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Show 'P 'P E N Z> 1 X to VoL. I. 17 4 .An Ab t Weak and fuU of Pot.n ; I· f 10' God help thee: I No. XV. c in ~quity~ .Bf~~y Ca":re, tho' ic's ~ore infirb.aufe of PattCbing the next ~ ' cant fay o b nfl not mett me this Wed, uti What Day? Tbe firfl ' Well, butt w~:n then ? .After ir I jhaO be r~a y. t "' my Command : Nor :Lord's Do!. Who (hall judge of that? Jruft ioatk for Richard Baxter_? c O~port~~~{haft told me already. -~o~~ b~ at Leiftue to make Good his c w~:~e muft 1 find h~m ? When "~akers ? In this Wood he leaves ~s, , falfe Infinuations ag:unft t~ ro:heu tells the bmentable S~oryhi~fa ~~~~ ' or .rarher,hid~~:~~mJ o5u/e, Goods, &c. 0 Ricbf4:~;~~;~ ~t~m hateful, ' dnden jiD:bolicai PiE\:ures of the Po~r ~ak:~~ ·FaCe of the Magiftracy, : ~~d r:.:ir Religion .acfturs;~;r~~ti~n3f0:~hy Ditfent from others; Where ' hilft thou complame ° Cb · now ) h , : Swen11ifr, MeeknelJs.., ~nd M;~>fttould.go to Prifon ~or bme, asT."\,ed 'However if I were . . no ld. he a TroYbled PJJiplf, ut a rvl! 'f 'fays hasd~neforhim; nokfilOU fi~ Goro London, and go to Ja!l,·i • Conjcintu, that lbould rna e ~:nd iearn Charity by Bonds, and thou Wl t ' h muft be the Confequence' 'b ... ' t e~~a praE\icc it better when at Lt :J;Y· wrarbful, ptrfuuring Spmr ': ~ Weh but thou fayft, I have a Jef!g r!;1earto Dinner·Ttme, as tbmk ' me. H~w am I defigning? ,.~omi~i~ Night. What a prodi&ious Defi~d ' in I coYld not have held ~Yt aJ.mg e ' But did he really thmk I co~ ' w~s this to blow up R'~'j'~ ~l:Dlfciples (efpecially above other ~'if' ' fiand him fo long) Dou. t e s . lefs thln that we, like poor e .. ' in that of Patience) fancted nothmgMen 'and Brethren, Ti!bat jhaU we dot_o • condemn'd Mortals, fhould; cry o~r,p rception (that is as dim here as hls ' be SaJJed ? But to help~· BahteN'·ght) I will' inform him that I came la~e ' E es or his Notes were t'ot er l Co ference and knew no more oft e ' fr~m· London the Night be.fore ~e i~ the Le~ter fenr from Lond~n about ' Hour, than the un~orn Cluw· uc~~~ mentioned : What a defigmng Man ' the Meeting, no ~Im>e was o m . • was 1 all this Whtle . .r. I· Wh , Becaufe 1 take fo much Pams, an~ - ' Well, but I Of!" w,:ath;u ·~ y. rehending his, and hiS Hret~ren.s cam fo Zealous m d~fcovenngp;r~e~dring? ln Writing_bolder agamfi lt ' Cruelty to us. And~~ what, 'Man in England: Wttnefs my fever~l • (without Vanity ~fay H) tha; 3i?t impartially; while R. Baxter and hts ' Pieces to the Parbam~nt ; an t ~thers to the Dogs, by ;r Comprehenfion. '' lBeraevtihnrge nu,s aurned feorr tchaef hCnlgu tucsh easn od f M erca'l efs Men. Thus much to the firft ' Fart of thy Letter. . h t . s Two Sides and a Quarter, and all up'on " To the fecond, whic con am of Mat that tvifi (ay, nnd unfity, thttt ' this Strai~ .: What !fope can I bav_e ~/ tba~ 'laboyr'd Twenty Tenn .~~go,. fk.c. '' bI a{thha al\ Sbpy mRte ttobrat~t o;nu aangde rlnrvbeer .ftiMo~m, as~ lfo by fame additional Exceptions, ~ give, I hope, a full ~nd con~ct~~!?uu~fc.tibes a Book of foulefi Charge~ ' What Hope can ave o lihave Caufe to believe he never read; an ' agai~ft ~n w~ole PHeop~'r th:tthorizes Quotations he never -compar'd, anbd ' yet ]Uihfi.es Jt. e t a a · 'd He that fays We deny r e • juftifies <;:onfequences that he ne{G:.Jm~h;n we m:~inrain 'the contra~y: ' Holy Scnptures to be a1ty Mc~n_s ~ (fi . who affirm their ex:~. a Umty 'That we fer them and tbcSpmt m ~fP~i:-:;0:' And what is he, th:tt ma~es ' in Teftimonr. W:hlt (hall we fay while a·nd His Godhead another whale, , us deny Chnft, HiS M:a_nhood .one d d;n His Trmtja{!iom at Jerufalem, ' and tbat fays, fV~ Jejpt, TCJeflw:iting/plCntiful\y mention them v.:ith ' for .Man'.r Sa!vatJon ; w en our h A1' ifl becaufe we deny theus: ' Honour. He that fay~ we Deny r, J tnt ,;Yhim of it as a grofs Abufe) \Yea, rhrice ov:r in thcM.e~ftte {tr~imrelrr~nd his Brethren to beth~ True ' inftead of .P~ovmg tHhe h 101 r~~ us to Deny a Gojpcl CIJJtrcb whtGh we ' Gofpel-Mtmftry. e t at ma . k. S ls God and fo our ~ believe: He that <:barges us With rna 1ng our ou ' ~ felves VoL. I. The AuTHoR's L I FE. ' felves God : He that renders us to deny Henven and Hell, R~wnrJ.r anU #No. XV. • Punij!Jments, and gives thofe Things under Pis H~nd, as the DoE.\:rines and ~ 'Principles of the !<,ual<en, that are not to be found in any of their Wri .. ' tings; nay, that are confefs'd to be but Confequences of his, or his ' Friends drawing, never confented to, agreed, oracknow~edged by us; but ' detefted and abominated. He that will recommend them after being cqn~ ' futed at leafi anfwered, without reading ,our Juftification, which was ' cithe: by dowmight Denials, as in fame Cafes; or dear Difiinaions, as ' in other Places. He that (hall maintain another's AlJegarlons aQd Citati· ' ons, out of Men's B~oks, thar are plainly falfe and forged: ~gain, he ' that {hall begin a D1fpute between We and You, and fhall requue wh~r ' the You are, and refufe ro tell what the TYe are. He that fhall charge hi.t ' Oppofer with ftudying before hand, that never thought what t.o fay, ' whilft himfelf has writ his Matter, and therefore contended for hJs .ille• ' rhoJ hecaufe elfe he had been at 3 Lofs. He that turns Difputation into , Prea~hing: He that evades Anfwers, and runs a11 into ReflefHons, or Per· ' verfions. He that counred us no Chriflianr, though he allowed us to be ' Pnpi/ls yet neither faid in whar; nor difprov'd ¢ur Confeffion. He that ' made ~s ro deny any M:inifiry, but that of the Spirit in us, only to our ' fClves indi vidually ; though we prov'd part!cularly t~e contrarr? and that ' never takes Notice of it, but perfeveres wuh dreammg Repetitions. He ' that made me to fay, I cared nor a Farthing f or Cbrifl'.r Cburch, that On· ' ly faid it of a perfecuting. mercenary, adulterated, divorced Ch~rch: He ' that reprefented me to Cry JoW1z Chrijl'.r 111inijlry, that only decry'd a Per- ' fecuting Bloody.· Minded Clergy, fuU of Temporifing and Flattery. He , that made me to accufe lHarjhaU, Edwards, &c. of fawning upon 0. Crov1· , wei, that only memion'd them, as fome of thofe thar cried, Down wirb , Baal's Priejl.r, &c. on the one Side, and that moft bir.terly withftood .th.e , InJcpcndenr.r, &c. as Schifmaticks on the other; callin~ upon the CivJl , Magifirate to f'wcep the Land of rhem, on purpofe to gn•e Proof of Sonr , Pt;ejbyurian Cbariry. He that charges Schifm upon us, and is by biS"fepa- ' rate Meeting. and .Hying for doing fo, a DcteflcJ Separatijl himfelf. He , rhat cries Us and We, taking in Proujlanrs of all Sort'.i, and Papiflr too, under fame Chriftian Qualifications, but leaving us out; that has abetted : the Beginning of thefe Troubles, that are charg'd w~th S~dirion and Scbifm: He that had the Confidence to fay, He and bt.r Fr1end.r had no ' Hand in Separation or Perjecution, nor daubing of the Powers~ who writ ' An Holy Common·Wcallb to an Vfurpertp pratlice, and raife his New Mo: narchy upon; and rhat has pre.:1ch'd_ up the Ofe of Civil P?wer to refirain Confciences, and countenance Seventy upon Tbomm Good1er, fo as bt: had ' been kill'd but for Lord Sa!ifbt~rl; and whofe Brethren faid at MancbeHer, ' Ltt's Blow up rbi.r Quaker, at G. Booth':; Ri/ing; .:lfld cried, Banijh rfiem; ' and for the Children, Do m rb~ lrifh did; my Witne1fes are near. He ' that cries up the Miniftry of 1655, for the beft in tbe l~'orld; and when ' putclofe to it, runs off, and quits the Field; and of above 9000 Preach' ers, with J8oo; Were the J8oo the Miniftry, and not the 9ooo, and did ' none of thofe call SIDifllrt:, .li!ofes, the Light of their Eyes, 'nd Breath of ; their Nofirils : And lafcDatO, the Jofhua, that was to lc'd them to'rhc , Holy Land ? Did none ot thefe .Hatter the Powers? Perfecute Diffenters, , an,d force their Maintenance? He that calls this, taking a malicious Ad' vantage of the Times, when, God knows, I was griev'd to memion ir; but driven to it by fuch extravagant Praifes of them as being of rl1e befi; : which, I think, in a Senfe the corruprcft; and ito {how it, I mqfi tell their Story. He rhat calls the Law which forces Mainrcnance from Peo' ple to aMinjftry tbey own not, one of thofe Laws of rhe Land rh3t is a : Rule of Proptrty, and yec decries the Law that diftrains for Religious . Meetings, as againfi Property. ' He that makes os deny any ChriflinRity at all to be in ~ny but our f~lves; • that infers from our \.fords, that all elfc are Atitichrijlum, but ou~ fclves, : f5c. becaufe we acknowledge this Way ro be more excellent, wh!c~i~:~ ~. .. |