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Show 7°+ ~ Ch:ip. III. England's 'Prefent lnt1refl Conjid~r'J.. V-OL. I: Thus have I hone!!ly and plainly clear'd my Confcience for my Country :md anfwer'd, I hope, modeftly, and rho' briefly, :rer fully, the Import of the 'l_ueflion propounded, wirh llonour t? the Magtftrate and Safety to the People, by an happy Conjunaion of thm lnterelts. I !hall conclude, That tU Grtnttr H'Onour and TVifdom can~ot ~en be attributed to any Sort of Men than for our Superiors, under rbm· Czuumflances, to he{'OJtl l't to b oU P~rfwaficns, confided in by oU Perfwafions, and obey'd by a Perfwa· f?ons; and 10 make rbofe Perfwafions know, that. tt u tht1r 1nreref1Jo to do 41 well m that it is the Inurejl of our Supqrzor.r, they jhou!d, and to which the &ptdients propofed natu'rally tend ; So, for a {afllhcr Inducement 10 embrace it, In them be conflnntly remembred, tbt~t the lnu~eft ~~our Englith Governors i-s like to Jland longer upon the Lcg7 of the Engl11b. People, than of the Engliih Church: Since J]J& one takes t1l th~ Stre!fgtb of aU Jn ... tere/1s tntd the other leaves ,11 all but her oum: And 11 may happen th«t the ~nglith Church may foil,. or go trave~ again, .but it U not. probable / bat the Englifh Peoplejhou/1 do either; eJpec~t~/ly wbtle Property~ prejervd, 4 BaUance kept, General P,.eligion propagated, aPrd the World commues. May trY tbU prro(fi/ with our Superiors to 'lfMke the befl Ofe of their little Time; Rtmembring, ;, the midfl of aU t.beir ~ower and Grande~r, that they c11rry Mortillity_ about them, and are qutrlly bnble to tbt .Scnttmy ani. Judgmtnt of the Laft Day, with the poortft Pea fan! ; and tkat they. have ~ great Stewardrhip to MCount for: So tbnt Moderauon and V1rtue bemg rbt1r Courfe thry, fa>' the f11ture, jbaU fleer! ofur having faithfully diftbar{f'd tbnt g;eat Trufl rt{!Dfed in tbem, by God 11nd. this Free P~ple,_ tbq "MY, fOitb C.omfort to tht1r Souls, and Honour to tbttr Names ~nd AEbo~s, f~fefJ 11nchor in the Haven of Etern~l .Birjfednrfs: So prayt, wub mucfJ 5rntef1t}, An En;lifb·Cbriftian·Mon, And Their True Friend,. WILLlAM PENN. A COROLLARY. T HAT the People are under a great Di.ffntisfnEiion. That the Way to S!..uiet Differences, and render contrary lntertfis SMhjervieJtt to t'hc lntereft: of the Government, is, Firft, To maintain inviolably the Rigbtr of it, viz. Liberty and Proper~rl Legi!lation and Juries, without Neg/eO. That, Slighting and lnfruzgmg them barb bun tht'Injury of Prince and People, and early or /are the Ruin of the Contrivers tJf Jo ill Dejigns; and wben all bas been done, tbt only Ex· pedient bat been, to come had again to Englifh Law. This takes in aP, plet~· Jer aU, becaufe it fecures and profits aD. Sttcrijicing Privileges for the S4lt of Conformity, makes a Bteacb upon tbt Civil Government, tdimattstbt Pt~ pie's .Ajfeflions from their Prince, /odgu Property in the Cburcb, fo_ a1 none c11n come at it, but through Obedience to her Rites, for ]he a/ ·this Rare !J41 the Keeping of it\ a Thing 1111known, tU well a1 ulfjofe 10 1bt Ant1t'TJI • Englilb Government. 2dl.y. Th4t the Prince gO'IJern bimfelj vpon a Ballance towards all ReligiD~~&, lnttrefl_s : That 1bis befl poizu Parties to his Secur~ity renders bim MttJI.t!' of on Univerfnl./Jjfdlion, nlld maku him truly 6nd ojely Prince of aU b1s Co11nrry: &t .,be Clntrary Co11rJe narroru his Ju ice ,md Mtrq, m11~t1 * tbl VoL. I. The Continrud Cry of the Oppreii'ed; the Government to ]hint /Jut upon one P. 1 if b . 1°5 to one Part)',.and dijinh~rit the refl J:On/r/:ei~ ljji~~t~:; I~ h~ ;ufl 611_1 1675• Colfrft ends l1Z great Difadvamng( to tbe Pe Pl. 1f.ht. That tiNs ~ Pnnce and People. t1ce, enty, and Snfery of 3d!y . .And Loll!y, lnf/eatf of bein Uncb · b .Mo~i.fications, let the Debate about ~hem Sfe~tn le, d Severe and Cruel / or R~hglon he promoted, that v:hich receive ~'A an <;7eneral and Praflica! (cunc(, from the Principle of Divine Lif; (: th men tn every Mrm'r Con~ tn .1-Vtry. Breajf, Tbttt alJ agree in the mofl wei b: z.;;d ~eeper well called it) tbm~ . U)l/1 Jooner fweeten .Men'r Blood d g ,/ ofl;mes; and t!Jrtt »a-. ploymg that Time and Pains they hcflow' ;7 ji:;,;~'/!oe~r.!lat'!re7, Jban em~ what they both koow, believe and accord in . T' h'!teJ'.r, m liVIng up to eomponl with their own Comments and k. 't' ~u leaves Jllen to keep Holy L1ving Ne(Cffary, net oJt/y 1~ Heo~;,;s 1 'C ~xt only Sacred, and Preferments: JIThenct Vinue becomc.r the D '), bur F Earth!; Places, I mean {~olfJ fmother'd in the Crowd of Sinijle /.or '~n Javour, and Confciencc Ltvmg. 1 r ntertpr the Noble Rule of GoJ Almighty, if it plenfe bim begu N bt. R • r. . our Superiors to ufe theft Plain 'nd Sajj £. e _eJolllllonr in the Hearts nf f!lnnt Cr11~/ty, Co~te/l yield 10 Go:d L/fr; andedJ~n;.r, tho~ Charity may fup- JU.fl and land 1\bghbourhood. ' prc_,ent Dijlances meet in a Great and Honourable is that Prince d F where thefe Thiugs take Place. ' an tee and Happy that People, WiUiam Tenn. THE Continued Cry of the Oppre.ffed for Ju.flice. B BING A farther Account of the late Unjuft and Cr 1 'P _ "'f' of Unreafonable Men againll the Perfons and E~:t 7ceed- 0 the P~ople called R!fakers, only for their peaceabl es~ m.any to worllup God. , e eetmgs Prefented to the Serious Confideration of the I( 1 N G d bot! Houfes of P .A RLI .A ME NT.· an 1 Setk ]kdgnrent, Relieve tbe Opprej!ed, J.udge the Fntherlifs, ond Plend ' tbe Wrdow, Ifa. 1• 17. ,or To the King and both Houfes of Parliament. F0J'Q~jf stU .th~ Mhinten_ance of JuUice, ~nd Prefervation of lhe Pe:J:ce and /tnce it hatbCPI;:;~d ~f. ~nl all AG~edr bee~rJht gretlt l:.(rd of. Government; Co ft" . . I' nug"Jty o toea;• ourLot rnaK1n.:.Jom fl.'bofe it'snfr~:b~o: Jszmb~' than ;(~nbi(y care/Ill of the Liberty and ProPerty of Occqfion ofr n·1m1"Ja lf'!nts : n ect~JJ.(( .feveral Laau have been made upon 1 ent 1n A!at,ters of RebgJon, to prtf.r an f!niformity to theRe- X x x x /igion |