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Show 72 THE LANDED INTEREST. ADDRESS ms APPEAL To 7 Ja and Difiriéts throughout the Kingdom, it uni-a Now it appears by the Particulars of the Ac- V formly appears that Trade was never brilker in mof't Articles; and that it is not remarkably .dead in any :~l.\/lore0ver it is likewife certain, count, that what chiefly caufed this great In" creafe, was the greater @antity made, conm fumed, 0r ufed of Low Wines and Spirits,- of the London Brewery,---of Malt, Hops, Cyder, from the fame Accounts, that a much greater Stagnation hath been frequently felt, even at Times when every Port in America was open maintainer? m" 1" --- ~ n-uu l quu Inna-1w "by g :5 ' »I.p‘r'amw i. and Coaches, in the Year 1775, ending at the 5th of Yul}, than in the preceding Year. For to us, than is felt at prelent. HOWEVER, if thefe Partizans of America ,ihould cavil at thefe Accounts, and difpute as to feveral other Articles, there was a re- their Authority, we have others yet to produce, , which {urely mull: carry Conviction (almoft in Spite of Prejudice) as foon as they are perufed; p [unlefs indeed it can be imagined, that the pre{ent wicked Minil‘try have entered into :1 Plot Ports; bOth which Branches, if put together, markable Deficiency, efpecially in the Excife or: Tea, and on Liquors imported into the * Outamount to no lefs than 79,380]. :35. 931.- And yet, notwithf'tanding this great Lofs in two fuch capital Articles, the Produce of the others before mentioned f0 much exceeded their ufual NWT‘W" . Income, that the whole Balance of the Year was, to charge themfelves Debtors to the Public for , almolt Two tiUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE THOU- SAND POUNDS STERLING more than they received, merely to plague and confound the poor Patriots] as I faid before, 254,795[. 195. trad. Now as our common People, our Artificers, and mechanic Tradefmen, our Journeymen, Day-La- bourers, ézc. &c. are the principal Confumers THE Account I am now going to lay before the Reader, is the grofs Produce/for the Year of, or Cuftomers for, thefe Articles (Coaches 1775, ending at the 5th of ‘j'zzly laft, Compared excepted) we may, and ought to pronounce, that thefe numerous Bodies of Men were not With the like grols Produce of the preceding Year 1774, ending at the like Period. . _ Grofs Produce ofthe Year 177;, Grol‘s Produce of the Year 1774., 5,479,695 5,224,899 5. a, 7 10 7 10% _._.--..--__._'< ,Increafed Produce of the Year 1775, l . /I / - AZ 5.275411, fill'jc . 254,795 19 "Ti Now "" I am told, that this Deficiency of the Excite this Year, on Liquors imported into the Out:Ports, is owmg to a new Species of Smuggling lately put in Praé‘tice, whereby the Revenue is grofsly defrauded. If {0, the Balance would have been flill greater, had all the Duties on Rum, and other Liquors imported into the put-Ports, been Jufily and. tairly paid ; or at lealt paid as fairly and jullly as ufual. In K |