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Show -. " will prejudice you againltan hearty Amity ‘ With us. You know, that the tranfcendent " Nature of Freedom elevatesthole who unite in her Caufe above all fuch low-minded Infir- 5 mities. The Swzf: Cantons furnilh a memo- rable Proof of this Truth. Their Union is ; compofed of Roman-Catholic and Protei‘tant '1) "Ill-"Illllfl'm States, thing in the 211.7720]? Concord mid Peace (me toil}; amt/167, and thereby enabled, ever ' hnee they bravely vindicated their Freedoms, ' to defy and defeat every Tyrant that has invaded then'if' . BUT, Gentlemen, tho'l will'very readily al- Now here, Gentlemen, you have faid, or rather inlinuated Tome Things, which, as they are ny Abfurdities belonging to it;---in which You have: - Number the Doélzrinevof Tranfubftantiation is net the leaftzu-Yet I muff beg Leave to ob- Ferfuahon, may be warmed With a glorious Zeal is true: And there are incontefl‘ible Fads to ferve, that our Merchants and Manufacturers in Great-Britain would lboner have tolerated the fibemlzztz'we Popifh Doftrine of Tranfubf'tantia- for civil Liberty, as well as Proteltants. [This J?" "unam- " t 1'. l "r." low, that the Roman Catholic Religion has tna~ infinuated, that lt'erfons of the Roman-Catholic- true, Iwill endeavour to illtifirate._ :2/ .v- with, or without any Pretence, where ever he can; ---and likewife by you over the poor Negroes and Indian5,---is owing to the tyrannical Princi« pies you have refpefiively imbibed from the Protefiant Religion :---Than which Accufation no-~ thing can be more falrfe and groundlefs. prove it. I For Example, the Barons, ‘who tion, than that prafiz‘ml and, Protefiant one, diiiputed' their Liberties with King JOHN, and at laft "melted the famous Magna Charta from him, in A'mm'm. were (11'! f'apzfli. The Swift Cantons themfelyes, when they revolted from the tyrannical Houle of at all, into LEGAL TENDERS or PAYMENTO . , A Aufina "WW (3175 Papa/3‘5. j ,, ,_ e . ,. '1 be Carter 01 5pm"). i who role agaim't CHARLES V. were al/ Parr/f5The firfi Infurgentt in the Nether/midi, whopaved the Way for the Duty/2 Common-\Vealth, 'wch chiefly Papf/ir. And the prefer]: Cmflt'am, and the Sid/him WhiCh you have attempted to palm upon them The Tranfubf'tantiation I refer to, is that of turning Bits of Paper, worth nothing And this Tranfmutation, four of your prefent RCpublics, viz. Rhoda-{fland and Providence P/amzztz'om, Conmflz'mt, the Wflzc/rzgfletr-Bzgr, and New-Hampflire, paired Ads of Adembly b to _ " tion, to imagiiie, that D.i[72'76726‘€ of Religion, . Strain. " Vile are too well acquainted with the. " Liberalz'ty of Sentiment df/iizzgzrz'fliz'flg your Ng- .,§L"Jiuma} " EPIS‘TLE . 5‘5- | H, ,-- .vWiVIV . i. l' 3; L4 Imé‘rerrrrrw _ var. DEDICATORYois Sirilz'rm; of Palermo are an? Pquflr. It is therefore very injurious, to lay no worle, in fome of your Writers, and fome of ours to charge the RomanCatholic Religion with more Abfurdities, than really belong to it, We Protef'tants fnould not ap- iprove of fuch a Treatment in our own Cafe: And yet perhaps it might be affirmed with equal Truth and Jufiice, that the tyrannical Power €X-u ercifed by a certain great Northern Potentate, |