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Show T R U T H Exalter!. Vor.. f. 1668. Seed that bruifetb the Serpent's Head; in fltort, Tbat Grace wbieb bath np~ ~ pcttred unto aU .Men, teaching them, to deny aD Ungodlinefs and Worldly Lujlt Ezek. 34· 29. and to live Godlikely and Soberly i11 this pre[ent World. He fiands at the Gen. 3· 1 ~· Door of every Heart, and knocks, if by any Means he may be heard and ;;:· 2 ' 11' ha\•e Admitt:mce, whereby God's Promife may be fulfilled, That God wtll Jwdleoitb Ale"; and my Tefiimony is, that a Remnant have obeyed this Heavenly Voice,· and now wa~k in this pure Light, ~n which God Almigh~ Rev. u. 3· ty is known to tabernacle wah them : Therefore, m the Fear of God £. te;nal, do I cry aloud unto you all, who are wandring in the by·Parhs of Deut. ti. t8, t)l, 20. Jer•l7·10. Jobn4. 29· Men's Inventions, Traditions and Precepts, to empty your Hearts and Minds of rhofe unprofitable Guefts, that better Entertainment than a Manger may be h:td to receive this Lord of Glory; The mighty Prophet, all mufl heorordie, wbofettrchnb the Heaa, tr;•etb the Reins, and is ahlno ted you aD that ever you did: - This is the Q..un/urs Chrift, ::md Son of the Living God, whom we are nor afhamed to confefs before Men, as that glorious Light, which fince we have believed and walked in, according to our diftina Me:a.fures, we h:tve not only received a perfeft Difcovery of all the Will-Wor01ips, Pollutions, and v.ain Fafhions, or Cuftoms·rhat have been brought forrh by, and ftand in the Dark, luftful, and apoftati· zed Nature; but as we have continued in an holy W:nchfulneiS, to obferve and obey its Righteous DiCtates; God's mighty Power we have, and do ex~ Heb. 9, 14• perience to fubdue and redeem tht>refrom; yea, rh:tt Spiritual Blood is w. 22, fenfibly felt, to Sprinkle and dcanfo the Confciena from Dead Works. And to you allmuft I declare, That by no orher Way did I ever recei\•e the Knowledge of the leaR: Evil, oi Abilitv to conquer it, than in this U~ niverfll Lighr, who is given for a Captain.and a Leader out of all the by' Paths and peuy Perfwafions ~f Men, through Judgment that purifies, and. the Red-Sea of Troubles, Tnals, and AffiiE'tions, umo the Reft which is Pure and Undefiled: This is God's beloved Son, bear ye Him; For I proclaim, another Way there is not to Eternal Life and Peace, rhan this Everlaftina Gofpel which now is Preached; for the Time is come that the Angel of .h~ Prefencc isfiying through the Midft of He:1.ven, having this ancienr Gofpel to preach to thero, that dwell upon the Earth, and are in their Earthly N:r- ._ev. 14. 6, 7 ture, Wif~om, and Worfhips, <;rying witb a loud Voice, Fear God, and give Glory to h1m, forth( Hour of bu ]Jtdgment 1$ come: Therefore aWay, away with all your own Ways, \Vorks and Wor!hips that are grounded upon M~n's Command, and fallible 'Apprehenfions, whofe Breath is in their No~ finis.; and no m~r~ do Homae;e according to fuch Prefcriptions, but Fear c; Pet. 4o1i. and Dread the Ltvmg: Lord God of Heaven and E:atth: For if t be Righre- 0111 fc~rcely ~e Jar:ed, where jhall the Ungodly and Sinner appear? But Wo, .A_n,guifh, Tnb~l11t10n and Sorrowjhall come upon every So11/ that Re11rains ilt Sm. Therefore be warned ye Dark and Idolatrous Papijlr, ye fuperfiitious and loofe Proteflants, yea zealous, yet carnal Profefrors, to come out of all your own Ways, Wo~k~, W?rfhips, Nature, Spirir and PraEl:ice: ln Si· l~nce and Fear t? w:aa m thts Glorious Light which God Almighty has dtfplayed, and ra1fed us contemned !!._uakers to walk in and refiifie of in thefe laft Ages; that by beli~ving therein, and circumfpefHy adhering th~reto, you may come to expenence the riling of that Etet'.nal Power which overcomes and removes Tranfgreffion, that hath fo long fepar(Jted between ~fr~~~:our God, hereby fhall you receive found Judgmem and Heavenly This will not dellroy, but fulfil the Scriptures of Truth and fo !hall you k~ow the B~~t!fm tha: is from ~hove, and eat rhe He;\'tnly Bread, and dn_nk the Sptmual Wme a~ Chnft's Table, in his Kingrlom, which rbe ~~~e 1 .7• 2 ,, ~:ctJo':t o1<h~Jw ist~jthJ;_~~ lJer!e!~r=ldthTTnn~as~e~o~~~a~:.ar:;;n;,oo:i~ nancts, and. wbattver perifoub with the Vjing. Jhall.be dooc away; and the Everla~t~g, Unchangeable Sub~ance witne!fed; and no more lhall you profefs Rehg10n, or perfotm Wor!h1p frQm t~; imagining and ttanfgreffing Nature, VoL. i. . ' T R U T H Exalted. N~ture, bu~ from a cerrain Senfc of God's own Operation; fo fhlll your J668. Fanh itand tn that Power the Gates of Hell Cnlt never prevail againft: For ~ this I once more am neceffirated to declare, by Virtue of the found Know· ledge given me of God, that whil!l you are fulfilling the Lulls of the Flelh, and walk10g after your own W~Jl and Imaginations, you are altoge~ therStrangers to the Yoak, to the_ datLy Crofs, and felf-denying Life, but :ac yet the ~orrupt Ground. and e\•tl Tree, which bringeth forrh evil Fruits, Thorns, Br1ars, and four Grapes: Be ye undeceived, God wi!J 1:ot be mocl«d; Job. 4~ a. Juch tU yo11-fow, fuch jha!J yo~ reap: -- · Gal. 6. 7 s. _Wh:refore I inrteat? advife, and warn you all, before the Day of your '· Vtfira_non be ~ut up, tn the Eternal Withdrawings of God's Lo\'e, andRe~ velauon of hts dreadful, endlefs Vengea~ce1 0 ye Idolatrous, Supcritirious, Carnal, Proud, Wanton, Unclean, Mockm~ and Perfecudng Princes, Pric/ls and .People, to repent ; return, ret~rn, belteve and ohey this Lighr, which mamfefts and reproves all your e\•tl Deeds, that in it you may know your Redemption from the Capti~ity of Sin eJfeftually wrought. . Q. Tremble and Q uake wtth the Prophet Habakkuk, you who fcoff at !J..uaker.s, T hat you ma)' n!J rejl i111he Day of Trouble. Hab. 3· 16. Bu~ 1f you f~all fitll goo~ _to rebel againfi the Reproofs and Inftrufiions of thts Holy Ltghr, and defplfB and perfecute the Children of it. be ic known to. you all, tha: b~fore the Brightnefs of its G~ory Olall you'r Sha~ dows vamlh, your Imuanons fiy away, your beggarly Hlemenrs melr ::md you fhall die in your Sins. , 1 No.r fhal~ we. be follicitous what rour Intentions are concerning us, well kno~m~ Htm 10 ·whom ~e have belJeved, to be mucb ~renter in 'If ibqD be 2 Tim. t. ~~ Th(tt u m the World, who 1n Love hath eall'd us out of ir 3m! we douM no.r 1 John 4· 4o will by .his Everlafting Arm ~f Strength defend and p~eferve us over all ~pr~:£~~:h~nd by us exalt Hts Name, Truth, and Salvation umo the ~nds Therefore let the Win~s of I~agination blow; the Storms of Perfecl)tioh beat, and~heSeao~ ragt!lgMaltcefoam; Ye:1, tbiJII!,hthe Fit~treejhaiJnot Hll:l:l.]I7·'~ bloffo'!!, ntuh~r Frmt be_ m the Vine; though 1he L abour of the Olive fai/1 and t !Jt fields yeJiJ not t~e1r .111eat; thougb 1bc Flock he Cllt off from the Fold, and there be n_o Htrd m the Stalls; though N:ations fhould cembine :zgainft us, and Multitudes affemble themfelves to our 0\rerrhrow. - Yer be it I~poned to the Na~ions, ~nd let it be told unto rhe People,' that w~ (hall lhll confide ~nd reJoy~e m tha.t Everlafiing Holy God AJmjghty, Lord of Holts, and Kmg of SJJntS, who hath gathered us. and therefore is by ~~r ~~~~-lll Things in Heaven, and Things on Earth, bleft and Renown'd A Cautionary Posrscnin to the' Peoplf of England. FrienJs, , W H~llt y~u _have a Day~ prize it, and whilfi you have the Light, be· bcve 111 tl; for th1s 1~ tht_Wcrd of tbt-L.,n:d GfJd, tbpt 'made Heavrn mtd Eanh, to you all; the Ttme 1s at Hand, that he that is Unri,gbu011sm~ fi be Unri~lueous fii_ll. Be no_t deceiv'd, put not the Day fa.r from you.; nett?er cry, The Lor~ ts. on our Stde, for his Indignario'o is ready to be re~ veald, and Dejlru8wn1s at the Door. is Calamity, Pining, and DiftreJ~. is coming upon you, ye:1, a Co~tfmitption decreed? :1nd TroJJb!e, Perplexul• and Terri/J/e Defolatimz, and wh:nJJJnd k~ll ~OpH? For the L~rd God"/. Hojir is arijin,g, to avenge HiJpfdf of bir y emJCs, alt1 to cafe lm?Jfeif of the cruel Oppreffor of Hu UigiJJCollt Seed. ii e~, the Mtlbty, J!e rvJ!l b11mb!e, and the Proud Jh:all be I:ai_d low. He will tnmda e the W(/mon wllh Ptt!ene{s; and the Defpifer fh,J/f perijh off 1he Ettrtb; all1be Injlrttments of Wickcdnefr and Opprc/fiOI! r.cdl b~ J,ifh in Puces; n4 you £hall know, tbat the Mtljefty tc/Jicb dwells on Hitb, i1 on opr Side, •nd |