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Show [ 202 ] ‘9‘» UL. n. ..4 ;. l 203 l Not to meri- tion, that in Proportion as the flmerimm lhall be obliged to exert themfelves to defend their own Coall's, in Cale of a War; in the fame Proportion fliall Great-[Wining be exonerated from that Burden, and {hall have more Ships and Men at command to protect her own Channel Trade, and for other Services. Legiflature, where there is no Liberty of the Prefs, and where General Warrants and Laura: J65 rat/rm are z'rnfg'fizfle,--in order to enjoy greater Freedoms than they have at prefent, and to be refeued from the intolerable Yoke, under which they now groan. What monllrous Abfurdities are thefe I But even this is not all: For thefe flmerirmzs are reprefented by this Suppofition, as not only preferring a From; Government to THE 3d Objeétion is, That if we were to (rive a Briliflz, but even to a Government of their up thefe Colonies, the Freer/2 would take tim=mediate Pofi'eflion of them. Now this Ob- awn model/{fig mid [/IZéJWg'! For after they are let free from any Submii'lion to their MotherCountry; after they are told, that for the fu- ture they muf't endeavour to pleafe themltlves, feeing we cannot pleale them; then, inll'ead of attempting to frame any popular Governments for redrefling thofe Evils, of which they now jec'tion is entirely built on the following very Wild, very extravagant, and abliird Suppolitionh Ill, IT litppofes, that the Colonifls themfelves, who cannot brook our Government, would like a Fi‘t'lfi'f/A one much better. Crmt-Briicifl, itfeems, doth not grant them Liberty enough; and therefore they have Recourfe to Fin/"166 to obtain more :---That is, in plain Englzflz, our mild 'andhhmitted Government, where Prerogative IS aleertained by Law, where every Man is at Liberty to feel; for I{edrels, and where p0pular Clamours too often carry every Thing before them,---is neverthelefs too fevere, EOO «impreffive, and too tyrannical for the Spirits and Genius of zazerimm to bear; and therefore {0 bitterly complain,--~they are reprefented as throwing themfelves at once into the Arms of France ~,---the Republican Spirit is to fubfide; the Do€trine of pallive Obedience and Nonrefil'tance is to liieceed ; and, infiead of fetting Up for Freedom and Independence, they are t0 glory in having the Honour of being nums 0163' Will apply to an arbitrary, delpotic Govern- bered among the Slaves of the Grand Monarch ! BUT 2dly, this lVIatter may be further confidered in another Point of View: For if it filould be faid, that the flmericmzs might fiill mcm: where the People have no Share in the retain their Republican Spirit, tho' they {ub- Le ' Ce 2 mitted t a Panic, and has no Foundation. - So that this Suppolition is merely . 3w" L.A A «4 Fil‘ nution : |