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Show Truth ref~J~ud fm~t II? pofture. Vbt.. J. 1.670. btijJ/d a. new Ge12try tmd :Nobility, 4$ a FtJinrJarion for n 114'1i'J MMarelJy; Rea~ ~ vcn f~! it f~lf il(ainfl the Enterprize. .A.n1therefoTe ~Was. not fo muc!J Jbe A!ifcamage f,f tbt People there, 111 the JUJI Vente.nce •f the Almigbq for ma!li'llg that unj11jt War t»itb Sp3in, cmd ~iftuijing the Defitn tt:J- rO:. Spanilb ilm6affddor, r.oitb reitetdted Dij]imulario!lr, a11d borri61e lllfpojiu¥ts, as the fame Author more a.t lar~e relates. I then fubmit r~ the Judgl\lenr of fober Men, if this lteftellion C3rries tho leal! of Weil{lit or Vtrity wltb it. But he willtnot leue the M~ner here; for fays he, 'l'bittMIU 't'he Re11eg1ultJ tJMrft than t'brec Turks, that performtd'fucb eJueUent Service in tbt /au Duich Wor., in Plundering tht two Ealt-Tndia Durch Ships 11/ th• p,;.,. 60odr, for dlfi&b h1 wast11rn'rl out of the Haufe of Commons. I fliall ftill wato his Scurtility, ond 31tend the Matter: His Service in the bft 'Duub War will not be queftio~ed by any Man, ~hat dares to fer .tlis Nam~ co i't: Not that I woulil be thought to Jnfti'fy Wars; I Mow tb<J dtifl {rom LNfl•· , But this being Matter o( Fat\, I !hall take leave to tOll this Ll~ller, that the Succefs o~ ~he firlt Et!g>genfent, wbue afoNr Trum1 Four Shtps tvtrd Ta!cen, Bll1'1ft, 'dnd Sunlt ! Two Thollj'and Fn1e }fzn,dnd lt<lfotkrs (fail/. io he) hr011gb1 bcJme·, bf'}ides robot uere jlai11, n11d tmouRJed •f the Holla~dtr$; 01 the I/Jrpence of b«t D>l<. old Dutch P1ize (that f•• Want of Sml flD Into tbe~r Botly) and about Three H~ndred B•glijj JUtn j/Jiit, l:tas been gre:m:led, beyond aU t0111111•n •Eulogirs, by the TlJtJJir• ~ejt;;jt.(s of later Eilgageflf(ntsr whence J1rt:atcr 'Phi'ngr ivft pro,ifo[11Jtd 1n fhorr, hoW far he wat a Mafltr of his .Art, b6th :is a Se:1man, a1!d as a General ; I leave to the Obfervation of his Frimds, his own conftant Szic,. ceJs, and Wbf1t hue after may come to puhlick View of his own Remarh. M fdt that falfe Afperfion, ~f Plnndet!ng the Dutch Eo.f/·lmlia-'Mew, I fb>llavoucli my Narrartve of_tho faa to be ~rue, being an Eye·Wimc!ll and more 'thin -apy tloncerned tn what telatc!d to his rpfopd;rion. •Tis_ hot unknown rha~ two _fuch .~hips weril uken, thoug~ ·it _was nevet know'!! nor belleved, by any m~hetrWits, that they wete 'worth the ifch P:u1 or ' w1rat Was 'vul~rly br11irtd In the World. One <>f them ·was takeR f!y. a f!nptai•, helon~lng to his Squ:ldl~n thei tall the Ettr/ of SaRdwicb\ and th~ bt_her, by ·on~ of my Rtther~: B~t that mr Father WtU euer , /foafd -Of t1tbtt', dr- tiMt br f1}(}U/d Julfer btr to 6e- manild Dy riny of bis otCJt Sl!ll{t CdiJIPtf'l&; Or that be ~r Jo~. or c,oufed to be ta~tn, one Glovt, A·ur~ dtg~ Blade •f Wlct, or Skam of Sd~1 the ""'"'on L•ii•g of the Wirm'! f:!' bY wtirte,n O(det fr~m his Superiour, ils 'bis Shate of the Divldenl (ao't'a~dut !lxteen Mbriths Servroe at Sea, arid tHe El<pence of a <onftant Table) I utterlY. deny, and am perfuaded, no Man on ·Earth bn evet.pr<>Ye1 fut ~'bUld ir ·lia'Ve'tken, _13rh not 'Jgnqrant li6W fbme of th~ •IJibeller's CemplixJol, would na~• <oilpafs'd·Sea aitd Lo~d to "tlive fetth'il him •to .B#oo.fHo~ Je ; but to a~ Jirtle Pufpofe as ot~ers were; fo that liS 'frOtt:J wr()ll~ Pre!nill'es th~re cim be ho inie Con~l~fion ; lib to fay he was therefore t\ffne"d obt'of th, lfclrife of Q)fllmons (or fQr aby 'I'lilng elfe) was a down!! ght ruithocd ; But S~<Jpmfiuns, upon BiOs ag:linft ally 1\lan, are c.•flriiiiitr • . . ~. ~opclud~ his Slan.ders ;tnd . Scurrility wi~h this Hope, ·Tbt~t my F1thtr /lav1n~,Jo gfe9t ~~~ E[r~te of.J;Ml (Ire means Un;.-fl) •gitt<n Gcods to [• t:olf{CICI!t}our d SOn, Js my f~lf, Jrulll fWak~ 8.ttUfi£iifiR to lbe:King. Btlt ':ls 'thls'FJbts1Bolt irfoon .foot, (and thut lo ;h'Ve an l;fuite in this Age, \here l:erns n~<bingmqreJequ!fit, t~•o th,a,t i! he'!hought fo) fo dot afllr,n_r ~pon verypbb\1 Kndwledj:C {tfl maylbe crear~ed) That after all my Fd~&er~great, marly \rna conhnual 'Fnlj>lo'j>ments in tile Wwld for near fhlrt,Y 'Years pall, •f!d his lfegu~nt 0pportubjti~ of ·imichingfh{s Fa111i/y•; be tould 'never titlJ 'bt11fftlf MA...R- tr ~f]Jtt/f · il?,at ·E/lbte, •hicb 1s t!Je pnvtJU :Ac!lulfiripn ,oF orilfnary M(tcha"nt.r (riot to lay :Bretoerr and for ought \I kn<>W, jufl: gotten Gb6dstbo) 'onlllf W"r'be allowable :.,ith8. s. ond the C9rl£eque•cc of it•, -he bas li:ld ,marly /ltiglt 'lfits; each of>which migh< ... • have Vo~. I. Truth Refetud from Impofture, have emicht him moro, than what he lefr, had he been but as forward toft~ thrr bi1 olen Ncjl, as he was heartily inclined to acquit his Confcience, in the Difcharge of hi!i Truft to his Country; of whicf\ I will give an Inftance ro he atte!ted by m1ny. , Being JidJdiral in the Streigbu of the Afedirerra11ean, about the Years so and p, many Pri7.es were taken, and fame of great Value: Arnongft rh~reft, was one, that had Five Chefb of Silver and Gold, amoumingto fi:veral Thoufands of Pounds ; which he was fo far from embezling (tQ his awn UfC) or admitting of the Plea of hi~ Capr11inJ ( diflrihureit amongft ns, and if w er ir be demtmJcd ir P,a/J be paid, or tee willj'erve ir our) as that he wholly denied his rvifr the CNriojity of clJanging of bur one Piece. of foreign Gold, for lt':i equal Weight of our own. And as in thofe Times, there was too great a \Vatch over fucb Men in Employment, to enrich. tlu:mlelves atthe Coftofthe P•blick; fo mull !fay rhar his whole Employ• mem at Sea fince the Ki1zg's Return, was nor above fix teen Months; :tnd for his other Offices they admined not of .Perqui6tes; and I challenge the whole \Vorld, to lay the ju fi Ignominy of but one Bribe to his Charge,. tho11gb ro fptak modejlty, IJ tho11sand Families owe rbeir Advancement to bi.t Favour. But of how ill Report •nd Confequencc it is, that .illen devotedinLifi 1md Ejlare,rotbeSrrvuefl[!bt PMhlick, ihould meet with fo ill Entertain· rnent from the Hands of fuch Privauerr, that never knew what it was to be ofPublick Importance, may deferve the Notice of all trueParriots. But perhaps the Libeller thought, that I ought as well to inherit ml Far bet's Mifcarriage.t (if tmy) 'ds bi.t Eflate,; which is contrary to Gods PraCtice, that imputes not the Father's lfliguilJ to the Son: but that maf be one H.eafon why it is his.l ,he fhews a Mind not a little Jtnger·Bil, who is not comenred with the Living, biit btjieges tbe Tqmh of the Dead, for far-ther SatisfaEiietn. - Yet after all his Impuduu Fo)Jy, a.nd Slander, be concludes with [Taceo c~ttera, de ~rtuis nil 11iji bonu111.] biit a1 be would make one believe, be cou/Jfay worfe, fo be would b.ve m to tbilz!c be badfaid nothing; who not only vented his worft Abufest"" Jlut what are in therafelves moft wretchedly faift .. And as his Saying, He lhould fpeak well of the Dtad, when Ire had faid fo ill, is a Conrradifiion; fo his Pretence of J'it)[ faying more, is not lefs in· jurious; for hi1 Silence hal wronged U.tlll(}rt, than his Difcourfe : Since to Br~urb~at the Dead, and tri11mpb •ver their Graves, jhowr a greaur Want fHumanity, than I wat tJ.'iUing to rhilfk the Debauchery of OJir Age bad re• uced any Alan to 1 hMt the pre:nanti~jltlflce of'i!t. S's kcompli./hments have ener informed me. And whofoever he it I uifb him Rcp1ntance of theft lmfittit.t, and jincerely dttlare .,, hearty ForgttJenefrof 110 his auravatint In;uries. :F A R lf' IV'. The Grand Cafe in Controverfie, about the Power of' Juries, clearly Stated and rationally R'Jolved. A, S a deferred P1tb, overgrown bY Time, makes· Men tQ queftion if it had ever been a Wny, So the negleiled Cafe of ]uriCJ Powu-, over .. run by t~e Incroachmenrs of the &neb, make rnany doubt if ever they had any. . I fhat1 therefore endeavour to State and Yintliute the Power of ]uriu [rom the .Ajja.ult o.f lnnovntilln; anti re·infltJte them in that ..duthority and Priviledge, they art 111titu,l~d to, 1md ltfendtl in, by tbe FunJamental LaVJs af England. · F>'r;. s". . " |