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Show fix Millions at lealt of the Inhabitants of Greg!Britaifla are fiill unreprefented in the Britij/z Parliament. And this Omifiion arifes, not from the Neceflity of the Cafe, not from confulting lnterel't and Convenience as with you, but from original Ideas of Gothic Valialage,---from various Cafualties and Accidents,---from Changes in the Nature of Property,---from the Alteration ments, and which diipoie of the Fate of Kings and Kingdoms abroad, have not fo much as a fingle Member, or even a fingle Vote, qzmtmm, aCompany, to watch over their Interells at home. What likewife {hall we fay in regard to the prodigious Number of Stock-holders in our public Funds? And may 'inot their Property, perhaps little fhort of ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS Sterling, as much deferve to be reprefented in of Times and Circumltances,---and from a thoufand other Caulbs. Thus, for Example, in the great Metropolis, and in many other Cities, landed Property itfelf hath no Repre"DIN/nu, "UK .. . fentative in Parliament; Copyholds and Leafeholds of various Kinds have none likewife, though of ever [0 great a Value. This you yourfelf very well know; becaufe when you were here laf't, you knew, that I was poffelied of confiderable landed Property in London, and of feveral Copyholds and beneficial Leafeholds in the Country, and yet that I never had a Vote. Moreover, in fome Towns neither Freedom, nor Birth-right, nor the ferving of an Apprenticelhip, {hall entitle a Man to give his Vote, though they may enable him to let up a Trade: Parliament, as the fcattered Townfhips, or {haggling Houfes of fome of your Provinces in America ? Yet we raife no Commotions -, we neither ring the Alarm-Bell, nor found the Trumpet , but fubmit to be taxed without being reprefented, and taxed too, let me tell you, for your Sakes. Witnefs the additional Duties on our Lands, Windows, Houfes; alfo on our Malt, Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perry, Wines, Brandy, Rum, CofiEe, Chocolate, 6:. £996. 69%. for de- fraying the Expences of the late War,---not for- getting the grievous StamprDuty itfelf. All this, Ifay, we fubmitted to, when you were, or at leafi, when you pretended to be, in great Diflrefs; fo that neither Men, almof't to the lull Drop of Blood we could fpill,---nor Money, In other Towns the molt numerous, the mofl to the laft Piece of Coin, were fpared: But all populous, and flourilhing of any, there are no Freedoms or Votes of any Sort; but all is Open; and none are reprefented. And befides all this, it is well known, that the great Edfl- when you cried out for Help. Iflditl Cdmpany, which have fuch val't Settle- traordinary, as not to be parallelled in Hiltory. Q It. ments, was granted away, all was made a Sacrifice, And the Debt which we contracted on this Occalion, is fo ex- Ara-"rm mlml‘fiwfldhflflr [ 105 ] [ 104 i |