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Show (I!) (IO) 4. But you fay, You are {min/ed to Zz'fir, liberty and property by nature : and that you. have never (H160, to anyfomrcz'gn power, the right to zz'fliofe of thy} without your can cut. is certain. But ‘what they do not ‘fofzfiit by any judicial ientence, they may Kimmy natural effeé‘ts. When a man vo ugly" h); comes into America, he may lore1 \\ ihtad a had when in lfiurople. iwfifrcgiépéurrfefs : by While you {peak as the naked Tons nature, this is certainly true. But of prefently declare, Our ancg/z‘ors at 1173 you time :iililtinéothe fca he did HOP/00:6" tmscliigh: 2beyflzt/rd the]? Colonies, were intitlea' to all 1/}: it no longer poflible. rig/m of natural-bornfltbjefls, wit/yin tbs rca/ m of Englana. This likewife is true: but when this is granted, the boafi of original rights is at an end. You are no longer in a flare of nature, but fink down to Colo - iumeia {elf from a voter to one of the 1m tes. , \0 no ' e ‘that ha.e multitud nifis, governed by a charter. If your an- ceftors were fubjefls, they acknowledged Severeign: if they had a right to Engl a ifh privileges, they were accountable to Eng lifh laws, and had ceded to the King and Parliament, 2/): power of dzfigflng wit/mm their canfint, of both tbez'r lives, librrties andp roparties. And did the Parliament cede to them, a difpenfation from the obed ience, which they owe as natural fubjeéts? any degree of independence, not enjo Or yed by other Englifhmen P vote or a ' , n o . AP. . But his plain, he has made trieifxceerd 1:31-11He has re u . ble not 6 Put you fay, A: the Colonies are ?th e 1%) "ar « : ar", yrzz‘yd int/16' [jr‘ztfl Par/tart wbrgf.i) with/rd to a free power If/i'g'zflzztzon. ‘ ‘ 4": bad '"tlbcrit (1/1 the rig/J: fee/21c}; tuczr (mafia. 0 .fl,mm. '~ put/.2146: 1'f E11012 ' all 1/): of Nyc' ymg rlegesigfiiglcil: They do inherit all the Prrv cancountw y their anccfiors had : but the Their ance‘l't‘ors letft a C 710 more. copfe 1 1 ugii‘lfied, where the rcprcfentatlves (1) alualificaslay ial part were eleé'ted by men : decifion; of 11:16:; a'mir Wig: tggifndflfy "iii no itheroluad iiiom they had not dcpuiech m nation, w 10 e the defcendcnts of men 5. They did not indeed, as you obferve, emigration forfiu‘t any of tbqfi' Privi/eger: by hut they ware, and tbeir dg/Eerza'mts new are fruit/5d ioIa/lfucb as tbtir circumflzma‘s enab le them 10 (guy. That they who form a Colony by a lawful charter, forfeit no privilege ther eby, is vows, -an_ or reiicrned tnem_ )y‘ ex 3 r" you t wna tly exac l eisefere ‘ You hue-t1 V' not a vote In making flzitors ; but thz:1 ""3033 16ft 'Zozliufinn‘ legi acd by laws, an irawsindllgr Oi; being fimé . h . m. tligliluty of obeying the did not luring Wit "What your ancefiors tse '* dan de1‘em hav t1iev nor then‘ 1. 3 them, nci her |