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Show permit, for the Security of our Rights, and the Prefervation of our Liberties. own Way, I mufi now tell you, that every Memn ber of Parliament reprefents you and me, and our lnterefts in all elfential Points, jul't as much as if we had voted for him. For though one Place, or one Set of Men may elect, and fend him up to Parliament, yet, when once he becomes a Member, he is then the equal Guardian of all. And he ought not, by the Duty of his BUT perhaps you will fay, That though it may be a Senator's Duty to regard the Whole rather than a Part, and to be the equal Protector of all -,---yet he will, in fact, regard that molt, againf't the Infii'Liétions of his Electors, if he which can beft promote his own lntereft, and fecure his Election another Time. It may be {0: For who can guard againi‘t all Poliibility of Danger? And what Syl'tem can there be devifed, but may be attended with Inconveniences and Imperfections in fome Refpeét or other ?--Neverthelefs, if your general Objection proves any thing, it proves a great deal too much : For it proves, that no Man ought to pay any Tax, fhould think in his Confcience, that what they but that only, to which the Member of his own require, is wrong in itfelf, is illegal or injurious, This Town, City, or County, hath particularly alfented : Becaufe all other Members being then being the Cafe, it therefore follows, that our Birmingham, Mam/idle", Leeds, Ha/z'frzxes, perhaps by Perlons of an oppolite Interelt, are {5°C. and your Boflcm, New-Tories, and P/zz‘lm drip/rim, are all as really, though not f0 nominally therefore not his Reprefentatives, and confequently not the true Guardians of his Property. reprefented, as any Part whatfoever of the Being therefore without a Reprefeizmtz'w in fuch a Parliament, he is under no Obligation to obey Office, to fhew a Preference to his own Town, City, or County, but in fuch Cafes only, where 3 Preference lhall not interfere with the general Good. Nay, he ought in Confcience to give his Vote in Parliament againft the Senfe, and and detrimental to the public Welfare. Britz'jn Empire: --And that each of thefe Places have in fact, inllead of one or two, not lefs than Five Hundred and Fifty-eight Guardians in the 37177.7]; Senate. A Number abundantly fufficient, as far as human Prudence can fuggefi, or the prefent imperfect State of Things will permit, Chofe by other Perfons, and not by him, and its Laws, or pay any of its Taxes. WHERE now, my Friend, will you turn? And what can you do, to extricate yourfelf from the Difficulties which arife on all Sides on this Qccafion ? You cannot turn about, and fay, that me other Reprefentatives, whom this Man never 0 3 Chore, whit)" am M13193} $23,331., jib": . 3 your Ideas, and to confute your Folly in your ‘4 [ 109 ] will!" "In, _ [ 108 ] |