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Show I) .Wlflllflllllfl'l" out" | Iui‘ui Am l l" in Arts and Sciences? every wile State, in order to 33nd Employment for it is not true, tho' commonly received asaTruth, they may, but no Renfon can be given why they the greatel‘t Numbers of ingenious Men in their feveral1,)cpartments ?---Surely ifa Regalia-r were kept of the Numbers refpt-étiveiy employed in both the capital Cities here litppcfed, for a Suc- nirgfl: For the natural Man mu‘d die, let him cellion of Generations, that great Cities and great Empires 7mg? have their Periods, as well as private Men. Indeed take what Care he will; becaule no Regimen whatever can ward off the Approaches of old Age. But if the public Body, or political Man, i) n I) made a Queilion. this coult. never be For molt undoubtedly, if {hould always oblerve a due Regimen; if he any thing in the moral and political World can amount to a Demoni‘trarion, it is this,---That an annual Increafe of Riches, of Population, fliould never deviate from the Paths of Virtue, and of fiately Buildings, both public and pri- never impoverifh himfelf by Luxury, nor im- vate, mutt prove more beneficial to the Profef- fors of the polite Arts than an annual Decreafe, ftill more, iffafter having injured hiiiifelf greatly in thefe Refpec‘ts, he would rightly apply the pr0per Medicines (that is, frame good Laws, v and fee them duly and wifely executed) he would recover from this dangerous Difeafe ; and a Depopulation, a Defertion, and a Decay. FROM hence therefore feveral Inferences of Importance may be drawn; with the principal of which I will now beg Leave to clofe my pre» then the longer he lived, the more Health and Vigour he would acquire : For Length of Days {trengthens the Confiitution of fuch a Being, fent Difcourle. AS firth-"It clearly appears, from what has been faid,that there can be no realand laiting Op- pofition between the Laws of found Morality, infiead of impairing it. and thofe of found Policy; HOWEVER, without labouring to carry the Point thus far, let us now reft the Merits of the Caufe on the general Qieftion, viz. Whether the Perfons who Ltfe this World, or thOfC . who whatever crude Opinions may be entertained to the contrary. For even in theie Cafes, where it was heretofore ufually imagined that firic‘t Morality had the Difadvantage, it is now evident, that the Fail: itlelf v Luxury or Vir ue, deferves to be adopted by neceflhrily prevent its proceeding farther. For pair his Faculties by Debauchery; nay, what is . D n And which of the two, mul't Prop, or what Boundarie- or Limits would ' s. Nay, there is no laying where it -,, and Variety. will W who abufe it, are, on the whole, to be con; fiuered as the real Patrons and i'romorers of the "Y might be Carried on from Generation to (Emma tion throughout an alinolt endlefs Progrefliom ‘ :1 V‘ i. L‘JLAu await!" M ‘VN F 8‘ 'wfifi'iv Cram, , 6‘755 '3'1," ; J '~ « i 30 i |