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Show THE LANDED INTEREST. 74. ADDRESS AND APPEAL TO in that {tarving Condition, (which it was fore; told they fhould be) when they could f0 much exceed their ufual (and for the mof‘t‘ Part unne- ccflary) Gratifications in Spirituous Liquors, and Porter, Ale, firong Beer, and Cyder, as to raife fuch a Surplus of Revenue. And in re fpeét to the Increafe in the Coach-Tax (which was nearly 2000!.) furely this is a plain Proof 75 -portation,---the State of Parties among us, and the Growth of republican Principles, all, all confpire to prove, that we ought to get rid of fuch an onerous, dangerous, and expenfive Con- neftion as foon as poflible. In one Word, the longer the prefent Syf'lem is perfevered in, the worle Things will neceflarily grow, and the riper for Defiruétion -, it being morally impof- lible that they fhould mend; for the Fire, if likewife, that our Merchants, principal Traders, even fmothered for the prefent, will break out again with frefh Violence; and the found Parts l and Manufacturers (who were all to be infallibly ruined) are not in that melancholly Situation, as hath been foreboded of them by the American i I falfe Prophets;~l fay, the Proof is plain, fee- publicifm. iii", l W'UIIIIHm'ri' - W11 "W" -"N autumn-sf.» T_ ":7": s" ‘ l "i l‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ being tainted by the Gangrene of flmerimn Re- ing that {0 many new Carriages have been let up, inltead of the former being put down. And I think, I may take for granted, that it is the Trading, and not the Landed-intereh, which fets up mofi new Carriages. UPON the Whole therefore, and in whatever Light things are confidered, it evidently appears that we can have but little, or nothing to lofe; ‘; v of our Confiitution will be in great Danger of but mull have a great deal to get, or (which is 50: the fame thing) much to fave, and many Dan- ' gers to efcape by a total Separation from the re:bellious Provinces of North-America. The i ' v ‘ T i T Hitlory of all Nations, and of all Ages,--our l ? 1‘ own Experience refpeéting France, --the melanm cholly Situation at this Day of the once popu~ A lous and fiourifhing Kingdom of Spain,- the l : a LTQi , J prefent Demands of our Manufaétures for Ex , portation, I POSTSCRIPT" |