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Show 76o An Addrefs to 'Proteftants. VoL. I. 1679. Submill'lng ~II Worldly Confideratioos to this incomparable Peace, that 1../"V"'-J palferh all huJTlan Under!landing. . . Pan. II. In (hort, let us bring it Home ~o ou1 Confe~e_nces, an~ deal fa1thfully SeCt:.~. with our felves. Do we know thiS Holy Mo~~rmng? Tb1s GtJd/y Sorrow? 1 Cor."2. l· AJe we P(Jor in Spirit indeed? Not Self-conceited hut Humbl~, ftieek and Lowly in He{lrr, like him that bid .us do fo? Do we Hu11ger afte~ tbt Kingdom of God antl H.igbuoufrre[l of tl ? ~nd are .our Hearts punfied by the frecious Faith of the Son of God that 1s a worktng, cleanfing and conquering Faith? In fine, .Are we Merciful? Tender Hearted? . Lovers of Peace more thai{ Loven~ pf oqr /rives? Perfecutcd, rather tban PerJecurors? Such os rr:ceive Sr,.;pu for Cbri/l's Sake, and not tbofe tiHit beat our FellowSerV4fl/ s? No Man has True Paith in Cbrift Jefus, that is not acquainted wirn there lllell'ed Qpalificarions. This is Chrifi's DoUrine; and to be· lieve il) him, ill roo bey it, and be like him. The great Intention of this Sermon, i!i t~ prefs People. to a more Ex· cellent Rignreoufnefs than that of the Scrtbes and Pban{m. For, faith Mat. ~. 10, Jefus to the Mult\t4de, Exrept yo11r Rigbreo~tfnifs fhaU exceed the Rigbuoufnifs oj tbe Scribes and Pharifees, ye jhaU in no Cafe enter into the Ki,g .. dom of ltcaven. ' (1.) He taught, not only that Killing, but .Attger without a vety Juft Verf.12· ~auW, i~ Unlawful co flit Difciples, his Followers. (2.) He pr~f~rs Concord above Devotion; Mercy before Sacrifice: He that "'\vill nor \lfe his utmoft Endeavour to be reconciled to his Brother, fbal\ v r. 4 find no Place for his Prayers with him that can only moke them Effeflual. 2;r · 11' 1 ' .And every Man i5. this Brotber. ' (3.) He not only forbidi.JidMiury, which the Low forbids, but LMjl. The V r 8 .Ax of his Dotlrine is- laid to tbt R11ot of the Tree; it reaches to the Fitft 3~.r " 1 ' 29' ~c:ds of Things, to the inner~oft_and moft ~idden Concept\o~s of the Mind be~aljlfe be h;~s brought h1s L1ght near, ~nd fe~rchcs th~ mne~moft Pam of the Belly with hi• Dlvipe Candle. (4.) Frol!l keeping ~nd perfOIIIJing Legal Vows, to Not Swearing q1 aY: vert. 33, 34• And inde11=d, wP,;tt U(e can there be of any Swea~ing, where Men's Tta it Teo, and th~ir Nay, ]\,-a)'• There their Speech, d;tqir A~fwers, on all Occ~ .. fions, !hould be, ~t t)le moft, but Tea, Tea; or ]\Tay,- Nay. ().) lie ta14gbt 11ot to rejifl Evil, b11t to fuffer Ufs, rather than uzur in .. to GJntention: His Divine Wifdom did fore-fee how much eafier it would be to O\'etcorne cqe Violent Paffions of Men by Patience, than Controverfie. Yerf. 39• -t-o. And he lhqt }u1tly confid~rs the UnrulineiS of fome Men's Difpofitions, their Heats and Prejudices, will find, that it is not alw~ys a Real lnjuty, or Lofs, but fome Pal}ion, Reve1:gf, 9r bajt lnterefl, that put$ them upon Clamoms, and Suits of Law. (6.) He taushr ~s the highe!l Complacency and Charity: If any Man Ver(.q. Verf.42. compel tbee to go tt Mile, go with him fwain. Be of an eafie and ready Mind to Do Good; to all Friendly Offices be c~fily perf waded ; and therein rather exceed, than tall fhort of any on~'s Enrrea,ty, ot N~ceffity. (7.) He taught as Great Liberality and B9unty, l"o givt to him that ajit, arrd from him that toould borrow, not to turn away. In !hart, to be Stewards of our External Subftance for the Good of Mankind, according to our r~ fpe8:ive Abilities; not gmdging, knowing whofe it is, nQr difbelieving, as knowing him who is borh Abl~ and Bountiful. (8.) He adv~nces the DoEl:rine of Lo~ng Friends, to the Degree of Loving En.emies. Te bave beard\ faidJefus, that it barb been faid, Thou fhalr lcvt thy 1\'tighbour, and jhalt bate thine Enemy; but I fay unto you, Love Veri: 4J, 44-, your b'nmzies, blefs rbem that Ciirfe you, do Good to them tbat bare yo11, and ~~· pray for r!Jtm that dejpire[ufly ufe you, and ptrfuure JDII· Surely then, where n,o Anger dwells, no Revenge can grow; and if we muft Love Enc.: mies, there is no Man left to be hated. This is the Dolbinc of that JEsus that lAid down his Life for all ; ::md this is the End for which he preached it, That (fays he) ye 111ay be tb~ Children DfJour Farber rt~bi'b is in Hravcn; for bt»lllketb bir Sun to Rife on the Evil an the Gosd, and fcndeth Rain on * ~ |