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Show .i! have chofen any Reprefentatives, and therefore before any Affembly of fucli Reprefentatives could have poflibly met,---to whofe Laws, and to what legiflative Power were you then fubjeét ? To the Engliflz molt undoubtedly -, for you could have been fubjec‘t to no other. You were Englzflimen yourfelves; and you carried the Englifli glaring? And yet grofs and palpable as this Ab- This being the Cafe, were you not furdity is, you muil: either believe it, or adopt a fiill greater, viz. that, though the King cannot then in the fame Condition, as to Confiitutional Rights and Liberties, with the refi of your do thefe fl'range Things in England, yet he can do them all in flmerz'm; becaufe the Royal Fellow-fubjeéts, who remained in England .6" Certainly you were. I mof't cordially agree, that you ought nOt to have been placed in a worfe; and furely you had no Right to expect Prerogative, like Wire coiled up in a Box, can Government, and an Englif/z Charter over along with you. INF/HINDI" another to another, and fo on E Is it por'iible, I fay, for you to believe an Abfurdity f0 grofs and a better. Suppofe therefore, that the Crown had been f0 ill advifed, as to have granted a Charter to any City or County here in England, pretending to exempt them from the Power and jtirifdiétion of an EngZi/iz Parliament??what would the Judges? what would the Lawyers ? nay, what would you flmerz'mnr have faid to it? Apply this now to your own Cafe; for furely you cannot wiih to have it put upon a fairer Footing; try therefore, and fee, and then tell me, is it poifible for you to believe, that the King has a Power vel‘ted in him by the Conftitution of dividing his Kingdom into feveral be firetched and drawn out almol‘t any Length, according to the Diltance and Extent of his Dominions. Good Heavens ! what a fudden Alteration is this l An flmcrimn pleading for the Extenfion of the Prerogative of the Crown? Yes, if it could make for 'l‘llS Caufe; and for extending it too beyond all the Bounds of Law, of Reafon, and of Common Senfe ! BUT though I have for Argument's Sake, and merely to confute you in your own Way, here fuppofed, that the Crown had been f0 ill-advifed, as to grant Charters to the Colonies {o uncon- fiitutional and illegal, as thefe undoubtedly mufl: have been -,---yet the Fact itfelf is far othervvife*-, for N independant States, and petty Kingdoms, like * Qur former Princes claimed a Right, and frequently the Heptarchy in the T imes of the Saxon: ? 01' can exertifed the Power of levying Taxes, without the Confent of .. nu Ln‘iAZiWhflCGJELEM‘ [ 97 1 can you really imagine, that he could crumble the parliamentary Authority and Itiriftliétion, were he fo minded, into Bits and Fragments, by aliigning one Parliament to one City or County, . ,zuult [ 96 i |