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Show An Addrefs to 'Proteftan~s. Voi.. I. 7r56 + • which, to give them the.a J?ue,_ they d0 not denPy ~wbeurt ofhfa tmheef uDlleyv ptle. rvert 1 To ~ and fooli!hly abufe, by mnbuttng '!~~hl~ ~~~~nfutable Anfwer; A KmgPart 11. which Malice and Sland,~r he rerujlrn d, What! cafl out DeVIls byrbe Pnnfe, Sea. 3· ilom JtVtdcd agamjlzt fel, ca'!not an v~r Madnefs it fi:lf. I of Devll.t l 'T.Is a ContradJCbon, and.Arb'!i!ls or thofe that .9'111 themfcl.v¢s I have nothmg to do nowrnfel~~ Chnfria'ns ; and fhall t~~refore keep 'o Tbeifi.r; but fuc~ as Wb" ttbe be Chriihan Difpenfation IS fo Pecllhar and my Task, name Y ; at 0 R: bt the Name of Creed or Faith) I fay then, Important, a~ tocbaOntge { N :gzarerh 10 be the Promifed Me.lflnb, tk Son That the Bc!tef ~~£:eo and afent from God to reftore and i':iv~ Ma11kind, mzd Chrifl_ of G ' h h 1 requifitt Jlruck of Faab, wtthout any is the firft and wast eat eon'( Principles or Opinions refolv'd upon after Clarug_neCeounsfe fafind loTneds, t_oour sa nDebe:t~ oby C. ouncils and Synods ; And this may be provo;<\ borh byfExamEple ant Doi.h~he Cafe of Peter, who for having be- Ic 15 evtdent rom xamp e, as ,10 h" Mouth That Jefps 'f.TJal the lieved in his Heart and confefsd wah ts M t 16 Thts made Cbrijland Son of ~od, Rbbb~"~-~ha~/1'¥i,~11 ~~tfl:b~'son ~j God, t)JtJu art tbt t.lat. 16,16. J\~atbamcl a Difufl e; h 'i kat C rfi'fft that made Amends for Thoma~'s 11· King of 1frael. ft wast e 1 c om e dn, f h RefurnBion of JejiiJ, My John 1. 49· Jncred~tbty, w~nd h,e .fh·s fe~~b;{r~ tb~e Suobft~n~e of .lnartba's Confej]ion of Lord and mJ 0 IS w. h I h Refurre81on and rbe Life; Fmtb to ]cjuJ, when hjhe f;td to eye. b':Jt~v~jl tbourbu? She anfwer'd, be Jbat bebevctb zn me a never 1 Cb ;a b S if God whtcb jhould Yea Lord, I beiV.v~d :bS~ thou f.att :~e hi~11~0~ ~s :: rhat Pa;ttcular of the come mto tbe r or_ e an nr b tbeCb,ift the Meffiab, that fJ)(U Refurretlton, but tn 9enerdal,h f{ ffie ~at 'Twas a 'confeffion not unltke to to come mto t!Je Worla, an t at u ce . h ft S bt when Je/ls this that the Blznd Man made, to whom C n "gave 'i J he I do he- ]oh-9· 3S·ls. faid' to him, Dofltbou beh_eve on tbe Son f.I Got !['~he aCentu~ion, pre-heve. and be worfolpped htm. What (hal we ay G le c Or of rhe :Mat. 8. to. ferred by Chrifi himielf before any in flfrael, tho~g~ be ~~; tbe .Mejfiab c John 4· Faith of the Woman and lnbabllant s o Samar';;j 'Ja ~ if1 Devzl out of Mat. •S· 23· Or of that Importunltlt Woman that cry•d to ,lfr.'H, 0 h({l ch ift fatd 0 ···21. her po.ffeft Daughter, and would not bh put o ' tob w :7r c T~ whtch' let Woman, great u thy Pazth, he tl unto I ee even at tJtn J;ck of the Pa!fy to ~ark2. 4, S• me add the Fiuth of the People, that hrou~ht the b/roucbt. the Rmb of t.h.S.22. Cknlt who uncover'd the Roof to let hzm own to .ff. J } ' b tbeCroud ' ]aJrtr/ the Ruler:; and of that Good Woman, who p11:.ve tf:~~~ugEe of good ~!~t!;~;;~' to to11ch the Hem of Chrift's Garmenj toh whof !.Jef.Aico ath~ Two Bbntl Luke .s. H. Comfort, Daughter, thy Fmtb bf ~a R ~ e,e w:u/e crying Tim~ Son of 42.Ch,J,.I~ ft1en that followed hlm out o t e u ers h d faid Be!;eve ye that I c·~~;. 4~.·-· Davi'd have ft1ercy on ItS ; who, whend]efuJ a h. h he toucb'd their ~o. am able to do tbu c Anfwer'd, Tea, Lor ; up~n w IC • Alfo the Bbnd Eyes o.nd fJid, Accordmg to your Fattb be hat c~o ~~ie;nfed and that .ll1an near 1eucbo, The Leprous ;amk.;ffiad h\ a Feet ~~d anomred\ls Head' ntoo twabhloem P ahffe; ~pger oonfo tuhnec ew d ot hmanht at Se eten~e. Tby Faub barb Javed tbu, 15 appy n , go in Peace. 1 fi f the Thief upon rhe I will conclude this with that fa!'Jlous n a nee o tar e Confeffion like Luke 23 • 42, Croj1, who neither knew nor h~d ;pme ~0 f:~:~ a ugh~ Lord, rtme111ber 43· the Creeds of thcfe I?ays: but ~t eems e a~e ~~~o faid 'unto him, 1'irill, me when tbou comejl mto thy Kmgdom. ~ld .1•:(; P, dijr Bv which lt I fay unto thee, to Day foalt thou be wuh M ~~h-"'~h.e'Si~cerlty, nor the is ea(y to learn that t'was the HeJrt~ not t e ou ' Words, th>t m?de the Confrffion Vobd. f Cl .n h Effi:a of his GraciotK Nor was thts only, m the Days o JnJ'•. t e ff d us the like In- Dijpcnfation or peculiar Indulgence, for afr~r~ttmes a o;d when the Three fbnces. This wo.s the main Bent of Peters ... ermo'! ; a botb Lord and Tboufand believed tbar be wbom the Jews had cr!lcificd, wal Clmft * VoL. i. An .Addrefs t6 'Proleflants. 755 'cbrift, rllld rtptnied cf their Sins, and gladly received bH WorJ they :tre 1679· JJid ro have been in a State of Salvation. Thus Conteli11s and his1Hou(hold ~ and Kindred, fo foon as Peter declared ]if111"to !Je the Mejfiab, and that Part II. they had believed, the Holy Ghoft fell upon tbem 1 and they were received SeEl:. 3· intO rhe Chrijlian C()mmuni()R. But the Story of the EUnuch is very pat to Alb 2. :n,our Purpofe: As he rid in his Chariot, he wa• reading thefe Words out of A~s 1 24 • the Prophet lfai(}h, vi:t. Tbat be tctU led 41 o Sheep to the Slangbrer, and 4s. o. '~ hM tt Lamb d1MdJ btfore tlu Shearers, fo opened he not bis .Mouth. In his Alb 8. 27, .. ~ l!tJtlliliatiop bis /ml.t.IWCnt WO..f ttll<en aWay:; and who fhnll declare his Genera. 37• rion? /or hit Life Is tdken from the Earth. Philip joitt'd to him and aik'd him, lf be undujlood wh111 be read I He defir'd Philip ro interpret the Mind of the Prophet, whether he fpoke of himfelf or another> Philip upon the Plac! pre:~ched to him ]t:/trs .· The Eunuch was fo well perfwaded by the Ape-file, that coming ro a Water, he faid, What doth hinder me to be Bapti.:,ed? Pbihp anfWered him, lf thou believe }I with nil thine Heart, tbou may'jl: 'ro rhis the Eunuch rcply'd, l klieve that Jef.u; Cbrijl i; the Son of GoJ; Upon which he was baptized J and 'ris faJd, He went away RejoycinJ; which indeed he might well do, that felt the Comfort of his Fai~h, the Remifiion of his Sih and the Joys of the Holy Gholt, which always follow true Faith in Chrift. . I \:Vill conclude thefe Examples with a Paffage in the .tlEls, of Paul at Alls 17. 2. ~ The.ffalonictl; 'tis this. Paul, aJ his Manner was, went in umo them, and 4· three &bhath·dayr ulj011e'd with them ii/JI of tbe Scriptllrct; opening and alledging that Cbrlj1 md}J nuds bave fNjfered and rije1J again from the Dead; nnd tb.tt this ]tfus (laid he) whom I preach unto yoN, iz Chrijl. .And Jome of them believed and cdnforud with Paul and Sibs, nnd of the devout Greeks a grear j}Jyltitude, add of tbi Chief Women not fl. few. Thus we may plaiuly fee, that they were baptiz'd into lhe Faith of Jefus, and not into Numerous Opinions; and that this one Confeffion, frOrn true Faith in the Heart, was the Ground and Principle of their Cburcb-Fellowjhip. Then God's Cbttrcb was at Pt:Jce; fhe thrive; there were then no Snares of ·wards made to catch Men of Confcience with. Then not many Words, but much Integrity; now much Talk, and little Truth: Many Articles, but 0 ye of liule Faith! Nor was this only the Judgment and Praaice of that Time out of Con· defcenfion to Weaknefs, and Chari~y to Ign orance., for hath Chrifi Jefus himfelf ond his Apoltles (thofe ble!fed Meffingm of HOly Truth) hfl<e dolt: rin.llly laid it down, as the Great Teft to Chrifiians; that which Chould ~~~~~h0ji~lia~~c~:~~nf;,;d~~~ :;'i~h i~~~~~;.i rlL~~~~ r:~l~s1i~~~c~:~~f~ Then {aid they to ]ej11s, what jhaU we Jo, that we might work the Wor..ts of God 1 ]ifuJ anfwered·and .foid to them, ThU U the .Wor..t of God, that }'e John 6: 2!, Btlieve on bim, whom God bath font. Verily, Verzly, I fay unto ybu, he ~{847· that bt!ieverb 011 me, hath Everltrjling Life. And upon another Occafion, Afl51"6~~ to the Jews, he faid, For if ye believe not, that I am be, }'e jh1tll die in your 31 • Sins. It muft follow then, that if they did believe him to be the Meffiah, Rom. 10. 8, . the Ano.inred of God to Salvation, theyjhoNid bef(l't)ed. Moft plain is that 9,IO,n,12,11 Anfwer of the Apoftle to the Goaler, when he Cam~ trembling to them and f.1id, Sirr TFbut nutft I do to be Javed I Believe (fatd they) on the Lord Je .. jt11 Chn}l, fltld thOJJjhtiit be Javed. The Apofile Paulcontir":Js this rn hi! fpifile to rhe R~tJtans, when he fays, If thott ./halt confe[s umh thy .A1oJuh tbe Lord Jefus1 lfnd fo,lft believe in thine Heart, rhnt God hath roijei him from the De tid, tbo~Jhrllt he Javed. For with the Het~rt M·rn belie~eth unto Rightco11Jncji, and with the Moutk Confe.flion ~ mtrde uttto Salvation: For the Scripture faith, Wbojotvcr btluvetb on bun, fh~tll not be a/hamed. For tbere is uo Difference brtraen tht Jew and the Greek; for tbe Jame Lord over 11fl is rich 11nto all, t!Jdt call upon him. For who[oroer j/Joll call "!on the 'A~m1e of tbe LorJ, jhall befat•ed. This was the Word of Faith whJch they .Deut. 30.1,.; preached ; and he tettify'd, that it was nigh in the He_nrt, as .A1ofu hJ~ Ho..re before him. And, f.tith rhe Apofile John, on thts Occafion, Who t-s •100n 2. tt,' 5 I) t a Lyar, |