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Show tSo No. XVI. \,/"'Y"'-...J . An A p p E N V I X to VoL, I. But this is not all, they proceed to the next Command~fut, Th~~ ]halt not commit Adultery. And this they have·fearfully broken, r Cbn endo11z (i llcd hath committed J1Ju/ury moft ootonoufly; and confequently 0 ca G d' Hol Law: For Alas 1 Alas! .Has file ~~or forfaken the Everbroken o s . yh S in of Immortal Life thlt IS pure for ever, and lafting F~u~t~~~' r:tlcih~r~ that will hold no \Vater? Has f'he not ~eferted ~ewf. 0ft Lt , and her firfi Works? And has the nor fl.un~ her felf mto t_he E~b:~ces ~fe;nother Lover, whereby -~e has divorc'd her telf ~r.bm dte Ltvin God and joyn'd to an .Apoft~tte ~pmr, by whom numerous IS heruncle:m l~ue ::t~d many are her AhomJnanons, that fhe h:1s bro~ght. f~rth, even fuch 'of them, as were neither known to Jero or Heat ben. ThJs IS fhe t~at h:nh commitJed Fornication, with all the Powers upon the Earth, whom fhe hath bewirch'd to her Cup, and her Bed. . . . Bat the Day of the Terrible Vengeance of God IS come and comm(?;, 1~ which fhe and her Gallants and Merchants !hall come to.Judg~ent: And t~e R nant of the True .Woman's Seed that has been fojourmng a~ poor Pil-r~~ s in the defolate 'wilderne'fS wirh her, are come forrh leanmg on. the ~reaft of her Beloved, to whom fhe has been, th~ugh a poor and b~m~t, yet a Faithful Spoufe, during this long and te~tOu_s Re1gn of.Anttcbnlf, the Wborc, Beafl, Fa!fe Prophet, and pragon, whtch IS the Dev1l: And b(· caufe her dear Hujband is King of Kmt.s• and Lord of Lor~r, a~d h~s all Power in Heaven and Earth, and that tt. becomes her to he, tf h1s Wife, 1 Glorio11s ~11ccn; therefore hath he ?rd~med that fhe.fha~l no more lit as one defolate. and forfaken, clothed m Sackcloth, wh1ch JS th~ Garmeu~t of Heavinefs: But {hall be crowned wirh the Scars, clothed wuh the S~n, and the Moon fh:lll be under her Feet, that is, the changeable World, with all its Temporary Glory fha11 be her Foodtool. Then needs muft the be exalted above the Wborifh Woman, whofe higheft Throne was but the True and Heavenly Woman's Foot·fi:ool. In this Day Judab fhall dwell fafely, an~J{r~~ ~~h h~~;a~~p here, for the Priefi:s have been like to .TnM ::of Thieves by the High·Way-fide, that have robbed by Confenr, and tzktJ-7/:.,.eft, like People: For firft, it has been th~ Pratlice of t~e C~ergy of all Lands, to infinuate thet;nfelves by their Pohcy and Flattenes, tnro the Fa\'our of the Princes of this World, and thereby procured to themfelves .'("'&~ TttXeJ on the People ; not only to their better Maintenance, hut to their bemg upheld in Worldly Pomp and <":1-randeur, and r.he amaffin9 of .bafe Treafu-res to them and their Temporal Kmdred, for which there 1S neither Precepc nor Example in Holy Scnpture, unlefs it be, that the Fa!fc Prophets were wont to prepare War of '?1~ again~ fuch as :efufed to put mto ~beir jMouibs, that is to incenfe the Ctvtl Magtfhate agatnft them as Enemies to rhe Governl m'ent, his Religion eftablifht by Law. 0! B~t ~he Fa!Je Chrijlian has herein tranfcended all former Ages! How many Mtlhons have they got, nor for feeding, but ftarving the Souls of Millions? And that Which greatly aggra.v:~ tes their Sin, is their Forgery, alledging the Authority of Heaven by a meet Counterfeit Commiffion; impioutly ufing God's Name, to pal.liate their Defign; and by the Credit His Excellent N::tme has with the Works of His Hands, to obtain to themfelves an a.lmoft infinhe Wealth. u But this is not all the Robbery I charge 0Jrijlendom with; For they :have both Priefl and People been Confcdera te with the grand Robber, the Devil, in robbing God of His Honou-r, and Prerogati\'e, which is the Hearts and Affections of the Sons and Daughters of Men : For when the gre:l.t Creator macte His firft Settlement upon Man and Woman, He gave them the Eattk here, and tha Heaven hereafter, for their Inheritance, and that to them and their Heirs for ever. Providing always, that they gave this Acknorvledl;ment to their great Lord., that·th~zrl;leartJ jhould be liM, a fmall and reafofl"" able Chief-Rent: But they rebelled, and fo foNeited their Right, and-camt under the Curfe, from whence Chrift came to deliver their Off.fpJing: S0111e were reftorcd ; 'twas His \Vork to do fo, and ro build up tbf! ~Bite Places. But not many Ages an Jipojlncy comts, not as u ;. t:mawares, or' by " .! Chance; VoL. I. The A.. u T H o. ~·s L J FE. 18~ Chance; .'twa& forefeen, its Beginnings, Continuance and End. During this N ~poftacy, the Devil has fat as God, and therefore is called the God of this t ~~1·, World, and Prince of the Power of the Air, that Rules Where ) In the - v-...,. Saints~ in the. SJn~ified_; no fuch Matter, \:Vhere then fIn the Beans of the Cbtldren of D1fobedtence, that obey not the Ti.UTH as it is in Jefus Thus hath God been robbed of His Honour, Propriety and Prerogati~e ~nd they have been given to.another than the only True and Living God: Some have made Qver then Hearts to worldly Honour and Preferment. Others to ear.thly Riches: Others ro Ple<Jfures: Others to Uncleannefs; Ochocs to thett Outward and Temporal Comforcs: 0! Many Ways there are to forget the Lord. But <~e R.obbery ends noc hece; Man lofech his own Soul : And what can he g~ve m th.e d!ead.fulJ?ax of Account in e~cbange [or hH po~r Soul? . Peopl~ ha-ve fold ~he1r Binhught for a ~ef~ of Poltnge: They have robbed tbemfelves of thelt own Peace; and of their Ere~n,al Inheritan,ce with God when Time fba11 he no more. Which leads me to the next Commandment' as a.mply brok~n as any o~ the Re{t, vie. Tboujhalt not bear fa!fe Witnif; trgnt~/1 tby Ne~ghbo11r. . f?~ alas! There has been no rrue one born by Cb~i}len.dom, .fincc the Pnmmve Days: And how Chould fhe) Since fhe has flam the Faithful an_d True Witnefs, and crucified Him in her Streets: Nay\ and done her Endeavour to root out all his Friends and Brethren ~ea, It poffible~ to extinguifh ~he very Life of the Son of God in an tlla: llve upon the Earth. Not could fl1e compafs all thefe Tragical Defigns ~a<! fhe not made ufe o~ Fa![e Witnejfrs. For the has been occafiooed ro' hire People. to fwear Lies, m. ali.A~cs, againft the Witnef(es of ]ifrts, as fhe Jew.r did to Jifm, :J.Ud H1s D1fc1ples. . When di.d lhe lt»prifon, BtZnijh, KiD; but uader the Notion of Schifma· t1ck,. Herettc~ B!afphe111er, !Sncmy_ to God, C~1ijl, and. Holy Ch11rcb, wit b. the like Preten.ce~? Is not tht_s to give Faife Wttnifs aga1nft iqnocent Neighbours?. But ~h1s1s not .an whtch proves the Breach of this Commandments the whole Ltfe of Ch~iflendom does it too amply aud too lamentably: For are they not Fa!fe Wllne.ffes, "'-;ho affirm Things they never faw, and makf; Profeffion of Thmgs they don t know? If fa, when did Chriflendom See Tafte, ,and _Han~le of the Word of ]{erna1 Ljfe, which .the verbally pr~ fetrerh, which IS as a Fire, an lJqmmrr, an Ax, a Two-edged-Sword th.~ w~rd of Regeneration, of .Recoufiliation, and of PatienGe, arr Holy Licht and Lamp to the Soul;_ wht~h btinp me to th.e laft Head, being the !)ubfiance and Matter of H, VIZ· Th< BlafPbemy and lying of Chriftendom, Jo called. . This great Beafr rofe out of the Filthy Sea, the Corrupt J\ges of tM• Worl~, long af~er the Pnmltlve Ttmes; hath Heads, whiqh is, J'erfe8:ion of Wtt and Pohcy; and Ten llt!mr, that is, Mighty Power: Has had aQcl yet hath the Name of Bbfpherny wtic upon all bis Heads 1 that is a J'rof~ ffiQn of ~ad In Words, whillt:lfe is deny'd in Works; the~rand Deftrqc,tive Atbtifm of the World: It 15 the Blafph~my of all Blofpb.,iu tQ CiU God fa~ber, when bo~n of the pevil: Who:t, r,o entjrle th_e pure' God to fuch ~n Impure Oif·fpnng? To llv.e in the Vanities and Pleafvres ~nd Luft~t .Df rht~ ¥forld; and Y!!t tO fay, Is not Gbd o11r F(ltber, afld ij 110t 1be Lor!. on our.S1de! N€>, He ts of pu!.er Eyes than t.o behold In~quiry, much more than 't~, own rhe Chldren of Sm, ot to have Communion with them: Wh(TJ hafl rrh1u to do to take ~y Name into tby Mouth; that hate }Ito be refornr.ed? ThPugh thort. cryejl I WJU not bear, m1d though thou callefll wilJ wot 11nJwer. Bthul~, I DuO ma~e them known t~ b.e of the Synngogue of Sa rant thar.fay, !hey ~r.e_ J~.ws.and..~tre not. And thts IS the grea~eft of all Lies, the Lye that JS An t~e R!ght Hand, the Place of. g~eatefi Strength and E1leem ; S,eligion and W-prih1p: l'o fay they .are <;:hfllhans, and ate not : TQ profe!S ChtiJl ip ~e _Hillary<~' ~J;ld c~uctfy him m the My}lery. To confefs to his Outward C'amt~g, and .refift _his lnw~rd ..dppeoronce in ,th.e~elves. To keep the 'Q)ly ~ ?f'Mts&urnf,/ B1rth~ While they make merry ovwHim, SltziR-andCruc;'.fitd \ln->helt own Jimbenifo lkms. Rebelling again!l His .Light in. l)leir own * Confciences, |