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Show l ‘ C' ‘ "fi‘ _ ' ' mutter",V 12715375 LA. , l Vii-unmllmmmr .uu-urnului the, p l l ., 24 ADDRESS AND APPEAL TO THE LANDED INTEREST. " nies, and Plantations {hew not the leaft Signg " of Sorrow and Contrition for their p311 " Offences, nor any Define to implore the 25 "‘ or fuppofed to belong to the Subjects of " GreaI~Britain-, and that they {hall be deemed, " Clemency of the Parent‘State, which hath in " taken, and reputed, in all Courts of Law, and " " " " all Inflances cherifhed, fupported, and proteéted them at an immenfe Expence both of Blood, and Treai‘ure; but on the contrary, continue to encreafe their hofiile Preparations " in all Refpeé‘ts whatever, to be as much Aliens " and Foreigners, and fubjeet to the fame lnca-_ " pacities, as ifthey had been Aliens born. " for oppofing, by Violence and Force of Arms, " the Execution of the Laws made by the fu- 5‘ that as far as the Nature of the Cafe Will ad» " PROVIDED neverthelefs, and to the Intent,‘ " mit, the Innocent may not be involved in the " preme Legiflature of Parliament for the due " Governance, and confiitutional Dependence ‘ of fuch fubordinate States and Provinces; " BE it therefore enacted by the Kings molt " Punilhment intended only for the Guilt}; be " it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that it " {hall and may be lawful for his Majel‘ty, and excellent Majefiy, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo‘ " grant a Pardon to a whole State, Province, ral, and of the Commons of Great-Britain in Parliament alTembled ~,~ that every {uch Pr0« Vince, Colony, and Plantation which either " for his Heirs and SucceITors, at any Time, to " " " " or Colony, now in Rebellion, under the Great Seal of the Realm; or to one or more Inha- bitant or Inhabitants thereof under the Seal Manual, and to reflore fuch Colony, or fuch now is, or at the Day of next enl‘uing {hall be found to be in Arms and Rebellion againft the Laws and Authority of the fupreme Legiflature of Great-8mm, " Perfon or Perfons to their former Rights and " Privileges, as Britiflz Subjects, when it {hall " appear to his Majel'ty in Council, that Inch 2. fhall, from and after the Time above menti~ " Petitioners is, are, or {hall be deferving of his " Royal Clemency and Favour." oned, be totally cut OH; fevered, and {spa- rated from the Britifh Empire, and that all its Inhabitants {hall be declared, and are hereby declared to have loft and forfeited all Privileges and Advantages, Benefits and Pro‘ _ teétion both by Sea and Land, belonging, " Province, or Colony, or fuch a Petitioner or SUPPOSE, I fay, fuch a Manifel‘to, or one to this Effeft, and couched under the Form or an Act of Parliament, to be proclaimed to the World concerning the Rebellion now exifiing in flmerz'm: And then I afk, what pollible Dirficulty could attend the Execution of it? Or " of D who |