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Show The A u 1' R o R's L I F E. Vo1.. I. 1712. V"'V"J Reitt.d:en .,;,bAp!!pfu. ,itifiu. r. · d d'll t T'mes with three feveral Fits, 1n the Year 1712 He w;s bel~~e i!ll'o/;hic~ tho' beyond all Probabilifuppofed to be ;tpop~ect;,c , . y d it his Underjl~nding and Memory were fo ty or Expe&non e ~rv~ve bt f Publl&lc ~aion for the futu(e: Ne· impaired as to render htm tncap~ e t h Clofe of his Days from the venhelefs we1 fh_all co~i~ud ~~~h 1~£~ ~f ~~st c~ndition at the Vifit; he Yearly Accounts an nwnnte .rrten 1714· ~ HiiHt.Zih ,.u&h inrht fotmtSUte U ',Prev. 171). ~ HiiMeMOIJ Jtt mortdtji&i~ cnt. mj~",~~hird Month 17q The aforefaid ~riend being dtC~is J;Iotfe/n'r~ D [! d him to Appeatance pretty well tn health, an urJM o ~;;_- pojlr~;n,o~~t def~0:0~1~ ::!e:;;';e~di\~a:e~~l~~Ah ~h~ ~~~e~e~ft~bj;~~ p:~ j;;;.(a~~~n~~Jld. he deliver his Words fo readily as here~ofore_; yet many Je njibie and Javoury Expreffi.ont came fro~ _him, rendrmg hts Com~~~y even ve; acceptable, and mamfefting the Rebgto11s Settlemtllt and Sta tltty of his Mind. . . . H y little a he- At a Second Vi fit made htm 10 the Spnng, 171~, e W:lS ver 'ed. h' . ed from what he had been the laft Year. The Fnend accompam tm m ~is Chariot to Reading Muting, where he fpake feveral Stfn,kblF ~endenc~1 ~ but was not able ro fay roue~. At parting he took Leave o hts nen s Wlt much Tendunefs and J,ffdbon. . · L In the Year 1115 His .Memory became yet more defic.tent, but btl o~e to, and his Senfe o Re!igiom Enjoyments apparently contmued, for he. {hllof~ ten went in his Chariot to the Meeting at Reading, and there fom_enmes uilt· tered fhorr but very Sound and Savoury Exprej}ionr. On~ Morntng, wh e the Friend'wasathisHoufe, being about togo to the Meetm_g, he.expreTffe.d his Dejiru totbt Lord, tbnt tbey might receive Jome good ]rom b1m. h~s Year he went to the Bath, but the VVaters there proved of"? Bene6t to hts long continur:d Diflr:mpr:r. ·r. h' In the Year 1716, The faid Ftiend and another went to Vtut tm, at ~ wbofe Coming he feemed Glad, and though he could not ~hen remember' He w.uvef1 their }{ames yet by hisAnfwers, it appeared he knew t~ett Ptrfcns: He a~eu, md. was now m~ch ~eaker thaD laft Year, but ftill expre!fed ~tmfe~f fenfibly ~r mdd. 110~ Times and particularly took his Leave of them at their gotng away 1D t;,7;11~~ 117 thefe Words, My Lovr: is witb you; Tbe Lori prefervt yo11, axd remr:mbtr N•me. t&e i.n rbe Everlajling Cuvenant. • . • 1717. In the ;th Month , 717 being the !aft Vijit the fa1d Fnend made him, he ~ found his Underftanding fo much weakned, as that he fcarce knetD hiS old Bit strength Acquaintance, and his Bodily Strengtb fo much. decaye:cJ, th?t. he could not of-Bod.J '"'"11 well watk without leading\ nor fcarce exprefs htmfelf mtelhgtbly. . lletqed. 8 After a continued and Gradual Declenfion for about fix Years, hts Body ~ drew near to it's Diffolutio'l4 ~ and on t~e Thirtie.th Day of the fifth Month, Hit Dwh1.11t 1718, in the Seventy Fourth Year ofhts Age, bu Soul, ~repared for a ~orelJUTi• l· Glorious Habitation forfook the decayed Tabenac!e, whtch was commuted. to the Earth on th~ fifth of the S~xth Month following_at :(ortbrns in Bu.k• ingbamjhire, where his former Wife and fever.tl o£ hiS Family had been before interred. . . . . 1 1kCwl11fim. As he had led in this Life, a Courfe of Patzent Contmuance m WeO-doJIIg, . and thro' Faith iu our Lord Jtfm Cbrifl, had been enabled to overcome the ~florid, the Flejb and the Devt!, the grand ~nemies ?f Man't S;zlvarion; he.' is, we doubt not, admitted to that Evr:r!aflmg Inbenranc~, whtch <;Jod hadt' prepared for his People; and made Pmaker of tb< Promi[' •f Cbrifl, Rev. 3· :21. To him rbat ovlfcometh wtli I grant to/it UJJtbmr rnny Throne, tVtfl #1l alfo overume, and amfet Jown uitb my }'ather in bH Throne. The End of the Autbur's Life. Vo,r.. t .. AN AP_PENDIX TO THE AUTHOR's LIFE. To the Lord Arlington. : I Know none to whom thi.s ~aper may fo properlY be dir~aed as thy , · felf: For as thou art Prmc1pal Sec--retary Of State, the Perfon to whom , I furrendred my felf,. by whofe Warrant I was committed, and who .: was ple3fed to come to thts Place to take my Examination-about a Note , that was by fome fufp~ed to have dropt from me the Day of my Surren~ , der? fo the Great ClVJll[y I found, aud Candid Promifes thou waft pleas'd , to gtve me, of thy Affiftance, as ~ell t~ere ~s here, are great Encourag~ , menrs not only to prefent thee wnh this Bne{ Remonflrance, which by the , Mouth of one of thy _Attendants may eafily be run over, but to expefi an Anfwer :~ltogether ftutable. , ' Truly ~ere .I as Criminal as my Adverfaries have been plea fed to repre· , fenr me, 1t mtght heco":le '?e co .bear my prefent SufFerings, without the , leaft Refentme11t of Injll]lzce do'!r: .' And to efteem a Vindication of my Caufe, an .Liggravatwn of my Gut!t : Bur fince it is fo Notorious that : Com.mon ,Fame hath ~alicioufly belied me, and rh:lt from invincible Tefti· , mo,ntes I ftaud not Guilty of what my Adverfaries would have fo peremp-- · tonly faftned on me, confeffing that Eternal Deity of Cbrift: ADd what : better l~terpretarion ~an be given of their Zr:11l, than meer PeevilhneiS, , and .t~eu great Learmng rh.an fou~ Ignorance. Strange that Men efteem'd CbriJ!Jans, lhould feem fo mdefac1gable in Writing Preaching and Dif. : courfing down the Repuration of an inn.ocent Man,' by the mofi foul Af. , perfion,s, black Ch.ara8:ers, and exafp.eranng Imputations, that Spirits moft mcendtary could Invent or conea; ln a Word to banilh me the TVorJd : forbid me Heaven, and fu,rioufly ~enounce me fequeftred of .AU, with th~ , Re.ferv~ of Hr:O ?Illy, and there 1~ felf have en tided me to the }aft and , rnoft dtfm~~ Stat~on . . But what IS more admirable, thofe very Perfons , have all th1~ Whtle m1ftaken the ':ery Quefrion, and in Reality have been accufing rhetr own Shadows, makmg me fuffer their Punilhmenr who ' leaft of all, fincerely, am concerned in their Hear. Ochers ther~ be f · 'k11ow, who ' --· --- Crimina Rajir Li/11·anr in Amirbetis --- ' C.Jn infinuate their Difpleafure under more plaufible Expreffions ---doflo pofui.ffe }igur.u ' Lt~ud11nt11r ----- ,' Ond .confeguently mnre fet~rcly tO themfelves, though lefs tO me, oi3y , ~bum thetr Ends: But to mdulge rhofe,.pporJPretenc.:es, and give Recep. tlon to thofe Threadbare and Hac~ney Phrafqs of $rditiom Fegow, F;rro- ~ ft'eoiJI No. I. ~ A.Unerro,bc Lor4Arling •. ton. Life, p.6. |