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Show The A.U -r'a o R's- jLII F· E; Yox.. I. Sz . . . 1 j ife' i>rf1!bofe Hands tbe Tj)lles ani!. the t677• awa/o;n not ibeir ~';/;od'd tt~,. f..b:feEyfJfare openfd t~Iee biln alf••Jspre- V""V'-· Sufons nrc. 0~/cJJe. oreJ;]',iJ h>J• Hraffsardl'aytrl•pon b" hl>iy'<l.p-fonr, n God Altt~oys m~ ~~ 'tb(rlb;t:onjlnted imo Iii> Li~enefJ; "b'fe F•it~ pt~trance 111 t?Jim, a_n . a be Ho eof Glory. aml.liopc ar..e .rn_Chrifl 1". 1/:~'}e 'lbi:gs· Witl! aferiOII!, rnirtd, {toelt' and \, My dear FtJend,,";'erg J.'Jt b G d tbat bath called. me~and t5tf; by tbe u.nder Fr.a_NIC'Yif Spmt ; ab 1~ e u.0 i.erflJnding to perceive the Tratb tu it £~ Ligbt of hu denr Son! 0)" ,M ~~~r :f the FeUowjhtp of the Saints in Litht. in Jefus, an~ "hat" 1 " d Yj~/ the Watchman and Keeper of IfrieJ!. The So to the Lnr'd I rttommen . 1 ~ d .r d jpeak PttUt to tbte, an 1t~Wr Lard be thJ S'J';'/~b a~d b:lyhe b"':rb;~:::uaed tbec tbraugiJ aU Tribuladonr; leave thee n'or 1o1jar.;.t tr.Jce II" G!. ·r ,. bts n·erlujling KinJdom of 11.'/jl:•d h 0];!f upon Cbrift Jefrn the 'Ever- ~ dear ~a~~l~e~71bj":' n ttFount';;n' fn tb} Soul; feel his .Blood t'O-cletJnfl, :tJ"L~/o~d to drink, and M Flejh to eat : Feed ~pon Tum, for,c~{/J~tb Kij'b:tJ~~t;;"~if;,:J ;~:r~};;'~arber·s jlrange 2,'t,of Sevriry ~.lnfed,i Icanfefl, I do not ufetobe-frJtreated mmmeown ~ntry, a~~e'Jt e /'u barb 1·aifed "!! manyThoufands of Witnelfcs, that 7 P"P ga~~~~e ;;;:/ 0 {, .&BsandP!oJeffions, to roorjhip bim, not in their awn P"::b ~ffljr/;~n YJ!i£1Js,ifWi! l, sp;,.,, and Truth: And we. are gen.erally, afterfm h. Wo ld • ..df!d this fering in good Eftcem, even rwth tbe great Onu o t w r · M' .~ let 11/C, add far thy particular Conifort, tbnt tboll,tl~ IJtfVC bb\ a b' "l 0J •rellt .A.ngtti.fo and Sorrow; becnufe of the Scorn m cpro~; -:r:r.at at 'J at~:> d S · [r the HTarJJ fh...W,.&-1-••n t"'ug'bt- OJ _.Jl.)fll. f(l /llrn :nd~ac~y u;!:,r::;:,. ~h': &~c cf rbnt Glory tb~t fhaU lie revealed~ yet to dod·~ Honour I can fay it, I have an Hundred Fnendsfor On~, yea,_ God b~th turned tbe Hearts of mine Enemie~ tMIJnrds me_; be batb-{illfiOed bu ~~omi£:: 10 turn the Hearts -of the Parents unt~ t,he,,.Chtldren;, For my Pare11ts? ~ th once difowned me for tbh bl(ffeJ Tefltmeny• Sal<~, r of the.J~w, <;hnihan, Circumcifion, 11nd Baptifm lnward, agarnjl·t~e !tejhly Cbrijllan) baiJ~ com~ to love me above aU, and babe left me -dll; tbm!ung tbe-1 could neve~ do and /CliVI! enough for me. 0 botv good •is the Lord! Tt"a, the ~ays of hu Mtrcy ore even pnft findi•g ollt. ' : d I G d ·' Wherejort', my dear Friend, trufl in the Lord 1or ever; Of! t 10 o OJ Abraham, Ifaac, nnd Jacob, tbe God of tbe Pr~phtts nnd. of the .Apoj/les, tbe God of a/J the holy Mnr]rs of ]cfln, tllum_mate, for.tifie and PT:eftrve thee fledfil]t. that in the En thou may'ft ree1zve the Reward of Life and Eternal Salvation: To whom be Glory, nnd to the ~am/J tbat firs upon the Throne, One God, and One Lord, h!effed and ma,gnijit'd for Ever and Ever, Amen. Thy great and faithful Lover for the blelfed and holy T RUTH's fake: Duysburgh the 131bof '" 7th MI)1Jtb S. N. 1677. w. PENN. The enclofed I received from a Religio!IJ Tou'ng-fVoman at Franckfort. JVe have bad a blefft'd OpportuDity in this Town witbfomt' that bave ." Dejirt afrer the Lord, in which we are ~bundantly comfort_t'd. J"Ve have J~fl noa received thy Meffage nnd Saliltatton /rom H. V, wbub IHltb cxceedmgly re~ frejhed and revived m ; for our Trouble r»aJ not for our fdvu, hut for rhu; and ae hope our Love will not turn to th} Difadvantage, for ue mentiont'd nothing of thy Name, nor the Namt' oj any other Perfon~ only t1Jat ue de{irt'd tofpeak mith the Minijler of M~lheim, and th6t rr:a1 only to the Soldier. Tbt' Lord made !H a good Bed zn the Fields, and we were 'Very well flttisfied. We are going this .Afurnoon out of the Town towards Wefel, from t hence to Clev~ and thence to Herwerden. (the Lord willing) Jo Farewell in tbe Lord. Here VoL. I. 'TIM AuTHoR's LIFE. Here followeth a Letter to her Father, the Graef of Bruch and Faickenfleyn; 1677. ~ To the Graef or Earl of Bruch and FalchenfleJn. Friend, I Wijh thy Snlvntion, and the Lord reward t1Jet Good for the Evil that thoU jhewedjl unto me and my Frit'nds the lafl Night, if it be his WiU: But fincetbou art but a mortal J11nn, one tbat muj1 givt' an Account in common with ~ aU, to the !Jitmortal God, !~t me a liule expoflu!ate with thee, By what Law 011 Earth are ]Hen, not Standalom, undt'r no Profcript lon, barm!e.fs Stran,gcrr, about Lawful Occajions, and Men, not Va,gnbond.r, h!ft of good f<.uality in tbt'ir own Country, jlopt, menaced, font h1rck with Sold ten, and that at Sun.j"e.t, expofed to tbe Night in an unknown Country, and therefore forced to lie in the Fields: !fay, by what Law are we judged, yea, thus punijhd before beard? Is this the Law of N ations, or Nature,. or Germany, or of Chrifiianity? Oh! Whuc's ]llatun? Where's Civility? Wbere't H~l}itality? But where't Chriflianity aiJ. tbis while? WeD, but u:e or~ Q.s.Jakers: Quakers! What'~ that for a Name? It tbert' a Law of tht Empire d$._ainfi that Name ? 1\'o: Did we awn it ? No: But if we bad, the Leut'n of that Natne neither make up Drunkard, Whoremt~fler, Thief, .Murderer nor Traitor: Why fo odiov$ then? What Harm hath ir done? Whj C011!d J ews ('11/S jujl before IH, that bave-Cr11cijied Chrijl, nnd not Quakers that never Crucified Him? But Ignorance U n~ ,ull the Mother o! Perfecution M Devotion: An./ the {ttife Chriftian, and the fa!Je Jew bnve b11t one Father. But, Argumenrum ad hominem, my Friend, hear with me a little: .Art thou a Cbriflian? llow canfl thou be Rude, Uncivil, and Perfecute then? Thou art to Love Enemies, not Abufe Friends; bnrmle.fr Strangers. WeU, but tbis Life is dend, this DoUrine mztiquated, JefmChrifl turned out of Doors-, 1 perceive. What orr tho11 for a Cbriflian? A Lutheran ? Tu; canft thou fo lately forget the Pra[/ices of the Papifts, and with wbat .Abhorrence tby .A.nceflors declared n,gttinjl fuch Sort oj Entertainment ? Were not they Dej}ifetl, Jl1ocked and Perfecuted? JJ.nd art' their Children treading in the Steps of their tJ/d Enemies? Friend, 't·is not Reformed Words, but a Reformed Life that wi/J jland tbu in fltad. 'Tis not to live the Life of the Unregenerate, TVor!d!ymirtdcd and fVicked, tmdtr the Pro[effion of the Saim's Words-, that give an Entrance into God'.s Rtjl. Be not deceh•ed, fuch as thou foweft, fuch muft thou reap in the Day of the Lord. Thou art not come to the Berean·ftate tb111 tried all Thi11gs, and therefore not J\'Oh!e in the Chriflian Stnfe. Tbe Bercans ·were Xoh!c, [or they judged not before Exami1111tion, · Jlnd for tbyfaying, VVe wane no !!!._uakers here, I fay, under favour, you do: For a true Quaker is one tbnt Tremhleth at the Word of the Lord, that workerh out his Salvation with Fear and Trembling, and all rhe Days of his appointed Time waiteth in the Ligbt and Grace of God till his great Change cometh; and that taketh up the daily-Crofs to his own Will and Lufts, rb,u be may do the Will_ of God manifcfled to him by tbe Light of ]t'frnin his Confcienc~; and according to the holy Precepts and Examples in the Holy Scriptures of Trmb, laid down by Jef11s, and his Followers, for the .Ages ta come. Yea, be is one that loveth bis Enemies, rather tbanfearcth them; that Bleifeth thofc tb:u C11rje him, tmd Pr:~.yeth fer tbofe that difpite/ully trt'at bi1n; a~ God knoweth we do /or thee. .A11tl, 0 that thou wert }Itch a Qu:~ker! Then wouldfl tho1~ Rule for God, and all in all Tbi,rgs ttJ ()Itt that mujl.givc mt Account to God /or the Deed~ done in the B?dy, whcrher Good, tJr Evd. Then rwndd Temper:J.nce, Mercy, Jufiice, Meeknefs, and the Fear (>f tbc Lord dn·ell in tby Heart, and in thy Family and Country. Rept'nt, I exhort tbct', and confider thy Iauer End, for thy Days au not likt to be man_y M2 tn |