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Show CHAP. II. '· Of our Super.iors governing themfelveo upon a Ballance, as ncoar a'i may be, toward~ the feveral Religious Intcrefts. ' n~ Of a BttlWnce, ,-ejpeEiing Rdigiotl.t D;_fferenus.. EigJn Pr~~tf~nr~~~! Rt<l· jolll wby tbe Civil Mt~gijlr,uc fbould cntbrtrce tf. Three Ob;df,d.Af .tin.~ fwcr'J. A Comprehegjion conjithr•d, bllt a Tolerattcn Preji:rr"d, upqn l1.et~jon antl Example. ' . T O perform my Parr._ in th. is Point, bc;:iqg !he _fecond Br3~ch. of my AnfWer to the Queftton; I Chall nor, :J.t rh1s Ttrne, make It my Bufi· 11efS ro manifeft rbe IncMfiflc/fcy rhar rhcreis between the ChrijliiJd Reh· -g/on, and a forced Uniformity, not only bcoufe it hath been fo often and excellently done by Men ot Wir, LearJ,ling and Cohfcicncc, and th:n I have elfc-where' largcly deli\'er'd my Sen~ about it;_ but bec:lUfe every free and jmpJrtial Temper, hath, of :1 long Time, obierv'd, th:~t fuch Bt~tharout Anempu were fo far from being indulJ:(d, rhat they were moft fi!verelt Prohibited by Chrilt: himfelf; who inftrue'ted his Difdi?les,. to Lo-Ot r-bcir. EHtmitr, and not to perfecute their FriendS f9r every Difference in Opin}ou; ;rha( t~c Tales {hould grow with the Wheat' That his. Kingd•l" rl nor of rbil Wor/J.· Th3t Foith is the Gifr of God: That rhe WrD ahd VndcrfJand· ing of Men ::ire-Faculries not ro be work"d U.PO'n by ~ny Corporttl P'et~d!ties; 'fhat TRUTH is iiU·fufficienr ro her ownReiitf' Tim ERROR an~ ANGER: go rogerher: That BifeCuyn only !lands itl need of lmpoJirion r~ make it currem, but th:J.t True JHeral paffeth for itS own lntrinfic./f, Vo/Jte).. with a great." 4eal more of th:lt Nature. I fhall therefore chufe to" Qppole my_ felf, at this Time, to any fuch Severity, u,pon meer Prfidence; that fucfl §.s11ave No .R.t!igion (and certainly they that Perfecute for Religion. have 8.s little lS need to be) may be induc•d to Tolerate Them th:lt hJve. • Fir}/, However Advifable it may be, in the Judgment of fome Worldly Wife Men, to prevem, even by Force, the arifing. of any New Opinion, where a Kingdom is Univerfa11y of anothCr Mind; efpecially if ic be Odi· ous ro the People, and inconfiftent wirh t,he Safety of the Governmenr o. it cannot he fo~ where a Kingdom is of...Many .iliinds, qnlefs fome One P.:n~ ty hath all the Wifdom, Wealth, Number, Sober Lift, Jni11{1ry and I Refcla· rion of it's fide; Which I am fure is not to be found in EnghmJ. So that the Wind hath plainly rhifted it's Corner, and confequently obliges toano~ ther Courle: I mean, Entltmd's Circumftances are greJ_rly changed, ::tn4 they require new Expedit:Pis and another Son Qf Appltcatum. . Phyficians vary their Medidnesaccordipg tot he Revolution and ,-he M1x· ture of Diftempers. They that feek to rye the Government to abfQlute and inadequate Methods (fuppofing them one~ ap' whic;h Cruelty io this. Cate never was) are not Friends to it's lnterett, whateyer they may be to rheirown. Hour S11periors thould make it their BufinetS fo ~o prefer ont. Parry, o.s to deprefs or deprive the relr. they infecure th.emfelves, by Wl· king their Friends their Enemies, who before were one.,.a. nother's. To be:. fme it createth Hmred between the Party ad\'anced, :tnd rhOfe. depreft. Jacob's preferring JofeplJ put his Brethren upon th:tt Confp~racyag_Jinil: him .. · I will allow that they may have a more panjcul~r Favour for r.he Church Party, than for any other Perfw:~fion, but not more than for-all other Par, ties in Ent!ttntl: That certainly would break. the BaOnnu; the keeping up of which, will make! every Parry to owe its TranqUility t'O their Prudence and Goodnefs, which will ne\'er fail of Returns of Love and Loy :dry. Fo~ fVJc~ w~ fe;e e:;~.ch lntereU looks jealoufll" llpon the other, 'ris reafonbae~l::~ VoJ.. i. Engbhd'J 'Pre font Inttrt.b.Con}derid. "· ' . ' ·' . J' 091 beh:\'e,, they ~:1d rather tlre Dominion fhO'nld lod e \ her · · · -. ·i' 'parual 1~ rhe.u 'udgmen:, thln to truft ir ~hh \Jn~ bi:J~ So~t~~~s~h~h~~ ',f!l.· 1675· Manr mqwfittveMen tnto Hum:ane Affa1rs h:rve th u b h m I! \e~\ ~ cord of Difcords hath not been t;he infumeft lbfis Go~·e~r.~~/1~ th~. Con-: Chap. 1[ lbnd upon: It hath heen obferved, that letS Sedirloo an~ Diflmbn ute 0' n:u~ed. Httmubal's,Arrryy, that confifted of many Narions., than rh:~co~· :Jt· Eegron~, that wele qf one People, It is marvt!llo..S h"'• the Wifdom f ;;an General fecured theb-1 to his Dcfigns: Liv1 faith, Thath4 AJ-111 ·J~~- -h·'H tttn re~rt, fhal had roveJ llf and dOWfl tbt lfuman E'•llprrt, made ~p of i. Ir". c;ouglr~:s, diVC/"1 Lttngllogu, LJ.WI, CuflomJ, R.xli&ion.t . llllltr uilthti s·lltj .~~ffts OJ Wnr~,,d·Itnu, never mutined. Malverzy, 41 ~t-'U a1 Livy afi"ff". It 'tO t~at yanety, \Yell managed by the OenetJl. ' c 1 ts By t~e.hke Pr.udcftce Jovianm and TbeoitJ/illrMagmu brought TrJnqt i fi. ry to t cu Empll"e, :1fcer much Rage and Bfood for Religion !. '· ,.. In Nar'fce w1e alfo fee, rll Hear cunfumes, all Cold kill~; rhar three. vegrees o. o d ro rwo of Hear, allay th.e ~c:.n, hut introduce the c ri· l!;?rHy Qu:1lny, and ove_r·c~ol by a Degree ; but two Degrees of Cold, tot?~. 0• Qr eat,_ ma~e a Poy~~ tn Elements, and a ,Bu'flance in Na-ture. The lok<J'tn Famthes: lr is nor probable that a Matte, iboul,d have h'!· W~rk f~ well done, at leaft with that Love Jnd Refpefl, who condn~ill 1 • Snnln~r:on one Se~vanc, and feverdy 'Frowm epon aU the rell-1 on rbe· co~ .. ~cary, us apt to ra1fe Feuds ~n:~ngft Servants, and rurn Ducy into Re\'cn c at leaft Co~rempr. In_ line, tt 11 to make our_ Sliferior's .Qomh1ion Iefs th~n. God made u, and to ~lmd . their Eyes, fiop rhea F.ars, aqd fhut up their ~r~afts, from beholduig rhe Mi(eries, hearingrfle Cries, :J,nd redreffin th Guc~nces of~ vaft .Numbe_r of People, under their Charge, \'exed i~ th~r WorJ8,for rhea ~ell'£ and moffenfive PraEfl~e-:ibout thenexr. O~econd}l.'· ~/ 15 I e butreft of G_ovtrnfllrs, to ht.. pm f/P.M no tb .. ·11{.Jif.r' .:rces J I at u,_ /.0 blow no Co;1/s m rhnr oum Country, c]prcialy wbt'n it ~o con fume thea• People, ttnd, }t 111ayhe, thelflfe/ves roo: Nor robe r1Jt Car's . ?t• nor t~ ma!te 'fork for t~emJe!vu, or.fi._U their own Hqn4s rci1b Tr011• hie, or tbt ~mgdom n·uh Comphanu. Ir ~ ~o forbid rbtm 1be Vfe of Clenlen. ' ~y. _whtrem t~ty o11gbt mo'JI gf aU. (o nmtatt God Jilm~Pbif, V.'ho~ Metq lt" above :tlJ h1S WorKs; on/ rcnden rhrllf tlfort of Exronioners torh'e feqf~~. the mo{l ·re'!lore {tomrh~End ttn4 Goodnif.r ofthl'irO.bi{e. ln}h4rt, It " the htjl 'kcttJPI tbur r)mr Enem1ts c.tn (live to make rbr111 11ne.ifie 10 tbe Co11ntry. . ~ ' Thirdly, It not oniy makes them Enemies, hm there is no fuch Excite· IJ;!enr to revenge, ~Sa Rap'd Confcience. Ht th:H harh been ftl:rced to bre.lk h1s Peace, tO grapfi.e the Humour of anot~er, ~rnft hll'e a greJr Sh:Jrt of Mercy and ~elf·~emal, ro forgive that !njury., :Jnd forbid himfelf the Pleafore of Rembuu~n .npon the Authors oftt: For. Re\'enge, in other Cafes celnd: m.na~le of all, IS ~ere look'd upon by too many, to he the ntxt wJy ro ~_Xptauon. To be fll~e, ~htr.hec ~he. Grounds of their Dfffenr,be r:~rirmal !" ~h:mfelvesJ fuch s~venry lS llOJuftifi:able With them; fqr rhts is a Ml'x.·· 1m w.ah Sufferers, \VhOe\:er is~~~ the Wrong, rbe Pt,jecutor cnnnot be in lht rtgbt. Men,, not c.onfc1ous to thcmfelves of EvilJ and. harfhly ne:tted not only refentlt unkmdly, but are bold ro fhew it. , .Fourrhly, Suppofe tbt Prinu, by bir Srotriry, {Onljllf'rJ tt'lJ into 11 Com· pl~tmcc, bt c,m upOtl no prru1.tflt Gro11nd ~!fiut bimJdf r{ their Frdtllty Wbom be bnzh /(!1/gbt ro !Jcrreacberotll to rlm'.r o~n Convi!IJMs. Wift .Hrtf t"Jrdy confide in _tbrife wbo1n tbey./Jtlvt Jrll~t~l{h'J. fro)JI tr~tflto fcrve tf.t',dt"' ./Nve~: At be_~ u _refe~nbletb hnr forced /ltJrr_i4gu. rh11fdtin111 provdt.J,'J· f·£a:om:l%/)(:;;J:;u,ln fh~rr, lPrct 111a/:Js lfyt;ocrit~s, 'lit PcrJi.v:~fion Mlj 'li}rhly,. This Parrialir,r, offacri6cing rl•e Liberty and Property qf all ~!renters! to rhe ~romotton -of a fingle P~tty, be rhey gQ~ or ill Men, as lr'\S tQe lively Reprefen_~arion of J. Cli"vin.'t Hr,rren.(l(flffk~·t/JJtP ~to the. O>nfe9u~nces oft~e one_ b.c:lbpg unto the orh~r 1 it being but.rbac- iH~natl\r~ Punc1ple put Into Praflicr. •'" Men are pnr-upblflhe f:.~mcr defper:ne COt:r· . 1t3 • |