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Show SfO 1693· 1../"V""-' Part.!. Rejle<'lions and .lv[axims. VoL. J: 4~4. . f h · Living that dcfignnor to live by ir: Yet there IS no Fear 0 t eu meers' with more than he expefts· .q.6 5. The humble and true ~ehaca~Une6 great G:tin, and therefore 1Ceks 466. He accou~ts Con~ent Wit • . . nor to make a Ga!n. of Go1"C~J~it are made by him, and are like htm1 fo 467. As the Mmlfh:rs o . HI 'k f they beget People into _the 1:l.m~ \'0 eJ: ~ Chriftian. And Rcgcr.eration is 468. To belike Chn_ft then,~} God which we pray for. the only Way to the Kit~~~~{ore bear 1;is Voice, 11nd 'fOI bardrn oar lk:rti,; 469. Let us to Day, 1 the Scripruru, m our ficaru,_ by his who fpeaks to us. many W~y~. rh/Sum of all is Holmc/s tmd Cbunty. Suvams .:md Provrd~ncu: 0 D ght of the Matter, bur \'ery full and 470: St. ]a!IIU _gt_ves ad ~:J;fi/edb~Jore God and tbe }frtber, iS tluf, to Vl}tr reaching, Pure Rebgron °'~d . tbrir .Affiiflion, and to keep •ur jt/vu z~ntbe farhu/efr and tbedWt Wh~ 11n .5 com prized in thefe two Words, Chanty .fporrtdfrom the Worl. lC 11 . . and PINy. h Ii their Aim will find them thetr .Attam- 471. They .that truly make ~c: ~h:lt follow; fa cltcellent a C?t~dition. menr; and wnb them, t~f P: fore with the numerous Opm10ns of the 472. Amufe nor thy fe t creverb;d Orthodoxy, Philofopby, or thy SkJ_Il '\Vorld, nor value thy felf(,~n F rberr. (wo much the Bufinrj.rJnd Vam~ in Tont,llt.t, or Knowledge 0 • t e. 0 That tbrm ll.noueft G"d, that H the tLyo ordf thweh Wo eoxrledr)c i_fB(fubt lionv m.thgl sKr.eJJY:;.;· and ] 11Jgmt'Ht, and Uigbteo~tfnefr in lll np, the Em b. . . d ble if well performed. We owe 473 Publick Worjhtp ts very commen auO: know ·that God is not tyed to it to God and good E~amplc. :ut w~ ~he fame Time: And this we fhall T\!:inmowe , oar sP flaatc ea, s wwheo- ISa ree\ 'ery wh ire. f wheie·ever we are, our Defires are to cap:~ e, l . be with him. l 11 confine to the Ads of Pt~bbck and Pr4iv7a4t·e WSeorrvjibflr!p. :G oAdn, dPt ~oob e ,e tt~ne~oie zealous do often rep~r, in Hopes of Acceptan~e. fid that God is an Jnfozitt Spirit, .::tnd, as fucb, 475· But Jfwe con l er Saviour has tau~hr us, tbtrt be aulJ be ~·orjhtpeve1y- wbere; and !pat b~r we !hall fee tlte ShortneiS of fuch a Notion. I ptd i» Spmt an~ tn rNJ ' ns the Frame of our Sp1~ns, m the who e Co4u7rf6e· offo orufr eLra~vmegs;G. ?ln ecvoenrcye rOccafion we have, in which we may fhew ow Love to his La'!· Battle are continually in the \VJ¥ of Shot, ~o wd c, in 477· For as Men m . . l Reach of TempTation: And herem owe this,Vorld, are ever Wlthm rte ~fi. I'd" as. we\Pasdo what he commands. fen4• 7e8G· oGd,o di ~we avoidii whaJ ~er~fiftr;s'; Temptation to Evil, than in ma- IS better erve ny formal ?I~yers. . thrice 31 Da-y: Bu-t that every Hour and ~1.o- me4n-7t 9o· fT tbh.ies Dtsa byu. t tSowtmce '!ocr b more is: our COI!linllnl Wauh, than our ve· niR4g8 oan dW. Mouolrdn'ifnt g tDhoeuv otuhoenn. {;e n.e Gh odi> Do nor that alone, tt'-'i~b tlJou o;aMJJ•fl not tbflf another {tuld J!e \~Jt: ~ difobey thy PaPeJtts., or wrong 481. Don't take God·s. arne m e~en in rhine Heart. thy Jl•:eigl~b~Mr, or com~mtL.il.~u(l~ry, Proud Drll1fktn. Revengr/Nl o~ An: 482 Neithet ~e Va~n, B a/~~~~:c'(j"t7rrrcac5 Oppyefr, DtceiT:Je, or &tr~}· gry: Nor Lye, etra ' . ac }} r}r ration; to thcl'e Thi~i; as ~nowmg Bur watch vigo<ouOyagam~a 1< em~f all •hy WaV"S and moft inwart Tt,lhlJot ugGhotds , iasn dP rethfeen tA, fctnhgee r ovf r h~I r own Law upon ihe Difobed•ient, an thou wilt ~ccepta~lr ~~·ei?~; expeiJ: the Acknowl~dgmenB of thre t~ 4S3. lB nr;~~une:1ful: thar we fhould reverently ply ours to Go ' oq :~amm;~iftrenr and conjlnnr BenefnOor! 4S4. Th~ VoL. I. 484. The World reprefents 3 rare and fumptuous Pat.ce Mankind the great FamHr in it, and God tW mighty Lord and Maftet or'it. 485. We ate all fen6ble what a fbtely Se" it io 1 The Heavens adorn· ed with fo.manyglori~us Luminaries; and the. Earth wich Groves, Plains, 'ValJeys, Hdls, Fouma~ns; Ponds, Lakes and Rlvers ~ and Variety of Fruils Bnd Creatures for Food, Pleafure and Profit. In fl10rt, how noble an HOur~ he keeps, and rhe Plenty and Variery and Excellency of his Table. His Ord~rs, Seafoo~, and Suitablenefs of every Time and Thin~. But w; muft •he as fenfible, or at 1e<fit ought to be, whatl carelefs and tdle Servants we are, and how 0Jort and difproportionable our Behaviour is to his Bounty -:t.nd Goodn~f.c;: Ho~ long h.e bears, and ofr.en he reprieves and forgives us: Who, notWithfl:anJmg our Breach of Prom1fes, and repeated Neglects has nOt yet been prov'ok'd to break up Haufe, and fend us to fhifr for our f;lves. Should nor this grear Goodnefs raife a due Senfe in us of our Ondutifulnefs and a Refolution to alrer our Courfe :tnd mend our M:~nners . that we maY 'tie for the furure more worrhy Communicants at our Maher's good and Eeat Table~ Efpecially ftnce it is nor more certain rhar we deferve his Se~~;~~;.ure, than rhar We fhall feel it, if we continue to be unprofitable 486. But tho' God has replenifh'd this World wirh abundance of good Things for Man's Life and Co111fort, ¥et they are all but imperfecr Goods. He only i• the ~effea Good to whom they poinr. But, alas J Men cannot fee him for them; th o• they lhould always fee him in them. · 487. I have often Wondred .1r the Unaccounrablenefs of MJn in this, 3.mong other Things; th:Cr though he loves changes fo well, he fhould care fo litde t~ hear or tb.ink Of~is laf!, great, •nd heft Cha11ge too, if be pleafes. 488. Bemg, tiS to our Bodtes, com~fed of Change4b/e Element r. we, with the World, are made u~of and fubftft by Revo!JJtion .- But our Souls being H~bi::~C:. and Nobler ature, we ihoUld feek our Reft in a more induring 489. The Trueft End of Life, is, to know the Life that nerer Ends. 490. He that makes this his Care will find it his .Crown at laD. Ble4f9iirn.g .L ife elfe, were a Mifery ra.t her than a PlCJfure, a Judgment, not a 492. For to Knbw, Regrtt, 3nd Rifent l to Dt}ire, Hope and Ftar more than a Beaft, and not live beyond him, is to make a Man lifr Jbanll Bctifl. 493· It is the Amends Of a lh_on and troublefome Life, that Doing u.:eU, and Suffering ill, in titles Man to Ohe Longer and Better. 494· This ever tlife! the gbod Man's Hope, and gives him Taftes be· yond tlfe orher World. . 495. As 'tis his Aim, fo none elfe can hit the Mark. 496. Mal'l.y mal(e it their Spetu1ation, bur 'tis the good Man's Pra!Hce. don4e9 7w· hHenis hWe odrieks . keeps Pace with hi• Life, and fo leaves nothing· •t o be 498. And he that lives to live ever, never feats dying. En4d9. 9. Nor can \he Meilfis ·be terrible to him th31 !teartily believes the ~oc. For though Death be a dark Pafi'a~e, it leads to immortality, and rhat's Recoin pence en9ugh for tuffering of 11. ~oi. A'nd yet Faith lights us, even thropgh the Grave, being the Evi· dence of Things not feen. ~02. And tltis is \)>e Comfort of the Good, that the Grave cannot hold th~m, and that they live as foon as they die. 503. For Death is no m·ore than a Turning of us over from Time to Eter6ity. .. ;o4. Nor can there be a Revolution without it; for it fuppofes ~he Dd:. folution of on~ Fo~m, Jn order, tQ the Succeffion-of another. )o5. Death chen, being the Way and Condition of Life, we cannot love to live, if we cannel bear to die. ~ p 5o6. Let Sfr ~ Part I. |