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Show . [' 32 1 3‘ VVAN‘. 1 i" VV' r "in in their care, that it ought not to be omitted, ------pays a very heavy IDUt‘y, as Ewell/11 Iron Ore, for Example, is dug in Lmzraflzire, and frequently fent by Sea Carriage into the County of Argyle, there to be fmelted, on Ac- Manufactures ,L-vand yet, aitnoi‘t every Article of fuch Manmaé'tures, as hath paged thro two, three, or more Stages, before it was com- count of the great Plenty and Cheapnefs of pleted, lS afl‘ordet. [0 cheap at the Market of Wood and Charcoal. SIM/(MW) that the Swedes have 10% MQTY 1n Now, when it is thus brought into Pigs and Bars, the great (luefiion every Attempt tile-y have made'to‘ "V31 {(113m- is, ‘What becomes ofit? Do you find that any . confiderable (Luantity remains in Scotland 3 Or I? E0 fear'that a POO" Country can 6"" r1V3] a is the far greater Part brought back again, in men one in the more operofe, con'iplicated, and order to be fent into the manufacturing Counties expenfive Branches of a Ma .ufac‘ture: Judge of Eflg/rmd ?---The latter is indifputably the Cafe, notwithfianding the Expence of Retar- alfo, whether a rich Country can ever lofe its Trade, while it retains its Indufiry; and confequently how abfurd muft every Projeét be for fecuring or encrealing this Trade, which doth JUDGE now therefore, what little Cauie there I; Q; 3 A- ._V ; liven" ET? . there fabricated,-"re-carried again to the 363'51deamthere "Upped Off, for Swedefi the Branch of Metals for further Illufirations,‘ were it not that there is fomething {0 very firik- . U71~ [ 33 .] riage; notwithfianding alfo, that the Collieries in Scotland could fupply as much Coal as even about Birmingham, or Shtfie/d, were Coal the not tend to fecure, or encreafe the Diligence only Article that was wanted. But for all that, S/zcfie/d and Birmingham are in PolTeffion of the and Frugality of the People. Trade; ahd will ever keep it, unlefs it be their own Faults. THE Cale of Sweden is {til-l more extraordi~ nary (and {u rely Sweden is a Country poor enough) branded with Defeats, can never prevent another Nation from being more indul'trious than you are -, and if they are more indul‘trious, they will for the Swedz'flz Iron pays a large Duty to the A War, whether crowned with Victory, or fell cheaper, and eonfequently your former Cufiomers will forfake your Shop, and go to theirs -, tho' you covered the Ocean with Fleets, Steady/z Government before Exportation;---it is then burdened with Freight into Englmzc‘h-it and the Land withArmies In fhort, the pays a heavy Duty upon being landed here 3--is then carried partly by Water, and partly by Soldier may make Waite, the 'rivateer, whether fuccefsful 0r unfuccefsful, vill make Poor; but .it is the eternal Law of Providence, that Land, into the manufaéturing Counties:~'ls there E ‘27th |