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Show 1'o the . R E AD E R. Two VoLUMES contain the Whole,. which may beconfi· dered under Five General Heads, VIz. 1 EPISTOLARY; ~.DocTRINAL· 3.PoLEMI cAL: 4· HisToRICAL. S· p 0 L I T I c A L. 1 0 fi fi 1• EPISTOLARy. His Letters on f~ver~ cca mn;, o~e of them to Perfon> of Note and ti!-lhnchon, are c1the( m the Annals of Hi. Life, which begm the Ftrfi V6lume, or, in an Appendix refer'd to by correfpo~d~nt ~umbers .. Mo,ft of them ~re now ~r.fi'/ublilhed from Cop1es h1mfelf del1ver d 'to a pa{hc'Olar Fnen . ~ DocTRINAL or DEcLARATIVE; In which he either bear's his Teftimody in General, againft all thofe Religions, Creeds and Wiftffiips, that have been formed and followed in the Darlmefs bf Apoll:acy, as i? his B~ok calle~ Truth Ex-alted &c: Or, particularly telhfies agamft certam Dollrlne~ of tH~ Church of Rome, as in his Seafonable Caveat againjl Popery : Or, zealdtiOy ~:retfes the P~actical Duties of Religion, eicites to the Exemfe of 'fu/ltce, 'I emperance, Meeknefs, Pilllelil+e, H"Urnility, Charity, Self-'Denial and other C briflian Vi~tu'ts : Expbfes their oppofite Vices : Laments the Degene. racy of ChriftenBDm: Sh'ews how inconfiftent the Cufi:oll)s, fuany indulge t'hemfelves in, are to the Meek aud Holy Life of Jefus, as 1h nis Treatife entituled, No Crofs, no Crown: .An A/Jd,.rfs tPProtrjlhnts, &c. Or, publilhes the 'Principles of thofe of his own Pt'rfwajion, for the Information of others; as in his Chriflian .ftuaker, where their Fundamental Principl,p of the 'Divihity, Unt>verfality and Sufficiency of 'the Light within, is proved by Scripture, 'Reafon and Authorities. His Rifi and 'Prog•·ejs of the 'People called .ftuaktrs, wherein their 'Doctrine, Worjbip, Miniflry and .'Difcipline are decbrred : His Treatife of Oaths, in which the 'Dollrine of not Swearing at all. is confirmed by the Concurrent Tell:imonies of a Cloud of Witneffes, Gemiles, 'Jews. and Chriflians : His KEY, openiJilg the Way to dtfcern the Dtfference between the Religion prol: feffed by t~e People c~lled Jtuak~rs, and the Mifreprefentations of thetr Adverfanes, wherem feveral Doctrines of that People are fet in \1 clear Light : A Book that has pall: twelve lmpreffions ; and is here placed io the Second Volume. The ?ther Writ,ings applicabl_e t~ this~ea~, are chiefly contain'd 111 the Fzrft Volume; wh1ch Is clos d wtth a Poll:humous Piece, of the .Author's Advice /Q bi. Children; 3· To the i\EAD~R .3· .PoLEMICAL~ ?r Co:lo!T~OVERSIAL1 ln J?efence of tlie Prmctples ~nd Y\'nbngsof lumfelf and his Fnends: His fir!l: Work of tlus Ktnd1 call'd the Guide M'tjf,aken written in the Ye~r 1 ~68, begins t~1e Srco~d Volume bf lhis Collection: whtt;h IS followed with vanety of befe{lfive Pieces under tneir proper ~itle~. In' an~:ver!ng his 9pponents, he both folves their Objectwns, and vmd1cates his own Principles by the Hol')' SprJptures and other /lutborities : And tho' he labours rath~ t_o co~vince than confute his Advertaties, an1 to ~ecttfy tlie~r Mtll:akes, than, expofe their Ignorance; yet he IS not fjJanng to ufe Severe Reproofs and Cenfure where he thinks thew eitheF Malicious or ll)finc,ere. He had alfo fome Coytljover~Y. . wi.th Pe!-fons, who, upon Diil.ike of the Order and tlJfnphne us~ am~ng t~e People call'd .ftua. kers, had feparated from thetr Society and written againft the~. f!is ~epljes to fuch, with feve;al other Controverfial Ptece~, . ~re. ~lfo . plaFed in the Second Volume, according to. the Ser(es of Tt~e they wer~ written in. We may likeWife place \illder tim Head, fowe Leiters written to Richard Bax~er, iofertedin tJ)e Apfendi~ No. II, ~~, q, 14, ·,·5: 4· HISTORICAL, As the Journal of his Travails in l:lolland and Ge:many, inferred }n his Life; and his Defcription of th7 Prov111ceof Penfylvanza, placed in the Second Volume. 5· PoLITICAL, In which he endeavours to promote the Safety,. ~eace and Profperit]l of the Government, the Rights and Pnviledges of the SubJeCl, and the General Good of Civil Society. He thought an Univerfal Liberty of Confcieoce cond uci 1:e to thofe Purpofes, and therefore pleaded fo~ an ~brogatwn_ of all P~nal I:aws about Religion: On thts Subject he wnt feveral freattfes, viz. England's prefent lntercjl confidered. A Perfwajive to Moderation. Good Advice to the Church of England, Roman Catholick a12d Protell: ant Di!fenter, 1.9'c. His Pled for Religious Liberty not excluding the Papijls; An Occafion was thence taken by his Adverfaries to traduce him as an Abettor of them. Some Papers alfohaving been fprcad abroad, with the initial Letten; of his Name fubfcribed, ·they ftuck not to report him a Pap•JI, a 'fefuit, and what not. Confcious of his own Innocence, and efteeming the maniteft Oppofition his known Principles |