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Show J668. ~ Chap.Vlll. Vot. I. Senators Venerable, bec:~me da11gerous tp the.ir Safety: lnfomuch th:tt his. Succeffors hardly left one they did not Kill or Banilh l unlefs fuch as turned to be Flatterers of their Unjd(t Accftii&i.oD; idd th~ Imitacors of their d~ bauch'd Manners. • §. VI. The t'fur.kt are a great 'Proof t<l tli~ Point in lfand, who to .extend. ~heir Domihion, have been·the Caufe of.)fi"ll.ding much Blood, arid laying 'manyftately Countries;;,_'lfl,, ' And ,l'e\ t/(if\lte to b~ b~t;done ~y iJ{iofl"< Chriflums; whofe P1a~b~ ts therefore. more CQndemn?ble, Oecaufe tbey l111ve been b_etter.taughr: They hh.vC h:td a Maller of another Dothine and ·Example. 'Tis -true, they r.call him Lcr4 flil1, bur let th~ir A~bition Reign: Mat.t8. v. 1. Th~y,love Power more than one anQther ;_ and to get lt, K1ll one ttnot}ur. to 6. rbo' c'harged by bim, Nbt to p,:;V(, ~Ur ro Lov( and &rue on~ hndrb(r: ::!a;~ 9· 33• And which -aads to the ~r:t~dy, :Ill Narhrol Affetlion is facrifick to the ' 'fury of this Lull: And thQ"O(dre are "Stories fo often llained wirh the Mur ·Jttof Partnts, Children, Un(/(s, 'Ji!rphnrr, ·Maj/ut, &c. '§. VIT. lf we look abroad inro remoter Pms of the World, we th;lll 1'arel)r bear of Wars, but in CfJrijfendom Of Peace. A very Trifle is roo oftten ·fnade a Ground of (h1ilrrel here: Nor can any League be fa Sacred dt Jnviolable, tbat _Arts fhall not be ufed_ to evade, and dHf-olVe it to ipCreafe i)Orhinion. NO )1atter ~ho. nor how J,nany are Slain, m:1de Widows ':ln'd 'Orphads, dr lofe their Eftates and Ei\·elih~ods: 'What Counrriu -are rUined; what ToWns a·nd 'Cities fpoil'd; if by all theTe. Things the Ambi· _tiCius ~ail but a_rrive at _thei'r ~nds? ~.o 'go no. further b~~~ than fixty Years, 'th>t brtle Pendd of Ttme wtll furntfh 'US wnh many Wars begun upon ill "Grounds, ·and ended -in great E>efolation. N!iy, the bfl: twelve Years ~f our Time, m;:Lke as pregnant a Dcmoo.llra.tion 'as we can furnifh our fclves 'wi~h from rbe Records of any Age. 'Tis too tedioUs, Q or is it my Bufthefs ~to 'be particular: It has been often well ubferved by Q~1efs, and is ~lmoft ·known to an, l fnean the Frmcb, Spanijh, 'Gcrpzan, Englijh, and- Durtb W~rs. • §. VJII. But Ambition 'does-nor only dwell in Coltrt$ :lfld Senotes: Iris t,o.o~natural to every private; Breaft to ftrain for POwer. We daily fee }1oW much Men labour rheirutmoft Wit and lnrbefi robe (Heat, ro -~et H~her Places, or Grearer Tirles than they have, that they ma,y look brgger and 'beinore acknowledged; take Place of their former f.\qu~ls, :md fo tqqil thqfe _that wer.e once t}leir ~ll'pe~iors : .Compel Friends, "Jnd be revenged ·on ,Eoemres. Thts makes Chriflramry fo little lov'd of Worldly Men, IT'f Kin,gdom i< 'not of tbi< World : And though \hey may fpeak it filir ir is the Wot]d they lo':e: ~hat without Unch:uitablenefs we may truly, H1y, P(op/( pr6- Mat. ~6. 33; fr[t CbriftMntty, hut rbey follow tb( World. They are not for f(e/dnj t1!t --~ngdum of Hct1V(Jt jirft, an~ 'tbe Righteoufnef.r rbn-eof, ~nd to truft God wnh the reft ~ but for fuurrng to tb(mfdve.r the Wetf/rb t'l!fd Glory of rbis IVurld, and niljolfrning rbe Car( of SalVation ro a Sick-Bed and th( (Xtrcam Momenrs of Lij(; if yet they believe a Life to come. ' §: IX. ~o. concl~de this Head; Gr(at is tb(ir P(au-, who know a Limit to tlmr .AmbJtrotiJ Muuis, tb.at have learnt to b( conteme.il toitb tb( .Appoint· wtntt and Boumft of Provrdrna : 'fbar are nor- cariful t-o he Greur, bur being Orear, are H~mbk mzd Jo Gc~d. Such keeP. their Wit:; with their Confcf.. ences; and WiJh. an even Mmd, can at all Times, meafure the uneveh Wand, reft fixt m th~ Midft of all its Unctrrainriu, and as becomes tliofe who have an l_ntereft m a Berter, in the Good Time and Will of God, che:n· fully l~a.ve th1s; when t~e Ambitious, Confcious of tbeir evil Praaices, and we1ghed down to their Graves with Guilt muft go to a Tribunal rh:rt they can neither Awe nor Bribe, , ' CHAt. NoCROSS, No CR.OWN. CHAP. IX. §. I. THE Third Evil Elfca of Pride, is, sn ~Utrllle ;ll!>tlin of fle~Conall! onou~ unb l'.t(ilat. f)a{bt; theref~re loves Power, that She might bave Homage, and that every one may gn·e her Honour ; and fuch as are wanting in thar, expofe themfelves to .her Anger and Rev!nge. And as Pride, fo this evil EfFect, is more or lef~ dtfFufed through corrupt Mankind ; and has been the OccaHon of great Ammofity and Mifchief in the World. 313 J668. l../""V"'.J Chap. IX. §. U. We have a pregnant Inftance in Holy Writ, what Malice andRe-ven& e, the Sromach of Proud Man, is capable of, when not gr:uified in this Particular. It _had. almoft coft Morduai his Neck, and the whole People of the ](rot then L~ves, be~aufe he would not Boro himfelf to lfaman, who was~ great Favounte to King Abtl{uurn. And rhe Pra8:ice of the- World even ~n our o~n Age, will te1l ~s, That nor Striking a Flt~g or Sail; nnJ no; So!utJPg urrmn Ports or Garrifons; yea, lefS Things have gi\'en Rife to m1ghty Wars between States and Kingdoms, to the Expence of much Trea· fu~e, but more _Blood. The like has fo1lowed about· the Precedency of Pnnces, and then Ambaffadors. Alfo the Envy, Quarrels and Mifchiefs, that have h~ppen'd am<?ng private Perfons, upon Conceit that they have not b.ecn refpeeted to thea Degree or QpJlity among Men, with Hat, Kner, or T/1/(: To be fure Duels and Murders nota few. I was once my fclf in !france Ji. fet upon about Eleven at Night, as I was walking to my Lodg- * Whicb wu mg, by a Perfon t~at ~ay-laid me, with his Naked Sword in his Hand, before I prolYho dcma'!J~d Sarufalllon of me for rllking no Notice of him, at a Time feft'~ the com wb-en !Je CtvtUy Saluted m( with bit Hat . tho' the Truth was ·I fa\'V him not *""'0'£ 1 am when he di~ it. I will fuppofe he had kill'd me, for he m:~Je feveral Paffes now 0 • tit me, or I ~n my Defence had kill'd him, when 1 difarm'd him, (as the Earl of Crawfords Servant faw, that was by) I alk any Man of Underllanding • Sf Ot |