 ~ nor h 'r Bodie; being ufed to Exercife, might be as well as Young en, t _at 1 e1 ried to bring forth Children. He the ftronger and healthier, when ~ar ~ the end that none might IIJ4kl forbad that tb9 fhouJdbave an[ Por~~:~ a~d Wortb:'By which Means, the Suit to them }or thellrl We~thR. ~~ ~ntthat their Virtue might prefer them, Poor went off as we as t c uo' He wo,uld not let the To11ng People they u:ert deni(d to f!ft any Oh.nf1Ff'ru. of their .Age to the end, that their Marr)', till they atnved at ·td e v:· o«tr 'I Cbajlity ~as fo General, and iO Children might be Strong J:. zgorotl. j ~ainfl.Adultery. believing, Tbtll much in Requefi, That no aw j~ ma ~/ tttre fp fevere'ly forbid, it WtU ~:::J7e};"xjf[jo~~:J~:jl~~lii~:'i:b~::~~~·a1::i::.'Y mig¥h'J:: :[/. ten; for that GodhregaLr tl he Inftitut~d. and whilft the Spartans kepD fome more, were t e aws . ' { Greecr which.lafied about them, 'tis certain, they ~ere the kFb~ ~~:; h~ would dever fufFer the Laws Five Hundred Years . . IrIS remar a . ed h t the Judges might not he tied 'R.efi~i~;j;;:~b~ f;,~1! ~J;b!1;w,abur ttt}r to tbe Circumjlanas of Fafl; in which no Inconvenience was obferved to follow.. . , II. The Romans alfo yield us lnR:ances to o~r Pomt m ~J::· Man l6aden §. XXXIll. ~atO, tha~ Sa~~ Roman, feemg .M Lu:ur~~rber to bimfelf, with Flefh, Of wbnt Scrvtct, iatth he,ld&~n tb:t S an e,of ftt.'eral Perfont or the Common-Wealth? One Day beho mgt e tatues . l e mi ht de-ereEling that he thought little worthy of Remembrance, that ~h t~e Jet fpife th~ Pride of it : I bad rather, faid he, they jhouldMofr~ f S'everfrY of rzol up a Statue to Ca to, than wf.Jtbry do.- He wa~ a an o Life, Vo:r.. I. M CJR 0 SS} No C io WU :f83. Life, both fxam}le and ~t!}~. - His~~Omperirorr in r~e C!,otitritmentf .&o- J6l s.r piPg to be prefeired, took ~onn~ry ·11omour, 3~d hughuly flattered t4e ~ Peof:le, This Good Alp~ def~Ifed thm il~J r, and Wtrh an unufull Fervency, . Cbap.XIX. cry dour, Thut tbt Diflempers of the Common-Wealth ~rd nor require Flot· reren lo Jeceive 'the.m, bur ~h)ji~ians to Cure_rhe1n; whi~b ~truck 10 gre:fr an Awe u.p9n r~e People, rb"at be was firft cbol.l !b of them. alL - The Fin' Domtr 1if Rf'nu became G'ov<rnon t9. t.b~ir $us bands· ~e Ja/nented the Cliangc, fa'l\hg.' /t u jlra~gc toat ih!f/e'o/Xo th'mmond t6AUr!d, ffioM!d l" be •fi!i'e'tl to Wokflr. -Be rhouglfr th:oie Judges, th;n p1ou!J noi tmpJr .. riq pim1fo.Mute/a0ors, gr(rder Cnmindl.t than the MATefa!lors rhemftlvei: A. ood Lefion for Judges of fhe Worl~. He would fay,.Tbat i1 w41 better to }ofe a Glfr ibait a Co'rreUUm; for, fays he, the one Corrupts 11s, but the oih'er.in}1r11flr m. ---That we ought not to Jeparate Honour from Vir_ rU{; fOr th,en tbtre would :be fe.w dny ~ore Virtllotn .. . He would fay, 1\To -..Mbn U fit tp Colhmand am;t'her) that cdnnol Command 1NmJ!lf. Grear Men fob'llld /;'e Tel!tf.eratt in-tb6r Pow!r, that they may k.eep ft. For Men tu he lbo'NHtg ill OJ!iles. in a GfnJtrnment, is to b;JVe too litr'te ReCarf[ to others, Qr ihe, big1r~ty dj the Sratt . . T'h,eV t,bat ~o n_,Otbin&,, will learn r~ do Evil. Thpt tbO]e who bJve raiftd tbemfeive.r hy rbeu· Vices, jhould iflm to themfe!vtr Credit by Virt11e. He repeAted him, tfJtlt e,ver be (Ja.0(d o1ne Day witqollt Joi#g Good. 11nd that ·there is no Witntfi anj Ma, ought to fear, hut that of hir ow,J Ct[ftftien~e. Nor dic,l hi~ Praa;ce fJ\l much fbort of his Princi pl~S. . §. XXXIV'. ectpfo lilf,ftanu~, rbou~h a Gr<nt General, loaded Wtrh Honours and Tri11mphs, preferred Rttirtme.nrs to tbtm all, being ufed to fay, TliAt be wdl ntvtr lifs alO'IIe~tb~n wlfen be icds alone: Irl1p'lying, that the riwft J3u1ie Men in the World, are the moft deftitute of themfelves; and, That External Solitf!rinrfs giiles the Befi Compa,ny wit hilt. After he had taken Cartbtt£e, his Soldier& b~ought him ;1., mbft Beautiful Prifoner; he anfwc! rCd, I am your General; refufing to Deb<ife himfelf' or Dilhonour her. §. XXXV . .fl!jl!Uifusl, E:\ting at the Table of one of liis Friends, where :1 Poor Slave breal,t.ing a Clirylhrl Velrel, fell . upon hts Knees, beggmg htm, '/'ht~t bU Ma.fler might no1 .f!iiii bim to tbe Lampreys l as he had u'fed to do {or Food, wuh fuch of theiti as offended him; ..,1uguflm hating his Friend't Cruehy, Broke aD his Friend"s Cbr}flalVe/e!s, b01h reproving his Lux11ry anl. his Severity. Re never recommended any_of his o~n Cliildren, but healWays added, If they defer~e it~ . He ~epr'ov~d his Dau~hter for her .Exc~fs in .IJ.ppard. and both rebuk d ind 1mpnfon'd lier for her Hnmodeft Lantudes. The Peopl~ of Rome co'mplairtihg, X.bat Wine was Dear, He fent them to the Fountain~ remng them, Tht)! were Cheap. §. XXXVI. 'ltp~n:fuJI, would not fuffer himfelf to be called L 0 R D; nor yet HIS SACRED MAJESTY' For, fats he, tb'J are D1vme Tit!"• tind belon~ not to Man. The Co~miffioner~ of his Treafu~y advifing him to increafe his Taxes ~p6n the People, h~ anfwhed, No, zt Was fir to Shear, hilt not to Flea the Sheep. ~· XXXVII. lltfpalian was a Great an.d a~ E.<tradrdinary Man,. who mamtained fomethtng of the Roman Virtue m bu Tzme: One Day feetn~ a Young Man finely drefs'd, an\! richly pe1fum'd, lie was difplcas'd wah hlm, faying, 1 had ~ather ·'(mC'u the Poor .A-Inn's Ga'rlick, tb~n rby Per fun;~;. :~.nd took his Place and Government from him. A Cctrt:~.m Perfon bemg broughr before him, that had Con/Jiireil agdin/1 P(m, he teprovetl ~im, and faid, That it war God mhQf,ttVeanlfodA (IWay P.mp1res. Another T1me conferring F::~vorir upon his En~my, and bfinll· afk."d, TVby be did fo? He Jfl-: fwered, Tbat be foo111d remcfJber tht riiht Vtry. §. XXXVIII. 'lttajan wotHa fay, Tbar it be<am' on Empmr to oO townrilr his Peflple, as he ,wduld .have 'his People a[f tdwarl!s hi tit. The <;Jovernour of Romt having;deltvered the Sword into his~,..Hand, and Created h1~ 1r~eJ.o':, ]jere, faith lie~ ta/ie it again: ,If I Reig71 1VeU, u_[e it for me: ..r; , uJe ll t~grtinjl me. ~ ~n E~prtffion whith fhews Great If~llity and ~odnefs, m~- king Power fubfervlent to Virtue. . . XXXIX. l!blf81l, alfo Emperor, had'reverll Sayings ·":orthyof Nouc~: One was That a (iood Prinu ~id not tbinjltb( Ejlnm,fbu Sub]e{/r be/on& d r J ' • • • ' . ~9. |