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Show ,.= U BUT after all, there is one Thing more, to which I mull make fome Reply." many, perhaps moi": of my Readers, will be apt to afk,~--VVhat is all this about? And what doth this Author really mean? --Can he ferioufly think, that becaufe he hath taken fueh Pains to prove a Separation to be a right ‘Meafure, that therefore we {hall feparate in good Earnefl? And is he ftill f0 much a Novice as not to know, that Meafures are rarely ad0pted merely beeaufe they are right, but becaufe they can ferve a prefent Turn ?--- becaufe it would deprive them of one of their molt plentiful Sources for Clamour and Detraétion: And yet I have oblerved', and have myfelf had fome Experience, that Meafures evidently right will prevail at laflz: Therefore I make not the leall Doubt but that a Separation from the northern Colonies, and alfo another right Meafure, 'vz'z. a complete Union and Imorpomtion with Ire/and (however unpopular either of them may now appear) will both take Place within half a Century:---And perhaps that which happens to be firfl accomplilhed, will greatly accelerate the Accomplifhment of the other. alked, What prefent Indeed almofi: all People are apt to fiartle at firll: at bold Truths :-----But it is obfervable, that in Proportion as they grow Convenience or Advantage doth he- propofe familiarized to them, and can fee and con- Therefore let it be either to Adminif'rration, or to Anti-Admio it, all that he has {aid will pafs for no- fider them from different Points of View, their Fears fubfide, and they become reconciled by Degrees :---Nay, it is not an uncommon Thing for them to adopt thofe fa- thing. lutary Meafilres nif'tration, by the Execution of his Plan P--This is coming to the Point, and without I frankly acknowledge, II prepofe no 1W- fen: Convenience or Advantage to either; nay, I firmly believe, that no Minil'ter, as Things are now circumitanced, will dare to do afterwards with as much Zeal and Ardor as they had rejeéted them before with Anger and Indignation. NEED I add, That the Man, who will have Refolution enough to advance any hold on .mn'linm. do fo much Good to his Country; and as to the Herd of Anti-Minifiers, they, I an: perfuaded, would not wilh to fee it done; ' [ 213 ] v N ‘ ‘NHXEMEUVVVCE' -. h,TSli‘l uu "1,-. we: stirn‘ " a. ten. '~ ,« ""st ‘ [r212 ] will learn Wifdom by the Milcarriages and ‘Sufl‘flerings of thefe unhappy People; and that from henceforward they will revere the Authority of a Government, which has the fewell: -Faults, and grants the greatefl: Liberty, of any yet known upon Earth. |