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Show A P p E N ']) I X IO Vot.. I. 1':16 An Let us ft•nd in tbeCounfei of our No. xx1. G:/Ii:!J"b;p:::h~~;;~ P:,:!:Fff/.~~ ,~~~ fr;;: :,::.~ ;0~y;z :::~~~ ~ PI ' d t1Je Virtue OJ t Jilt at l b mtf} conic to !mow t e o:y ow o~er, 'S~~ Saviours to the People, t. ~at~ 'T!Jeir Hear II, and have their 1Hindt '""/~rd of the Lor~ (their Cre~tor) m 1}im that Iniquity _may no more a'::: zd Sop/s turned 1~ bzm,fianj flpf ~ _up;ut tb~t in Truth, RrgfJteOJijnbfs~n~ b d norT1ngodll71efs n a ac .b Lad kttpiu SABBATH tote r oun 'the ma be Ejlab!ifVd, and t e. n of his Countenance upon us, and ~eace~er /rlu~ fha/1 Gad lift up the ~t~htll Temp6ral and Spiritual B!e.ffingr; ;;,~rm fromHcavtlf, andhlcfSt:L~I~DaSAVEl> BY THE Loin. JimeJt, and txt jbaO be yet coOed, THE . 11T th is G d . I tould nos Vi. fit you all wrtb a tV41 urm my Soul from 0 s .'0-Jfide's, '!be Time is jhort, and,tbe f?'n~ dijlin[/ jlleffitge upon m"ny 'i?odnl Therefore h•ve I fent it by Way of Epi!J;J FiJi appears ro mt to be at a~j · .f . d and unaltentble Love to you , "·Lb"rbe Brotherly Salutation o;d u;;e'C(e .And the Lord God of our Vi.€sa-f,:' ou~ njpdiive lt1eerings an ai.'/~:-Tbings and heep tH all in his noly 1;0~ and Redemption, flir {>011. ztp to 1hr~~ ball rbo[eTravUs and Exercifes to Fear Wifdom, Love and atte~ce,fit 'fb.J our Tejlimoniu, our Heads 1Rf!J !..o the f:.nd of our DAys,; that bavi~g ;'Souls be received int~ the Refl wbtcb IS doun to the C:J-rave ''!rea:;; ;.7,b Goa, and with his Blc.Ocd Lamb. f er e~er~ referved foJ rbc Rig Jte d C m :lnion through the many Tubul:luona I :1m your Brother an ° P of our Day and Teftlmony, William Penn. WorminghurfHn Sulte1:, tbe 4th of 1bt: 9th Mon1b, t67S· be d . the Feat of the Lord in I defire that this EPISTLE may rea m your feveral Meeungs. B k rerenttd to the King, Lords, and N o. XXII. A Preface _to a . 00 P :;,bled. Entituled, The Cafe of the Peo ~ Commons tn Parltam•np~!l in Rel~tion to their lat~ and Prefent St~f· pie .a/led QuA llER s /J Statutesmadeogainft Popijh Ru•Jants. ferings, E[pma 1 "!0" 0 • :lnd various have been our Suffeungs, ~ot A Preface to IT is not unknown that many . but :1lfo under the late RevoiJttzoJtr • ~ok of S10[· only fince the King's ~~fiorarzonhave with 3 conftant Patience, as well J;;,i,:~~·J u~j, ot Government, in which Lt:,e; ~~fi ned againfi us, ~s fuch a~fo, wh.ich . •gginfr PtpiJ& undergone the Teftporarb fuaine~ to anfwer their Defires 111 Puntth· ~uuf;~.nu. fome of the Magi rates ave h Bitt;rnefs of our Portion, has not been Life, p. 12o. Jrlent. And we can fay, tha~~ e Co vtr.[t}Iion for that is well known the Efrea of a Turbulent or Jo~f:s an! inoffcnfiv'e, but for Religiollt Di.f to our Neigh~our~ to he peace~ i~ the God that made us : and for ~hts fenr, in confctenuoufly wo~ PFo fvbipping, Stocking, Beating, Woundmg, many of us have b~~n exfo Goods and Banijhments; and many.fuffered Imprifonment, Spotlmg oDour ;nd othcrwife. and more parucularly, Dearb in ftinkinf ~oa{:' u~gedi:~hty made ag:linh us, by the Name of by two Afls o .ar J~me~,l17 the one in 14th Car. 2. Cap. t .. and the !}uflkerr, not P6ijb C'u tl .rimpowering the Magiflrares, to Fme, Imfi Other, in J6tb ar. ~. ap. 4·M ' n s whereupon 3. great Number lo plifon ~nd nanf)ofit rs fo~f~~~en~et~;d~ Banifhment, befides the exce~ve their Ltves by c 0 e mpn b m;de u on many Innocent and lnduftnous Spoi~ ~nd ~avoc~.tha~~~~ :~~ir Goods~rd Livelihoods by mercenary In: Famtltes, m ren mg Era ainft ronventicles. 22th Cttr. 2. Ctlp. t • . How formers, upon the ~tte A h ~hole Bl:lmc to the Laws, defigned ag_amft u.s, beit we 'annot ~ttf ute \ e t much to the Severe or Partial ExecutJOII occa· or the Statutes 1~ Cree, 1 ~ t of Juflin ll1ariyr of Old in his .Apology fod fioned (as wast e omp a "c {i fa 5 he) By the Wicked Promoters :1n the Chriflians, among otheS k au:~· h:l~e the Po[effions of the Cbrijliam, Infgrmcrs, who for Lu~:re a e) were VoL. I. The AuTHoR's LIFE. were the m6re ready to accufe them, to have the Spoil of their Goods. So ·No. XXII• tharagainltwhomfOever, orwhatfoever, a Law is made or' provided, that ~ may concern ReligioNs Matrers, we have generally found our felves chiefty piclh out for the Grand, if not the only, Offenders. , And :JS a Proof thereof, mJny of us are now daily expofed to utter Ruin in our Eftates, upon the Profecution of the Statutes 23 ~.Eli.:;. cop. 1. :1nd 29 ~ Ebz. "P· 6. made again!! Popijh Ruufnnll, by Colour whereof, and of the Statute of 3 King 7awu cap. 4· Two Thirds of our Real Eftates, f.1c. for four or five Yearslatl: pait, have been, and are yet daily feized inro the King's Hand ; and againft many of us areProcrjfes made out of the- Ex· cbegutr, twice Yearly, to coUea the Rents; for which the Bailiff feldom takes Jefs than double, rheir Diftreffes frequently amounting to more than the YeaJlr :Value of the .whole Eft~te, to the imp~ver.ifhing of many induft~ rious Fam11Ies, and w:tft1ng of their Efl:ltes and LtYehhoods: A C:ualogue of fame Particulars whereof, herein after folloW: And others of us the mean While are profecuted, imprifoned, and fpoiled by Merci!rfs Jnfor-' 111m, for 20/, ptr Month, by the. Statute of the 35th of the fame Queen, cap. J. For thefe Things have we fought to the King in Co•ncil for Red refs, who was pleafed there to exprefs his Senfe of the Unreqfonob!enefs of fu<b Profecurions, as did alfo others of the Lords of his Council, but referred us to the Parliament for Relief of this our Grievance, :1s the mofi proper Pbce to have an effettual Red refs: In Ohfervance whereof, we made our Application to theHoufe of Commons, of the late Long P:1rlbmenr, who, in a Committee, then examined by V{itnetres and Records1 the Truth and Juftice of our Complaint, and the Reafonablenefs of out Allegations to diftinguifh our Selves from Popifh Recufams, and had true Refentmentl' thereof, but before they could yeild us :t!lY Relief, were prorogued and foon after dHfulved. We :1lfo reprefented our Cafe, to the fucceeding Parliament, who were plea fed to inferr a Claufe in a BiD, then before rhe01 (which paft the Houft of Commons) to difiinguifh between Pnpi/ls, and Protejlanr Dijfenrer.r, whioh would have tended to Redrefi our GrievancesJ. bur that Parliamtnl being alfo prorogued, before the faid BiD had pall it's !aft Cultomary Re:tding in the Upper Houfe, we are left under the f:::~id heavy Pretrures, continued Seizures and Diftrefres, and not only fo, but hy the Execution of the faid old Statutes of.!(. Elizabetb, &c. and the 3· Jac. are rend red as Popijh RecufJnt.r, which we real1y are nor, being alfo diftinguil'hed under the Name of !l_iiakers, by the aforefaid Ails of Parli:1me.nt, made againfi us. Wherefore notwithfiandihg, your other Great Affairs, we c;in'not bur atl this Time, in true Chriftian Humility, defire you to take this Cafe of our grievous Spfferings alfo into your ferious and weighty Confiderarion, allowing us that Jitflice, .as to be confidcred under a Difiinftion from Popijh Rtcufants, and that you would pleafe to yeild us fuch Relief herein JS God in his Counfelfhall direfr, and you in Wifdom, (hall lee meet and Expedient. . Signed on Behalf of many Hundreds of the fame People, who fie lin· der prcfent Suffering, by, London, tbt 26d•of rbe WiUiam Penn, and Fi[rec,othen: 8t6 Mo~rrb, t68o. A Preface to a Book, entituled, A particular Account of ~ the Late anrlprejentgreat Sufferings anti. Oppref/iom, of the PtoJit cal~ .APrefoutu led QuAKE. RS upon Profocutions againft them, in the Bijbof'sCourts, 8.101 if S~tffeHnmbly prefented to the ferious Conflderation of the King, Lordr, 7::j;(Jt;:::,,, and Commons. in rbt B;Jbot'l EVER fince we have been a People diffenting from the Publick 'Vor· fhip o.f this Kingd~f!l· we have 'gieady foughc and defired to live peaceably, m the Exerclfe of our tender Confciences, tow:1rds God :1nd Gg2 Man. r.olll'11. Lifep. 120. |