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Show vi P R E 11011 of the War. F A C E. PREFACE. At that Junéture the Mob and the News-Writers were to en- raged at the Thoughts of Peace, that the Pamphlet lay neglected above a Year in the Hands of the Publifher, and had very few Readers. But the Approbation which it has fince metwith, (jibe'cz'zz/Zyfivm 145mm], vii Norwich and Preceptor to the Prince of Wales, his prefent Majef'cy. His Lord- {hip's Defign was to put into the Hands of his Royal Pupil fuch a Treatife as would convey both clear, and comprehen- five Ideas on the Subject of National Com- deed it was necefihry for me to publi'fh it merce, freed from the narrow Conceptions of ignorant, or the finif'ter Views of crafty and defigning Men; and my honoured Friend, and revered Diocefan, the late Lord Bithop of Err/fol, Dr. CONYBEARE, was pleafed to recommend me, as a Perfon not altogether unqualified to write on fuch a Subject. I therefore entered upon the in this Collection, becaufe of the Ufe Work with all imaginable Alacrity, and. which will be made of the fame Train of Arguments in the fourth of thefe Tracts, when we come to thew the true Interef'ts of Great-Britain with refpeé‘t to the C0. lonies, and the only Means of living with them on Terms of Harmony and Friendfhip. ONE Thing more I have to fay on this Head : The Tract fets forth, that it is the Pragment of a greater Work. This W'ork was undertaken at the Defire of intended to entitule my Performance, 7716' where Premiums have been initituted for Dillertations on a like Plan, induce me to hope that Prejudiees begin to wear off, and that it hath a better Chance now than it had before of being read with Candour, and attended to with lmpartiality. In- Dr. H AYT ER, then Lord Bifhop of Norwz'c]: Elements qf Commerce, and T/Ieory of Taxes. But I had not made a great Progrefs, before I difcovered that fuch a Work was by no Means proper to be fheltered under the Protection of a Royal Patronage, on ac-‘ count of the many Jealoufies to which it was liable, and the Cavils which might be raifed againft it. In. fact, I foon'found, that there was fcarcely a Step I could take, but would bring to Light fome glaring Abfurdity, which Length of Time had _. ‘ rendered |