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Show 'I he AuT noR's L I FE. VoL. I. in rbis JVor/J, there/ore mind tbe Things that ma~e {or l~Y ErernaJJP?u, kjl Diflrefs come 11pon thee tU .att Armed 1Jt1an, an t ere none to e JVtr t/Jee. 1 am, Thy Well·wifhing Friend, Duy~ur&h 3d 71b Mlo 1617 ~ s. N. W. P. This being done, we weut to Dr. Maflricbl's to. inform him of what had paft, who tho' of a kind Difpofition, and very fne~dly to us, yet _fcemed furprized with Fear (the common Difeafe of this Country) crymg out, What will buome of tbiJ poor Counttfs! Her Father hath called her ~uaker a long Time, behaving htmfelf ver~ feverely to her, but now ~e ~111 con· elude (he is one indeed, and he w1l1 lead her a laf!1e~t.able L1fe . I knpto (faid he) you care not for Suffering, hut jhe i.r to be puzed, \7!!e told hun that we loved her, and pitied her, and could by ~own our Ll\'eS for her, as Chri!l hath done for us, in the Will of God, tf we .could thereby do her Good· but that we had not mentioned her Name, ncnhcr was the Letter, that he gave us to her, fo much as feen, or known of her Father. But fiill he feared that our Carriage would iHcenf~ the Graef fo. I?uch the more againft both his Daughter, and all thofe fenous and enqumng ~e.ople up and down his Country. We ar:fwercd with an Earnefinefs of Spmt, That they had minded the Incenfings and Wrath of Men uo much already, and that true Religion would ,ever Jpring ot grow under fuch ~ears; , and that it was Time for all that felt Jny Thing of the Work of Gc:d 10 the!I Hearts, to c:~ft away the jlavifh Fear of Man, and to come-forth In the Boldnefs of the true Cbriftian Life; yea that SufFering10. hre.nk.and make way for greater Liberty, a.nd thn God was Wifer and Stror.ger than Man. We afk'd him if there were any in that City who enquired more diligently after the Way of the Lord, he recornrne~ded us (as we had alr~ady been informed in another Place) to the Famtly of thi Pr.etor, or chtef Governour of the Town; whofe Wife, and Sifter more efpecially, were feeking after the heft Things: So we part~ with ~im in Love, and by the Help of his Daughter, were condu£\:cd to thts Family. We had not been long there before a School-Mafter of Dulfe!dorp, and alfo a Minifi:er carne in, enquiring after us, having heard of us at A1u!beim, where he preached the Day before to the People, or elfe by the Way of Q)lt Attempt to vifit that Place, and the Entertainment we received at the Hands of the Graef. He fll! down with us, and tho'. we had alr~ady a fweet Opportunity, yet feeling the Power of God to nfe, the Meetmg renewed : And, 0 magnified be the Name of the Lord ! He witneffed to our Teftimony abundantly in aU their Hearts and Confciences, who were broken into much Tendernefs; and ccrt:iinly there is a ble!fed Pou:er and Zc11l, fi:irring in that young Man ; yea, he is very nea.r the Kingdom. So we took our Leave of them, leaving the Lord's Peace and Ble.ffing upon them. It was now fornething paft the Twelfth Hour of the Day. In the Way to our Lodging we met a Meffenger from the Countefs of F41ckenflcJn, a p~etty young tender Man, near to the Kingdom, who f:tluted us in her Name with much Love; telling us, That fhe was much grieved at the Entertainment of her Father towards us, advifing us not to expc.fe our felves to fuch Difficulties and Hardfbips, for it would grieve her Heart, that any that came in the Love of God to vifit her, !hould be fo feverely handled ; for at fame he fets his Dogs, upon others he puts his Soldiers to beat them: B11t what fhall I fay, That 1t jtlf, muji nH hinder you frc!J doing Good, faid the Counrefs. · We anfwered him, tha.t his Meffage was joyful to us, that fhe had any Rega.rd to us, and that fbe was not offended with us: We defircd theRe· membrance of our kind Love unto her, and thlt he would let her know that our Concern .was not for our felves, but for her. We invited birn to Eat with us, but he told us he was an Inhabitant of Alt'ttri~ and was in haft to go Home. So we briefly declared our Principle ar.d Jl1effnge, rccom· mending VoL. I. 'Ibe AuTHOR's LI FE . . mending bim to Chrift the true Light in his Confcience and parted So t67]. we wcpc home t? Dinner, having neither earen nor dra~k fince firft:day ~ Morning, and havmg lain out aU 1\Tfght in the Field. We had no fooner got to our Inn, but the Man was conft rained to come after us, and fat down with us, and enquired concerning our Friend• thci.r Rife, Principles, and Progref.r, and in all things that he defired fatis-1 fathon about, he declared ~imfelf_ fatiffied) Dinner being done, and a1l clear~d, we departed that Cuy-, be1ng abou t the fourth Hour in the After· noon, an~ for want of Accommodation were fo rced to walk on foot eight Englifh Mtles to a _Town called Holton, where we refted that Night. Holton; The ~ext Mo~nmg we fer out for Wefel and got thither at Noon. The Wefcl. firft Tbwg we dtd (as had been our Cuftom) was to enquire who was war· 4· 7• 3• thy, p:aricula_rly fo~ two Perfons recommended to us by the CoLtotefs of 11ornc.r, that lives wnh the Pnncefs ElizabetTJ. Rll.t upon Enquiry we foond one of them was gon: to Amf1erdam with his Wife, who had b~en former- 1~ a ~reacher, and _bemg <;onfcienti?uslydiffatiffied with his own Preaching laid 1r down, Jnd 1s now 1n a Seek1ng State. But in lieu of him we found out three more, with the other Perfon that bad been recommended to us. We befpoke a M;ering amongft them after Dinner, which accordingly we had at a Woman s_Houfe ?f good Note in the Town; who told us, that lhe had been ~ong 10 a fohtary Efbtc' diiTatiflied with the Religions gene-rally profe~ In that Country, waiting for Salvation, and the hoped that now the Time wa~ come,_ and that we were the Meffengers of it. , The Lord was wnh us _10 the Meeting, and their Hearts were opened by the \:yard o~God. to rece1ve our Tcfiimony as glad Tidings ofSJlvarion. Meet!ng be1ng done, we im_mcdiatdy "Teturn•d t.o our Lodgings, dellring we might fee them together m the fame Place the next Morning to take our Leave of them, to which the.y readily afi'cnted. ' Next Morning we came and had a precious Meeting with them and s. 7· .._; there ~ere fame prefent that were not there the Night before. So w~ ter~ them m much Love, and went to our Inn : where, after having refre01"d our Selv~. we went to Rees, where we mer with a Conufellor of Gelder~ Rees. l•l'ldt, with who!fl we had a good Opportunity to decbre the Teftimony of Jif11s, who recenred it, and parted with us In much Kindnefs. · . from thence we went to Emric~, and there called upon an eminent Bap· Emrick.' tt~·Te~cher, rcc.ommen~ed to us by one of Wefe!: We fpent fame Time wah him, opemng to him fhe Way of life, as in the light it is manifcfted to _al_l that love and obey ~h.e Light; and of_-rhat .more fpiritual and pure Mmtftry that from the Ln•mg Word of God 1S received by many true M~ni .. ftcrs in this Day. The Man was fomewhat full of Words, bur we felt the I iving Vifiration of the Love of God reach'd to him and fo we left him mak!ng all the Haft we ~au ld to get ro C/(ve that Night, which accordinglY Ckv~. f~o~~d, thou!Jh late, bemg forced to walk one third Part of the Way on That Night, notwithfi:a~ding, one of u.s went to a certain Lady, to whom \Ye hJd Recommendations from the Pnncefs and that w:::s particularly_ known to one of us, _infcrming her that we ~ere come to rhat City, definng to know whJt T1mc next Day we might give her a Vifit· {he appointed Eight in the Morning. ' About that Time we went to fee her; fbc received us (confidering her 6• 7 S; Quality and Courtfbip) far from any Appearance of Offence ,Jt our Deport· menr. \V"e t?ld ~er our .Meffage and Vifir was to thofe of that City, that had :tny Incltnatlons or Defires, hunger or thirft after the nue owd living Knowledge of God; f?r that End we had lefr our own Country, and had wandrcd up and down m fevera l Pa.rts of GerfJ!any. She to ld us, tha.t fame there were that fearched after God, bu.t fbe feared the N.:1mc of ftua!ur would make them thy, bcc:aufe the[, were c::alled ~ua.kers themfelves, by ~~~i~l(:0~~etr~:ti~~~e Profeflion, on y for being more ferions-and reti red in We replied, that it was an Honour to. the' Na.mc, that all Sobriety through |