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Show you pleafe) of refiding and voting here. Now holder here in E71glmzd;---on that State of the this is your own free Choice ; and we leave you Cafe, prove if you can, that his Vote was ever refilled, becaufe he was born in zliizei'iccz.‘---Pi‘ove at full Liberty to act as you think proper: But this, I fay, and then I 'will allow, that your Com- then, are we obliged to alter our Political Syl- plaints are very juit; and that you are indeed tem merely to accord with your Convenience .9 the much ii'ijured, the cruelly treated People, Are we to change and new model our fixed and ancient Conflitution, juf't as you {hall fee fit to you would make the World believe. Bur, my good Friend, is this {uppofcd Re- fufal the real Caule of your Complaint? Is this the Grievance that calls fo loudly for Redrefs? Oh! no, you have no Complaint of this Sort to make: But the Caufe of your Complaint is [Ill/II Hill this, that you live at too great a Dill‘ance from. the Mother Country to be prelEnt at our Eizgly/z Elections; and that in Conl‘equence of this Dillance, the Freedom of our Towns, or the Freeholds in our Counties, as far as voting is concerned, are not worth attending to. It may I'l'l, ,. _ "LI u u if" 2‘ ' be to; but pray conlider, if you yOLii‘lelves do choole to make it inconvenient for you to come and vote, by retiring into dillant Countries,--~ what is that to us 3‘ And why are we to be re- proached for committing a ‘ Violation 0n the cenimand us P and according as it {hall pleafe you to remove from Place to Place? And is this the Complailance, which you expect the Mother Country fhould lhew to her dutiful Children? Yes, it is; and you demand it too withaloud Voice, full of Anger, of Defiance, and Denunciation. HOWEVER, the Lion is not always fo fierce as he is painted; and 'till we are beaten into a Compliance, it is to be hoped, that we may be allowed to expolttilate with you in a few harmlefs, unbloody Words. Granting therefore, that the Colonies are unreprefented in the Britiflz Parlia- ment: Granting that two Millions of People in America have, in this refpeét, no Choice, nor Election of their own, through the Neceliity of ‘ Birth-rights of Eflg/JJ/zmm, which, if it be a the Cafe, and their Difiance from the Place of ‘ Violation, is committed only by yourl‘elvesll Eleé‘tionanVhat would you infer from this It leems, you find it to be your particular In- Concelhon? And wherein can fuch Kind of terelt to live in the Colonies; it items, that you prefer the Iflmoluments of rehding there to Topics fupport your Caufe i' For know, young Man, that not only two Millions, which are the your Capacity, or Capability (take which VVOI'd iltmof'r, that your exaggerated Accounts can be you fwelled to 3~~-I fay, not only two Millions, but i ' ‘ lix vi. . 5.... h / l 3 .1»? i" [ 103 l pofc, that he is become a Freeman, or a Free" . ;‘-l'"l.un «Magnum vac] s. [ 102 ] |