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Show polition there cannot be a more palpable Aba can it be fuppofed that he will be better able who, I will venture to affirm, would never fub- when the Youth is become a Man of full Age and Stature, in the Vigour of Health and Strength, and the Parent perhaps more feeble Freedom and Independence againft all foreign volted .from under the ~Iurifdicltion of the Britifl; Invaders whomfoever. Now thefe being all the Plans which, in the Nature of Things, feem capable of being pro- Leqifiature ;--»ea-:h Houfe of Afiembly hath Order. FIRST SCHEME. AND ii't, as to that which recommends the iiifl'ering all Things to go on as they have lately done, in Hopes that fome favourable Opportunity may arile hereafter for recovering the Jurifdiétion, and Vindicating the Honour of the Mother-Country. alt/gm) arrogared to themfelves a new Name, by {tiling themlelves an HOUSE or COMMONS; in Conlequence ofwhich Stile and Title, they have already declared, that the Britz'flz Houfe of Commons neither hath, nor ought to have, any Right to inter-meddle in their Concerns. Now, after they have advanced thus far already, what Rhetoric would you ufe for calling thefe Re- volters bacl; P And is it at all probable, that the Provincial Afiemblies would be induced by the Force of Oratory to renounce their own Impor- THIS firl‘t Propefal is very unhappy at firl'c tance, and to acknowledge that to be a Crime, letting out; becaufe it takes that for granted, which both they, and the People whom they re- which Hiltory and Experience prove to be falfe. It luppofes, that Col onies may becom e the more "balm": In Proportion as they are l‘uH‘cred to prefent, glory in as their Birth-right and un- grow the more headfirong, and to fins] their own , , , . nary Opinion of his own Eloquence. btrengtn and Independence; than which Suppofition alienable Prerogative? The Man who can flip- pole the-1e Things, muf't have a mofi extraordiBUT " W Fact, that the Colonies, from almof't one End of No:‘t./z»z§;;zz‘7n'ca to the other, have already re- (in ‘4 and decrepid than he was before? Befides, it is 3. Claim 5 and then by offering to guarantee this pofed, let us examine each of them in their v furdi y. For if a Father is not able to govern his Son at the Ages of 14 or 16 Years, how lhould be ill-digefied by home-born Eing/imeiz, mit to fuch an Indignity -,---then, 5thly, To propofe to feparate entirely from the Colonies, by declaring them to be a free and independent People, over whom we lay no .84. E H" Court Refidencies, either at Philadelphia or New-York, or at fome other A'merz'am imperial City.---Or if this Plan of Accommodation l lull:- [ I59 ] kA ll 2" [ I53 ] |